Malignancy in heart transplant recipients is a grave complication. Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD) is the second most common tumour in adults and commonest in children. The incidence varies with the transplanted organ from 1 to 2% following kidney transplantation to as high as 10% following thoracic organ transplantation due to different immunosuppression intensity. PTLD include a wide spectrum of diseases ranging from benign proliferation of lymphoid tissue to frank malignancy with aggressive behaviour (lymphoma). Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection and prolonged immunosuppressant therapy are implicated in the pathogenesis of PTLD. The incidence of PTLD varies from 2.6% at 1 year to 28% at 10 years post-transplant. Seronegativity for EBV in recipients with seropositive donors increases the risk of PTLD in recipients. The majority of early-onset PTLDs (85%) are of B-cell origin and associated with EBV. Timely and accurate diagnosis with histological examination of lymphoid tissue is essential for early intervention. Reduction of immunosuppressive therapy (IST) and rituximab usually are effective in remission of PTLD. In resistant cases, chemotherapy is given with or without rituximab. Adoptive T-cell transfer represents a promising therapeutic approach. Early PTLD respond well to lowering immunosuppression and has a favourable prognosis compared to late PTLD. Five-year survival is 30% for high-grade lymphomas. The prognosis of EBV-negative lymphomas is worse. One out of 40 heart transplant recipients followed up in our centre developed PTLD. He was treated to remission and we describe this case here.
Immune thrombocytopenia in association with rheumatic heart disease is not commonly seen. Surgical management of rheumatic heart disease becomes more challenging in the presence of immune thrombocytopenia. The risk of complications increases manifold and judicious medical management before, during, and after surgery is imperative. We discuss two such cases, the complications we faced and the problems we anticipated before, and their prevention. Both patients were managed without using immunoglobulins or doing splenectomy. The literature on valve replacement in patients of immune thrombocytopenia and the implications of immune thrombocytopenia in the management of patients with rheumatic heart disease is also reviewed.