Judith Borghouts, Elizabeth Eikey, Gloria Mark, Cinthia De Leon, Stephen M Schueller, Margaret Schneider, Nicole Stadnick, Kai Zheng, Dana Mukamel, Dara H Sorkin
Scientia Sinica Informationis, founded in 2009, is a journal supervised by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the National Natural Science Foundation of China. The journal strives to publish Chinese articles of the highest academic level in the field of information science, and report original results of basic and applied research in computer science and technology, control science and control engineering, communication and information systems, electronic science and technology. It promotes the development of information science and technology, builds a bridge between theory and technology application, and promotes cross-fertilisation with various disciplines and industries. The journal is published monthly on the 20th of each month.
Scientia Sinica Informationis is currently indexed in SCOPUS, China Science Citation Database (CSCD), CITIC Core Journals of Chinese Science and Technology (Source Journals of Chinese Science and Technology Papers Statistics), Chinese Core Journals (Beida Core), China Science and Technology Papers and Citation Database (CSTPC), and so on. Database (CSTPC).