The uses of optical and electronic attenuation techniques are compared in the determination of the residual time walks in a constant fraction discriminator.
The uses of optical and electronic attenuation techniques are compared in the determination of the residual time walks in a constant fraction discriminator.
An experimental program on proton-proton scattering is presently running at SIN. This article gives technical details of the instruments and equipment employed. It reviews, in particular, the SIN polarized proton beam, the large scale equipment, the LH2 and the polarized targets, the detectors, the electronics, the on-line computer and the different basic layouts. Possibly this material could be split into separated articles. However, we find it more valuable to present here a complete picture which reflects the “state of the art”.
A high accuracy analogue device for particle identification of heavy ions using the time-of-flight of the ions and their energy or their position in the focal plane of a magnetic spectrometer is described.
The TAYRA code was developed to calculate the efficiency of organic scintillators for neutrons in the energy range 0.08–15 MeV. The algorithm uses the Monte Carlo method and considers, for the simulation, elastic scattering on hydrogen and carbon, inelastic scattering on carbon, and the reactions . The code is written in FORTRAN IV. The results obtained using TAYRA are compared with experimental and calculated efficiency data.
Beam emittance of the magnetron negative ion source has been measured for various emission slit apertures under different operating conditions of the source. Both vertical and horizontal normalized emittances are obtained.
Accuracy of the concentric ring geometry for fast neutron monitoring is verified by activating concentric rings and discs, which were made of copper, and measuring the neutron fluxes using the 63Cu(n, 2n)62Cu reaction. Consistent results were obtained using 3H(d, n)4He neutrons from Van de Graaff and Dynamitron accelerators. In addition, 12.9–15.9 MeV neutrons were used to measure the excitation function for the 121Sb(n, 2n)120gSb reaction and the ratios of 63Cu(n, 2n)62Cu and 27Al(n, p)27Mg reaction cross-sections, which were used for neutron energy determination. The investigation includes also a novel gamma ray counting method for the determination of the antimony cross-section, and recommendations for establishing the concentric ring technique as a standard.
Beam behavior in a single-pass collision device has been investigated using a cloud-in-cells plasma simulation code. The intense electromagnetic fields of the beams produce mutual focusing effects whose strength is determined by the disruption parameter D. The consequent decrease in the beam radii causes an increase in the luminosity of a single collision. The dependences of the beam behavior on beam profiles and current density are described. The beam behavior is stable for several plasma oscillations and indicates that high luminosity can be achieved in single-pass collision devices by using intense beams.