This study was carried out from 6 th December 2008 to 5 th April 2009 . In order to ascertain the drinking water quality in Hilla city for human consumption, bacteriological and physiochemical characterizations were evaluated. The data for bacterial counts showed that the total aerobic bacteria count (TAB) were between 0-70 /100ml, total coliform (TC) 0-2/100ml , fecal coliform (FC) 0-2/100ml , fecal streptococci (FS) 0-2/100ml , while for physiochemical analysis revealed that the chlorine were between 3-5.8 mg/L, turbidity 2.8 7.5 NTU, pH 6.9 7.5 and biological oxygen demand (BOD) 3.1 14.8 mg/L. These findings indicated that the water after treatment at the plants was suitable for human drinking, but at the points of use in houses was unsuitable for drinking during the study period. Introduction : Drinking water quality has always been a major issue in many countries, especially in developing countries and the high quality of water sources were required for drinking purpose (Assembly of Life Sciences, 1977). Good drinking water quality is essential for the well being of all people. Unfortunately in many countries around the world, some drinking water supplies have become contaminated, which has impacted on the health and economic status of the populations (Anonymous, 1992). Contaminants such as bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, nitrates and salt have find their way into water supplies as a result of inadequate treatment and disposal of waste, industrial discharges, and over-use of limited water resources (Amund and Odubella ,1991). The proportion of waterborne disease outbreaks associated with the distribution system failures has been increased over the years (Moe and Rheingans, 2006). So, water is unfit for drinking if there is any coliform bacteria (Edema et al., 2001), According to the data of WHO (2006) approximately, 250 thousand of people die every day all over the world due to diseases (typhoid, cholera, dysentery, etc.) caused by unhealthy water usage. The problems in water sources have become directly one of the most important problems in human lives (Kosek et al.,2003). The main subject to supply the water is attainability and the development of management strategies and the efficient developing cost of water providing systems (Prasai et al.,2007). Every person needs approximately 2 liters of clean drinking water and this amount reaches to approximately 12 millions m 3 /day for the world population (Yassi et al.,2001). Considering the above facts, the present research was undertaken to determine the bacteriological contamination indicators and physiochemical analysis of drinking water after treatment at the plants and the points of use in the houses of Hilla city. Materials and Methods 1. Collection of samples The drinking water samples of plants and points of use in houses were collected bimonthly from the taps of stations as mentioned in Table 1 . Samples for bacteriological analysis were collected according to APHA (1998) using steri
本研究于2008年12月6日至2009年4月5日进行。为了确定希拉市供人类饮用的饮用水水质,对其进行了细菌学和理化评价。细菌计数结果显示,好氧菌总数(TAB)为0 ~ 70个/100ml,总大肠菌群(TC)为0 ~ 2/100ml,粪大肠菌群(FC)为0 ~ 2/100ml,粪链球菌(FS)为0 ~ 2/100ml;理化分析结果显示,氯含量为3 ~ 5.8 mg/L,浊度为2.8 7.5 NTU, pH值为6.9 7.5,生物需氧量(BOD)为3.1 14.8 mg/L。这些结果表明,在研究期间,工厂处理后的水适合人类饮用,但在家庭使用点不适合饮用。导言:饮用水质量一直是许多国家的一个主要问题,特别是在发展中国家,饮用水需要高质量的水源(生命科学大会,1977)。良好的饮用水质量对所有人的健康至关重要。不幸的是,在世界上许多国家,一些饮用水供应受到污染,影响到人口的健康和经济状况(无名氏,1992年)。细菌、病毒、重金属、硝酸盐和盐等污染物由于废物处理和处置不当、工业排放和过度使用有限的水资源而进入供水系统(Amund和Odubella,1991年)。多年来,与供水系统故障有关的水传播疾病暴发的比例有所增加(Moe和Rheingans, 2006年)。因此,如果有大肠菌群存在,水就不适合饮用(水肿等,2001年)。根据世界卫生组织(2006年)的数据,全世界每天约有25万人死于不健康用水引起的疾病(伤寒、霍乱、痢疾等)。水源问题已经直接成为人类生活中最重要的问题之一(Kosek et al.,2003)。供水的主要问题是可获得性和管理策略的发展以及供水系统的有效开发成本(Prasai et al.,2007)。每个人大约需要2升清洁饮用水,世界人口每天的饮水量约为1200万立方米(Yassi等人,2001年)。考虑到上述事实,本研究是在希拉市的工厂和家庭使用点进行处理后的饮用水的细菌污染指标和物理化学分析。材料与方法样本收集植物和家庭用水点的饮用水样本每两个月从表1所述的站点的水龙头中收集。细菌学分析用无菌硼硅玻璃瓶,按照APHA(1998)的规定收集,巴比伦大学理学院生物系1;2巴比伦大学妇女科学学院生物系;巴别塔水利理事会。第一届国际会议研究(巴比伦和拉兹大学)(2011)821 ISSN 2072-3875无菌条件下,水从内部水龙头流出几分钟,然后填充样品容器,然后运输到冷藏袋中,然后在实验室进行分析。24小时内。同时,在样品收集过程中测量了样品的氯、浊度、pH和BOD (APHA, 1998)。表1。本研究中使用的站点的数量和名称。站没有。站点名称1新Hilla植物2旧Eltayara植物3 Burnun植物4 Al Imam植物5 Al Kafl植物6 Bab Al Hussien使用点7 Al Tahmaziyah使用点8 Burnun使用点9 Al Imam使用点10 Al Kafl使用点细菌学分析几种培养基用于分离细菌,如营养琼脂(氧化),用于总需氧细菌计数。麦康基琼脂(Himedia)用于大肠菌群计数,脑心灌注琼脂(Himedia)用于粪便链球菌计数。这些培养基在121℃的高压灭菌器中灭菌15分钟。样品在制备好的培养基上一式两份培养,37℃有氧培养TBC、TC和FS。而FC则是45℃。根据APHA(1998)的描述,对菌落进行计数并以每100毫升(cfu/100ml)样品的菌落形成单位表示。为鉴定细菌进行了各种生化试验(Macfaddin, 2000年)。2理化分析取样时,pH值采用HANA数字pH计结合玻璃电极测定,浊度采用HACH 2100p浊度计测定,氯含量采用HACH DPD测氯法测定,BOD采用Winkler溶液光度法测定(APHA1998)。 本研究对希拉市不同站点的水样进行了细菌学和理化分析,结果见表1。细菌学分析结果(表2)显示,处理后的工厂饮用水样品未被细菌污染,因为TAB, TC, FC和FS细菌的数量与世界卫生组织(2006)相似,而从家庭使用点收集的样品则被细菌污染。供水系统中大肠菌群的潜在来源是由于水处理过程的不理想操作或分配系统集成中的裂缝污染的进入(Prasai et al.,2007)。这些问题包括,例如,服务水库上的泄漏口,通过空气阀的污染,第一届国际会议研究(巴比伦和拉兹大学)(2011)831 ISSN 2072-3875和截止阀,渗透到管道和服务水库,交叉连接和回流影响。所有饮用水水龙头水样的理化分析结果见表3。所有样品中的氯含量都很高,因为新希拉和老埃尔塔亚拉植物的pH值也很高。这些参数值低于世界卫生组织(2006年)的标准值。目前的研究发现,饮用水的pH值在6.9到7.5之间。一般来说,水中获得的低pH值可能是由于游离二氧化碳含量高,从而可能影响细菌计数(水肿等人,2001年)。为了进行有效的氯化,pH值应小于8.0,并且必须加以控制,以尽量减少对水管和管道的腐蚀(Soylak et al.,2002)。世界卫生组织(2006)饮用水质量指南表明,饮用水的pH值范围应在6.5至8.0之间。浊度值在2.8 ~ 7.5 NTU之间,最小浊度值在New Hilla工厂(2.8 NTU),最大浊度值在Al Tahmaziyah家庭水龙头(7.5 NTU)。所有样品的浊度值均低于世卫组织(2006年)的允许限值。浊度代表了水质的一个重要方面,它似乎是由于悬浮在其中的颗粒物质造成的液体的浑浊。值得注意的是,悬浮固体会干扰有效的氯化/消毒,并有助于屏蔽细菌(Asano, 2007)。此外,悬浮物也可以作为细菌附着的地方(Hurst, 1996)。氯的值从3毫克/升到5.8毫克/升不等,根据世卫组织(2006年),饮用水中氯的允许浓度限制为0.2毫克/升至0.6毫克/升。数据显示,所有的饮用水样本都含有高浓度的氯。BOD范围为3.1 ~ 14.8 mg/L,这一结果记录在Burnun、Al Imam、Al Kafl植物和这些植物的利用点,BOD水平在10 ~ 10 mg/L之间。BOD测量微生物氧化水样中存在的有机物所使用的氧气量(Nielsen, 2003)。BOD水平< 4mg/L的水被认为是干净的,而bb10 mg/L的水被认为是不安全的(APHA,1998)。本研究结果表明,使用点的某些样品受到大肠菌群和粪便链球菌的污染,而其他水样(植物用水)则在世界卫生组织(2006年)的允许限度内。植物饮用水样品中理化分析的浓度低于世界卫生组织(2006年)给出的饮用水指南值,而使用点的值高于世界卫生组织(2006年)的值。因此,在希拉市研究期间,监测站住宅用水点处理后的水不适合人类饮用。第一届国际学术会议研究(巴比伦和拉兹大学)(2011)838 ISSN 2072-3875表2。饮用水的细菌学分析。站没有。枣细菌(cfu/100ml) 6.12.2008 5.1.2009 11.2.2009 5.3.2009 5.4。
{"title":"Bacteriological and Physiochemical Analysis of Drinking Water in Hilla City , Iraq","authors":"Abed Albary Kuder, N. Tawfiq, H. Naji","doi":"10.2139/ssrn.3567843","DOIUrl":"","url":null,"abstract":"This study was carried out from 6 th December 2008 to 5 th April 2009 . In order to ascertain the drinking water quality in Hilla city for human consumption, bacteriological and physiochemical characterizations were evaluated. The data for bacterial counts showed that the total aerobic bacteria count (TAB) were between 0-70 /100ml, total coliform (TC) 0-2/100ml , fecal coliform (FC) 0-2/100ml , fecal streptococci (FS) 0-2/100ml , while for physiochemical analysis revealed that the chlorine were between 3-5.8 mg/L, turbidity 2.8 7.5 NTU, pH 6.9 7.5 and biological oxygen demand (BOD) 3.1 14.8 mg/L. These findings indicated that the water after treatment at the plants was suitable for human drinking, but at the points of use in houses was unsuitable for drinking during the study period. Introduction : Drinking water quality has always been a major issue in many countries, especially in developing countries and the high quality of water sources were required for drinking purpose (Assembly of Life Sciences, 1977). Good drinking water quality is essential for the well being of all people. Unfortunately in many countries around the world, some drinking water supplies have become contaminated, which has impacted on the health and economic status of the populations (Anonymous, 1992). Contaminants such as bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, nitrates and salt have find their way into water supplies as a result of inadequate treatment and disposal of waste, industrial discharges, and over-use of limited water resources (Amund and Odubella ,1991). The proportion of waterborne disease outbreaks associated with the distribution system failures has been increased over the years (Moe and Rheingans, 2006). So, water is unfit for drinking if there is any coliform bacteria (Edema et al., 2001), According to the data of WHO (2006) approximately, 250 thousand of people die every day all over the world due to diseases (typhoid, cholera, dysentery, etc.) caused by unhealthy water usage. The problems in water sources have become directly one of the most important problems in human lives (Kosek et al.,2003). The main subject to supply the water is attainability and the development of management strategies and the efficient developing cost of water providing systems (Prasai et al.,2007). Every person needs approximately 2 liters of clean drinking water and this amount reaches to approximately 12 millions m 3 /day for the world population (Yassi et al.,2001). Considering the above facts, the present research was undertaken to determine the bacteriological contamination indicators and physiochemical analysis of drinking water after treatment at the plants and the points of use in the houses of Hilla city. Materials and Methods 1. Collection of samples The drinking water samples of plants and points of use in houses were collected bimonthly from the taps of stations as mentioned in Table 1 . Samples for bacteriological analysis were collected according to APHA (1998) using steri","PeriodicalId":101895,"journal":{"name":"Euphrates Journal of Agriculture Science","volume":"5 1","pages":"0"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"1900-01-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"128091004","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}