The thiol redox status of intracellular and extracellular compartments is critical in the determination of protein structure, regulation of enzyme activity, and control of transcription factor activity and binding. Thiol antioxidants act through a variety of mechanisms, including (1) as components of the general thiol/disulfide redox buffer, (2) as metal chelators, (3) as radical quenchers, (4) as substrates for specific redox reactions (GSH), and (5) as specific reductants of individual protein disulfate bonds (thioredoxin). The composition and redox status of the available thiols in a given compartment is highly variable and must play a part in determining the metabolic activity of each compartment. It is generally beneficial to increase the availability of specific antioxidants under conditions of oxidant stress. Cells have devised a number of mechanisms to promote increased intracellular levels of thiols such as GSH and thioredoxin in response to a wide variety of stresses. Exogenous thiols have been used successfully to increase cell and tissue thiol levels in cell cultures, in animal models, and in humans. Increased levels of GSH and other thiols have been associated with increased tolerance to oxidant stresses in all of these systems and in some cases, with disease prevention or treatment in humans. A wide variety of thiol-related compounds have been used for these purposes. These include thiols such as GSH and its derivatives, cysteine and NAC, dithiols such as lipoic acid, which is reduced to the thiol form intracellularly, and "prothiol" compounds such as OTC, which are enzymatically converted to free thiols within the cell. In choosing a thiol for a specific function (e.g., protection of lung from oxidant exposure or protection of organs from ischemia reperfusion injury), the global effects must also be considered. For example, large increases in free thiols in the circulation are associated with toxic effects. These effects may be the result of thiyl radical-mediated reactions but could also be due to destabilizing effects of increases in thiol/disulfide ratios in the plasma, which normally is in a more oxidized state than intracellular compartments. Changes in the thiol redox gradient across cells could also adversely affect any transport or cell signaling processes, which are dependent on formation and rupture of disulfide linkages in membrane proteins. Therapeutic thiol administration has been shown to have great potential, and its efficacy should be increased by selecting compounds and methods of delivery that will minimize perturbations in the thiol status of regions external to the targeted areas.
The activity of NF-kappa B is critically involved in the inflammatory activation of endothelial cells and their adhesiveness and also appears to regulate apoptosis in SMC by coordinating antiapoptotic programs. The activity of NF-kappa B has been revealed within human atheromas or following angioplasty but not in undiseased arteries. Hence, the inhibition of NF-kappa B mobilization by antioxidative or anti-inflammatory agents or by adenoviral I kappa B alpha overexpression, as reviewed herein, may act in concert to suppress endothelial activation and to induce SMC apoptosis. This synergistic concept may be a vasoprotective approach to prevent atherogenesis and restenosis by attenuating inflammatory reactions and SMC proliferation in nascent and progressing atherosclerotic lesions, as well as in developing neointima formations following angioplasty.
Antioxidants are substances that delay or prevent the oxidation of cellular oxidizable substrates. The various antioxidants exert their effect by scavenging superoxide or by activating a battery of detoxifying/defensive proteins. In this chapter, we have focused on the mechanisms by which antioxidants induce gene expression. Many xenobiotics (e.g., beta-naphthoflavone) activate genes similar to those activated by antioxidants. The promoters of these genes contain a common cis-element, termed the antioxidant response element (ARE), which contains two TRE (TPA response element) or TRE-like elements followed by GC box. Mutational studies have identified GTGAC***GC as the core of the ARE sequence. Many transcription factors, including Nrf, Jun, Fos, Fra, Maf, YABP, ARE-BP1, Ah (aromatic hydrocarbon) receptor, and estrogen receptor bind to the ARE from the various genes. Among these factors, Nrf-Jun heterodimers positively regulate ARE-mediated expression and induction of genes in response to antioxidants and xenobiotics. This Nrf-Jun heterodimerization and binding to the ARE requires unknown cytosolic factors. The mechanism of signal transduction from antioxidants and xenobiotics includes several steps: (1) Antioxidants and xenobiotics undergo metabolism to generate superoxide and related reactive species, leading to the generation of a signal to activate expression of detoxifying/defensive genes. (2) The generation of superoxide and related reactive species is followed by activation of yet to be identified cytosolic factors by unknown mechanism(s). (3). Activated cytosolic factors catalyze modification of Nrf and/or Jun proteins, which bind to the ARE in promoters of the various detoxifying/defensive genes. (4) The transcription of genes encoding detoxifying/defensive proteins is increased. The unknown cytosolic factors are significant molecules because they represent the oxidative sensors within the cells. Identification of the cytosolic factors will be of considerable importance in the field of antioxidants and gene regulation research. Future studies will also be required to completely understand the molecular mechanism of signal transduction from antioxidants and xenobiotics to Nrf-Jun. In addition to the Nrf-Jun pathway, mammalian cells also contain other pathways that activate gene expression in response to oxidative stress. These include NF-KB-, HIF-1-, Mac-1-, and SRF-mediated pathways. It is expected that collectively these pathways increase transcription of more than four dozen genes to protect cells against oxidative stress.
The HO-1 isoenzyme is an early stress response gene regulated by many forms of oxidative stress. The HO-2 isoenzyme is predominantly a constitutive enzyme, which may serve to sequester heme as well as degrade it. All HO enzyme activity results in the degradation of heme and the production of antioxidant bile pigments, which would favor an antioxidant role for the enzyme. In fact, in oxidative stress in vitro, HO-1 is protective (91-94) but within a narrow threshold of overexpression (93,94) in some models, since iron released in the HO reaction may obviate any cytoprotective effect (Fig. 3). So far, HO-2 appears to be beneficial in oxygen toxicity in vivo, but the consequences of HO-2 overexpression have not yet been tested. It will be important to better define the role of each HO isoenzyme in oxidative stress so as to determine whether enhancing these complex systems could alleviate some of the cellular changes seen as a result of oxidative injury. Furthermore, prior to considering therapeutic maneuvers to enhance HO, a complete understanding of the physiologic consequences of HO-1 induction and associated reactions, in each particular setting, will be crucial.