A table of the SU3 representations contained in a given Young diagram specifying the irreducible representations of the orbital group U6 is constructed for all possible partitions in the 2s-1d shell.
A table of the SU3 representations contained in a given Young diagram specifying the irreducible representations of the orbital group U6 is constructed for all possible partitions in the 2s-1d shell.
Values of the effective mass B2 and the stiffness parameter C2 for quadrupole vibration of even—even spherical nuclei have been computed from the B (E 2) values and energies of first 2+ states adopted by Stelson and Gredzins. A comparison of these with values predicted by a liquiddrop model shows B2 an order of magnitude larger than the predictions. The value of C2 is usually less than the prediction but at magic numbers is many times greater.
A tabulation is given of γ-ray energies which are suitable for calibrating high-resolution γ-ray spectrometers. Data from studies of both radioactive sources and nuclear reactions are included, allowing precision calibration in the range 25 keV < Eγ < 11 MeV.
An objective comparison of the various two-parameter models proposed for the description of rotational states in even-even nuclei is carried out to assess the reliability of their extrapolation for prediction of as yet unobserved levels. The comparison involving energy ratios E(I)/E(2) contains no arbitrarily adjustable parameters. The semi-empirical formula is seen to give the best fit. A least-squares fit to observed levels with this formula gives a rms deviation of better than 0.5% in nearly all cases. The calculated values of the rotational constants A and B, and the predicted energies of rotational levels with spin up to I = 16 are tabulated.
Graphs are presented of recent values for the separation energy of a given neutron versus mass number, Sn (isotonic), and for a given proton versus neutron number, Sp (isotopic). The graphs confirm the fact, pointed out by Yamada and Matumoto in 1961, that the separation energy of the n th proton increases monotonically (except for oddeven effects) as the neutron number is increased, showing little, if any, discontinuity at magic neutron numbers. An analogous statement can be made for the separation energy of the n th neutron as the proton number is increased. Extrapolation by means of the graphs should, therefore, be particularly reliable since it is essentially magic-number independent. Data available in the summer of 1967 have been considered.
Values of the internal conversion coefficient, number of electrons per photon emitted in a nuclear transition, are presented from a new relativistic self-consistent-field calculation which takes into account finite nuclear size, hole and exchange effects, experimental electron binding energies, and vacuum polarization. Coefficients are given for each value of Z; for K, L, and M electron shells and L- and M-sub-shells; for nuclear-transition multipolarities E1…E4, M1…M4; and for various nuclear-transition energies up to 1500 keV. A program for finding values for other energies by spline interpolation is appended.