In the past, studies have been reported on the novel stifel prosthesis (SP) to address the patella luxation (PL) issues for different ages/breeds of canine. However, less has been reported on 3D printed SP as an Internet of Things (IoT) solution for online health monitoring of caine post-PL surgery. This study reports the investigations on novel 3D-printed SP for online health monitoring post-PL surgery in line with the microstrip patch antenna (MPA) concept. The study suggests the proposed solution has an acceptable rate at which energy is absorbed by the human body when exposed to an electromagnetic field (specific absorption ratio (SAR) of 1.4 W/kg). Also, the resonance frequency (Rf) (for efficiently receiving and radiating electromagnetic energy) was observed as 3.61 GHz with insertion loss (S11) -25.25 dB while normal functioning/ movement of the patella in the trochlear grove. The shift in Rf was observed for the movement of a sliding component fabricated by 3D printing of poly-lectic acid (PLA) using fused filament fabrication (FFF) in the cage/ race of 17 − 4 precipitate hardened (PH) stainless steel (SS) fabricated by direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) to mimic medial/ lateral PL. The Rf was observed as 3.82 GHz (S11 -24.26dB) and 3.79 GHz (S11 -12.88 dB) for medial and lateral PL, respectively.