Identity in. Post-Communist Balkan State: An Albania Village Study. Douglas Saltmarshe .Ashgate: Aldershot, Burlington USA, Singapore, Sydney, 2001. 237pp.
Identity in. Post-Communist Balkan State: An Albania Village Study. Douglas Saltmarshe .Ashgate: Aldershot, Burlington USA, Singapore, Sydney, 2001. 237pp.
Muslim Europe or Euro-Islam: Politics, Culture, and Citizenship in the Age of Globalization. AlSayyad, Nezar and Manuel Castells. eds. Lexington Books: London, 2002. 204 pp. ISBN. 7391 0338 5.
The Globalization of Charismatic Christianity: Spreading the Gospel of Prosperity. Simon Coleman. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. 2000.264pp. ISBN 0-521-66072-6 (hardback),
Motivation in Language Planning and Language Policy. Dennis Ager. Multilingual Matters LTD: Clevedon 2001 21 ODD
. World of Fine Difference: The Social Architecture of. Modern Irish Village. Adrian Peace University College Dublin Press/Dufour Editions: Dublin. 2001. 158pp. ISBN -1 -900621 -60-6 (paper),. -900621 -59-2 (cloth).