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Goodbye International Journal of Andrology, welcome Andrology! 再见国际男科杂志,欢迎男科!
Pub Date : 2012-11-21 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01304.x
E. Rajpert-De Meyts, R. Eliasson, F. H. Comhaire, N. E. Skakkebæk, R. M. Sharpe, J. Toppari

This issue of the International Journal of Andrology (IJA) is the last one. The reason for its disappearance is quite unprecedented: the two top journals in the field of andrology, IJA and its American counterpart, Journal of Andrology (JA) have decided to join forces rather than continue competing against each other. This historical move will undoubtedly strengthen the combined journal and the transatlantic collaboration between the two societies endorsing the two journals: the European Academy of Andrology (EAA) and the American Society of Andrology (ASA).

In this editorial, written jointly by the founder and long-term chairman of the IJA publication committee, and the current and former chief editors, we look back at the history of the journal and its achievements. A bit of bibliometric data are presented to reflect on the most discussed and cited topics during the journal’s existence. It is noteworthy that the current year, 2012, marks two anniversaries: 35 years of IJA and 20 years of EAA. Round anniversaries are a good excuse to look back but they are also a perfect opportunity for good wishes for the future.

The beginning of ‘organized andrology’ in Europe dates back to 1968 when I initiated the European Andrology Group, supported by Schering AG (Schirren & Toyosi, 1970). Independently, in 1970, a few clinicians and scientists interested in the development of andrology, from Barcelona, Spain, and Buenos Aires, Argentina, created the Comité Internaçional de Andrologia (CIDA), with Antoni Puigvert (Barcelona) and Roberto Mancini (Buenos Aires) elected as Presidents. The two groups learned about each other’s activities in 1970 when Mancini and I met at a Nobel Symposium on ‘Control of human fertility’ in Stockholm, Sweden. In 1972, CIDA arranged a meeting in Barcelona and I was elected as the next president. During CIDA’s initial years, financial support for its activities and congresses was provided by the Fundaçio Puigvert, run by an administrative board (Drs A. Aakvaag, W. Bardin, D. de Kretser, R. Eliasson and Miss M. Marti). Andrologia was used as the official journal but it served also as the official publication for the German Society of Andrology. After the First International Congress of Andrology organized in Barcelona (1975), CIDA decided to create its own journal and the first volume of IJA was published in 1978.

At the Second International Congress of Andrology in Tel Aviv (1981), CIDA was – as planned long before – transformed into the International Society of Andrology (ISA) with Eberhard (Ebo) Nieschlag as president. However, at that stage, it was not possible to transfer IJA to ISA as two of its member societies already had their own journals. Fundaçio Puigvert accepted to keep CIDA as a silent organization with the mission to continue publishing IJA. A publication committee was formed, with me as chairman. Financially

这一期的《国际男科杂志》(IJA)是最后一期。它消失的原因是前所未有的:在男科领域的两个顶级期刊,IJA和它的美国同行,Journal of andrology (JA)决定联合起来,而不是继续相互竞争。毫无疑问,这一历史性的举动将加强合并后的期刊,以及支持这两份期刊的两个协会之间的跨大西洋合作:欧洲男科学会(EAA)和美国男科学会(ASA)。在这篇由IJA出版委员会的创始人和长期主席以及现任和前任主编共同撰写的社论中,我们回顾了该期刊的历史及其成就。本文提供了一些文献计量数据,以反映该期刊存在期间讨论和引用最多的主题。值得注意的是,2012年是两个纪念日:IJA成立35周年和EAA成立20周年。周年纪念日是回顾过去的好借口,也是对未来美好祝愿的好机会。在欧洲,“有组织的男科学”的开始要追溯到1968年,当时我在先灵集团(Schirren &Toyosi, 1970)。1970年,来自西班牙巴塞罗那和阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯的几位对男科发展感兴趣的临床医生和科学家独立地创建了国际男科委员会(CIDA),安东尼·普伊格维特(巴塞罗那)和罗伯托·曼奇尼(布宜诺斯艾利斯)当选为主席。1970年,我和曼奇尼在瑞典斯德哥尔摩举行的“人类生育控制”诺贝尔研讨会上相遇,这两个小组了解了彼此的活动。1972年,CIDA在巴塞罗那安排了一次会议,我被选为下一任主席。在CIDA成立的最初几年中,由行政委员会(A. Aakvaag博士、W. Bardin博士、D. de Kretser博士、R. Eliasson博士和M. Marti小姐)管理的funda<s:1> Puigvert基金会为其活动和大会提供财政支持。《男科学》被用作官方期刊,同时也是德国男科学会的官方出版物。1975年在巴塞罗那举办的第一届国际男科大会之后,CIDA决定创建自己的期刊,并于1978年出版了IJA的第一卷。1981年,在特拉维夫举行的第二届国际男科大会上,CIDA按照很久以前的计划,由埃伯哈德·尼施拉格(Eberhard Nieschlag)担任主席,转变为国际男科学会(ISA)。但是,在那个阶段,不可能将国际书协转交给国际书协,因为它的两个成员学会已经有了自己的期刊。基金会接受了CIDA作为一个沉默的组织继续出版IJA的使命。成立了一个出版委员会,由我担任主席。在财政上,IJA出现了赤字,几年后,出版商Scriptor a /S取消了合同,英国牛津的Blackwell Publishing介入。然而,IJA在接下来的几年里一直没有盈利。1989年,基金会(fundaalsion Puigvert)退出了这本杂志,并把它捐赠给了我,所以我决定为它找一个更永久的新家。与ASA的谈判开启了一种可能性,但我担心IJA可能会消失,因此决定为期刊寻找另一种选择。1991年底,在结束与ASA的会议返回欧洲的飞机上,我读到了关于欧洲麻醉学学会(Zorab &Vickers, 1991),并受到启发成立了一个类似的男科组织,并使这样一个组织成为IJA的新家。理查德·夏普(Richard Sharpe)教授是第一个参与其中的人,讨论产生了更集中的方法。ISA主席Ebo Nieschlag也表示支持。1992年5月,在德国巴伐利亚州埃尔茂城堡举行的第七届欧洲睾丸研讨会上,成立了一个临时委员会。不久之后,欧洲男科学会(EAA)成立了,该杂志被捐赠给了这个新组织。Ebo Nieschlag被选为EAA的第一任总裁,我成为财务主管和出版委员会主席(直到2008年)。我非常满意地注意到,在2009年,IJA在男科期刊中具有最高的影响因子,并且到目前为止,IJA已经能够为EAA创造大约50万欧元的收入。这当然是所有主编的出色工作的结果,他们一直致力于提高期刊的科学标准,以及所有自愿担任副编辑的人。Blackwell Publishing(以及后来的Wiley-Blackwell)的专业工作也必须得到感激的认可。既然ASA和EAA已经同意创办一份联合期刊,这是一个平等的协议,双方都值得祝贺。 我希望《男科学》能够发展成为一份对全世界的研究人员都有吸引力的杂志,它可以只接受高质量的文章。但更重要的是,我希望对有争议的文章和评论持积极的态度。科学的进步总是科学家的成果,他们敢于——并且被允许(!)——反对范式及其捍卫者。我喜欢理查德·费曼(Richard Feynman, 1965年诺贝尔奖得主)的说法,即科学是对专家无知的信仰(Feynman, 1969)。“专家”只是过于频繁地为有效的范例辩护。如果《男科》杂志能在每期杂志上用几页篇幅专门讨论“不同的观点”,这不仅会激发讨论,还会促进男科作为一门与男性生殖道相关的科学领域的发展,而不仅仅局限于男性不育。IJA的首任主编是来自比利时根特的Frank H. Comhaire(1978-1981)。紧随其后的是丹麦哥本哈根的尼尔斯·e·斯卡凯布·埃尔克(1981-1989)、芬兰图尔库的米科·涅米(1990-1993)、英国苏格兰爱丁堡的理查德·夏普(1994-2001)、芬兰图尔库的乔玛·托帕里(2001-2009)和丹麦哥本哈根的埃瓦·拉杰佩特-德·梅茨(2009-2012)。顺便说一句,到目前为止,所有的主编都来自北欧国家,但副主编的支持委员会由来自世界各地的科学家和临床医生组成。其中一位主编米科·涅米(Mikko Niemi)不幸已不在人世。许多人认为他是芬兰男科学之父。1965年至1995年,他在图尔库担任解剖学教授和系主任。Mikko Niemi也对社会和政治问题非常感兴趣,并在教育部担任了很长时间的学术事务负责人。在1989年被选为IJA主编之前,他从1983年开始担任IJA副主编。Mikko Niemi于1999年去世,享年69岁。下面,所有其他主编都回顾了他们在IJA的时光,并对男科领域的过去和未来发表了个人评论。在日本书协成立之初,在第一期之前就收集了一些论文。提交给新杂志的最杰出的手稿之一报道了挪威士兵在筋疲力尽的军事演习中血液中睾酮浓度的下降(Aakvaag等人,1978年)。当时,我是一个完全没有经验的编辑,既没有技术支持,也没有行政协助。很快,提交的手稿数量增加了,我的政策是尽可能多地收录这些手稿,并对编辑进行必要的改进。杂志的页数逐渐增加,甚至还需要增刊来收录所有优秀的论文。同样,还增加了涉及当代问题和事态发展的补编。IJA的重点是临床方面,而美国同行Journal of Andrology (JA)发表的大多数论文涉及更多的基础、实验室和动物研究。当我完成4年的主编任期时,约翰·艾特肯认为IJA是男科领域“最好的”。我认为现在情况依然如此,从高引用指数就可以看出这一点。愿男科学和“合并”期刊的未来一片光明。为什么我们在20世纪70年代需要男科学,而今天仍然需要它作为一门医学学科?因为男性生殖的内分泌学、生理学和病理生理学不属于学术界的传统专业。另一方面,与男性生殖系统有关的其他领域一直被很好地覆盖,例如泌尿科医生和肿瘤学家已经照顾前列腺疾病,泌尿科医生和性学家一起也涵盖了医学中的阴茎和性问题。在我看来,需要更多关注的具体领域是精子发生障碍、睾丸内分泌学、睾丸癌的
{"title":"Goodbye International Journal of Andrology, welcome Andrology!","authors":"E. Rajpert-De Meyts,&nbsp;R. Eliasson,&nbsp;F. H. Comhaire,&nbsp;N. E. Skakkebæk,&nbsp;R. M. Sharpe,&nbsp;J. Toppari","doi":"10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01304.x","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01304.x","url":null,"abstract":"<p>This issue of the <i>International Journal of Andrology</i> (<i>IJA</i>) is the last one. The reason for its disappearance is quite unprecedented: the two top journals in the field of andrology, <i>IJA</i> and its American counterpart, <i>Journal of Andrology</i> (<i>JA</i>) have decided to join forces rather than continue competing against each other. This historical move will undoubtedly strengthen the combined journal and the transatlantic collaboration between the two societies endorsing the two journals: the European Academy of Andrology (EAA) and the American Society of Andrology (ASA).</p><p>In this editorial, written jointly by the founder and long-term chairman of the <i>IJA</i> publication committee, and the current and former chief editors, we look back at the history of the journal and its achievements. A bit of bibliometric data are presented to reflect on the most discussed and cited topics during the journal’s existence. It is noteworthy that the current year, 2012, marks two anniversaries: 35 years of <i>IJA</i> and 20 years of EAA. Round anniversaries are a good excuse to look back but they are also a perfect opportunity for good wishes for the future.</p><p></p><p>The beginning of ‘organized andrology’ in Europe dates back to 1968 when I initiated the European Andrology Group, supported by Schering AG (Schirren &amp; Toyosi, 1970). Independently, in 1970, a few clinicians and scientists interested in the development of andrology, from Barcelona, Spain, and Buenos Aires, Argentina, created the Comité Internaçional de Andrologia (CIDA), with Antoni Puigvert (Barcelona) and Roberto Mancini (Buenos Aires) elected as Presidents. The two groups learned about each other’s activities in 1970 when Mancini and I met at a Nobel Symposium on ‘Control of human fertility’ in Stockholm, Sweden. In 1972, CIDA arranged a meeting in Barcelona and I was elected as the next president. During CIDA’s initial years, financial support for its activities and congresses was provided by the Fundaçio Puigvert, run by an administrative board (Drs A. Aakvaag, W. Bardin, D. de Kretser, R. Eliasson and Miss M. Marti). <i>Andrologia</i> was used as the official journal but it served also as the official publication for the German Society of Andrology. After the First International Congress of Andrology organized in Barcelona (1975), CIDA decided to create its own journal and the first volume of <i>IJA</i> was published in 1978.</p><p>At the Second International Congress of Andrology in Tel Aviv (1981), CIDA was – as planned long before – transformed into the International Society of Andrology (ISA) with Eberhard (Ebo) Nieschlag as president. However, at that stage, it was not possible to transfer <i>IJA</i> to ISA as two of its member societies already had their own journals. Fundaçio Puigvert accepted to keep CIDA as a silent organization with the mission to continue publishing <i>IJA</i>. A publication committee was formed, with me as chairman. Financially","PeriodicalId":13890,"journal":{"name":"International journal of andrology","volume":"35 6","pages":"769-774"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2012-11-21","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://sci-hub-pdf.com/10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01304.x","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"134813032","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Progesterone and CatSper dependency 黄体酮和CatSper依赖性
Pub Date : 2012-09-12 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01294.x
Martin Blomberg Jensen, Stephen J. Publicover

Progesterone is present in high concentrations (μm) in the vicinity of the cumulus-oophorous complex and considered a key signalling factor for human spermatozoa. Progesterone induces an instant increase in intracellular calcium concentration [Ca2+]i despite the absence of the classical progesterone receptor in human spermatozoa. Progesterone causes changes in beating of the flagellum but can also induce acrosome reaction in human spermatozoa. Both these effects are mediated by increased intracellular Ca2+ but they are exerted at opposite ends of this highly polarized cell. A breakthrough came from two recent studies (Lishko et al., 2011; Strunker et al., 2011) which showed that progesterone causes activation of the Ca2+-permeable CatSper channel in human spermatozoa, suggesting that CatSper or an associated protein serves as the long sought binding site for progesterone in human spermatozoa.

Progesterone not only raises [Ca2+]i in human spermatozoa, it also activates a complex series of signalling events and cell activities. In this issue of the International Journal of Andrology, Sagare-Patil et al. (2012) report that some of these progesterone-mediated effects have characteristics that suggest they are activated by mechanisms independent of CatSper. Sagare-Patil and colleagues used a classical approach to investigate the concentration and time-dependent effects of progesterone. They report clear differences in dose dependence between different responses to progesterone. Motility stimulation, hyperactivation, tyrosine kinase activity, ERK1/2 phosphorylation and P90RSK phosphorylation all showed dose-dependence over 0.01–1 μm, consistent with the action of progesterone on CatSper. Acrosome reaction, tyrosine phosphorylation (analysed from immunofluorescence), P38MAPK phosphorylation, JNK phosphorylation and AKT phosphorylation were dose-dependently induced over the range 1–10 μm progesterone, indicating involvement of a lower affinity binding site for progesterone. These findings are in line with a previous report that progesterone binding and Ca2+ mobilization in human spermatozoa occur at nm progesterone (consistent with CatSper), but that a second low-affinity phase requires ≥5 μm progesterone (Luconi et al., 1998).

CatSper is the only identified calcium-permeable channel that has been detected by patch clamp of human spermatozoa (Kirichok & Lishko, 2011). T-type channel blockers NNC 55–0396 (2 μm) and mibefradil (30 μm) abolish CatSper currents in patch clamped human spermatozoa (Lishko et al., 2011; Strunker et al., 2011). These compounds also significantly inhibited the progesterone-induced Ca2+ response, but the signal was not abolished (Strunker et al., 2011). Sagare-Patil et al. (

孕酮在卵积云复合体附近以高浓度(μm)存在,被认为是人类精子的关键信号因子。尽管在人类精子中缺乏经典的孕酮受体,孕酮诱导细胞内钙浓度[Ca2+]i立即增加。黄体酮引起鞭毛跳动的变化,但也能引起人精子的顶体反应。这两种作用都是由增加的细胞内Ca2+介导的,但它们是在这个高度极化的细胞的两端施加的。最近的两项研究取得了突破(Lishko et al., 2011;Strunker et al., 2011)的研究表明,黄体酮会激活人类精子中Ca2+可渗透的CatSper通道,这表明CatSper或相关蛋白是人类精子中寻找已久的黄体酮结合位点。黄体酮不仅提高了人类精子中的[Ca2+]i,还激活了一系列复杂的信号事件和细胞活动。在这一期的《国际男科杂志》上,Sagare-Patil等人(2012)报道,其中一些黄体酮介导的效应具有一些特征,表明它们是由独立于CatSper的机制激活的。Sagare-Patil和他的同事使用了一种经典的方法来研究黄体酮的浓度和时间依赖性。他们报告了不同黄体酮反应之间剂量依赖性的明显差异。运动刺激、过度活化、酪氨酸激酶活性、ERK1/2磷酸化和P90RSK磷酸化均呈0.01-1 μm以上的剂量依赖性,与黄体酮对CatSper的作用一致。顶体反应、酪氨酸磷酸化(免疫荧光分析)、P38MAPK磷酸化、JNK磷酸化和AKT磷酸化在1-10 μm孕酮范围内呈剂量依赖性,表明孕酮参与了一个较低亲和力的结合位点。这些发现与先前的报告一致,即人类精子中的孕酮结合和Ca2+动员发生在nm孕酮(与CatSper一致),但第二个低亲和期需要≥5 μm孕酮(Luconi et al., 1998)。CatSper是唯一通过人类精子膜片钳检测到的钙渗透通道(Kirichok &Lishko, 2011)。t型通道阻滞剂NNC 55-0396 (2 μm)和mibefradil (30 μm)可消除贴片夹紧的人类精子中的CatSper电流(Lishko等,2011;Strunker et al., 2011)。这些化合物也显著抑制黄体酮诱导的Ca2+反应,但信号并未被消除(Strunker et al., 2011)。Sagare-Patil等人(2012)也发现,米贝弗拉迪(40 μm)无法消除黄体酮诱导的钙增加(减少约80%)。此外,米贝拉地尔仅部分抑制黄体酮诱导的酪氨酸磷酸化和顶体反应。同样,在敲除CatSper的小鼠精子中,酪氨酸磷酸化和顶体反应并没有减少,并且在这些细胞中,zp诱导的Ca2+增加的后期持续存在,尽管频率较低(Ren &夏,2010)。这些数据表明,精子中存在一个尚未确定的Ca2+可渗透通道,或者显著的Ca2+增加可能源于细胞内钙储存。Ca2+储存细胞器存在于精子颈部(Ho &苏亚雷斯,2003;Costello et al., 2009),因此黄体酮诱导的Ca2+动员的第二个位点可能发生在这里。活化的维生素D (1,25(OH)2D3)似乎通过直接动员储存在精子颈部的Ca2+起作用。1,25(OH)2D3对[Ca2+]i的影响比黄体酮的影响小,但对精子活力和顶体反应有显著影响(Aquila等,2009;bloomberg Jensen et al., 2011)。1,25(OH)2D3不同于黄体酮和其他CatSper的激活剂,因为这种反应是由维生素D受体介导的,完全依赖于细胞内储存的钙,不影响对黄体酮的反应(Blomberg Jensen et al., 2011)。黄体酮是否能直接激活Ca2+释放尚不清楚。[Ca2+]i升高响应孕酮的动力学在整个细胞中是相似的(Blomberg Jensen &对,2012;Blomberg Jensen et al., 2012;Servin-Vences et al., 2012),这与鞭毛Ca2+内流的单一位点不一致。然而,通过与孕酮同时应用BAPTA快速缓冲细胞外Ca2+(以避免Ca2+存储的消耗),完全消除了孕酮诱导的Ca2+信号(Strunker等,2011)。总之,Sagare-Patil等人(2012)发表的研究结果强调,黄体酮对人类精子的作用是复杂的,并且表明一些黄体酮激活的作用可能不依赖于CatSper。 因此,孕激素信号可能通过两种不同的机制和作用位点发生:通过尾部CatSper的高亲和力结合,以及可能在精子其他地方的第二个低亲和力结合位点(可能是颈部/头部区域)。还有一种可能性是,人类精子中一些黄体酮诱导的事件是完全不依赖钙的。我们鼓励未来的研究将重点放在人类精子信号的空间组织上,并确定除了CatSper之外是否存在另一个孕酮结合位点/通道,同时等待CatSper特异性抑制剂的开发。
{"title":"Progesterone and CatSper dependency","authors":"Martin Blomberg Jensen,&nbsp;Stephen J. Publicover","doi":"10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01294.x","DOIUrl":"10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01294.x","url":null,"abstract":"<p>Progesterone is present in high concentrations (μ<span>m</span>) in the vicinity of the cumulus-oophorous complex and considered a key signalling factor for human spermatozoa. Progesterone induces an instant increase in intracellular calcium concentration [Ca<sup>2+</sup>]<sub>i</sub> despite the absence of the classical progesterone receptor in human spermatozoa. Progesterone causes changes in beating of the flagellum but can also induce acrosome reaction in human spermatozoa. Both these effects are mediated by increased intracellular Ca<sup>2+</sup> but they are exerted at opposite ends of this highly polarized cell. A breakthrough came from two recent studies (Lishko <i>et al.</i>, 2011; Strunker <i>et al.</i>, 2011) which showed that progesterone causes activation of the Ca<sup>2+</sup>-permeable CatSper channel in human spermatozoa, suggesting that CatSper or an associated protein serves as the long sought binding site for progesterone in human spermatozoa.</p><p>Progesterone not only raises [Ca<sup>2+</sup>]<sub>i</sub> in human spermatozoa, it also activates a complex series of signalling events and cell activities. In this issue of the <i>International Journal of Andrology</i>, Sagare-Patil <i>et al.</i> (2012) report that some of these progesterone-mediated effects have characteristics that suggest they are activated by mechanisms independent of CatSper. Sagare-Patil and colleagues used a classical approach to investigate the concentration and time-dependent effects of progesterone. They report clear differences in dose dependence between different responses to progesterone. Motility stimulation, hyperactivation, tyrosine kinase activity, ERK1/2 phosphorylation and P90RSK phosphorylation all showed dose-dependence over 0.01–1 μ<span>m</span>, consistent with the action of progesterone on CatSper. Acrosome reaction, tyrosine phosphorylation (analysed from immunofluorescence), P38MAPK phosphorylation, JNK phosphorylation and AKT phosphorylation were dose-dependently induced over the range 1–10 μ<span>m</span> progesterone, indicating involvement of a lower affinity binding site for progesterone. These findings are in line with a previous report that progesterone binding and Ca<sup>2+</sup> mobilization in human spermatozoa occur at n<span>m</span> progesterone (consistent with CatSper), but that a second low-affinity phase requires ≥5 μ<span>m</span> progesterone (Luconi <i>et al.</i>, 1998).</p><p>CatSper is the only identified calcium-permeable channel that has been detected by patch clamp of human spermatozoa (Kirichok &amp; Lishko, 2011). T-type channel blockers NNC 55–0396 (2 μ<span>m</span>) and mibefradil (30 μ<span>m</span>) abolish CatSper currents in patch clamped human spermatozoa (Lishko <i>et al.</i>, 2011; Strunker <i>et al.</i>, 2011). These compounds also significantly inhibited the progesterone-induced Ca<sup>2+</sup> response, but the signal was not abolished (Strunker <i>et al.</i>, 2011). Sagare-Patil <i>et al.</i> (","PeriodicalId":13890,"journal":{"name":"International journal of andrology","volume":"35 5","pages":"631-632"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2012-09-12","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://sci-hub-pdf.com/10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01294.x","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"30896464","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 3
Novel mutations in calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV (CAMK4) gene in infertile men 不育男性中钙/钙调素依赖性蛋白激酶IV (CAMK4)基因的新突变
Pub Date : 2012-08-17 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01302.x
A. Khattri, V. P. Reddy, R. K. Pandey, D. V. S. Sudhakar, N. J. Gupta, B. N. Chakravarty, M. Deenadayal, L. Singh, K. Thangaraj

Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV (CAMK4) is a multifunctional serine/threonine protein kinase, which plays an important role in the spermatogenesis by phosphorylating protamines. It has been shown to be involved in the regulation of human sperm motility. Moreover, the Camk4 knockout mice were infertile because of severely reduced sperm count and morphological abnormalities. As no study is available on the association of this gene with male infertility, we analysed all the exons of CAMK4 gene in ethnically matched 283 infertile and 268 fertile Indian men. We identified twenty nucleotide substitutions, of which twelve were novel. Of these novel variants, eight were exclusively detected in infertile men. Moreover, two infertile men-specific mutations were non-synonymous replacing amino acids at the highly conserved region. In silico analysis predicted both of these mutations as ‘deleterious’. In addition to nucleotide substitutions, we identified five novel insertion–deletion mutations; of these, g.150264_66delGCG was exclusively found in two oligoasthenoteratozoospermic men. In silico analysis of infertile men exclusive mutations predicted that they can alter/diminish the potential binding sites of splicing factors, which may affect the mRNA splicing and protein translation. Our study suggests that the mutations in CAMK4 may lead to abnormal semen parameters.

钙/钙调素依赖性蛋白激酶IV (CAMK4)是一种多功能丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶,通过磷酸化精蛋白在精子发生中起重要作用。它已被证明与人类精子运动的调节有关。此外,Camk4基因敲除小鼠由于精子数量严重减少和形态异常而不育。由于没有关于该基因与男性不育关系的研究,我们分析了种族匹配的283名不育和268名可生育的印度男性的CAMK4基因的所有外显子。我们发现了20个核苷酸取代,其中12个是新的。在这些新的变异中,有8种只在不育男性中检测到。此外,两个不育男性特异性突变是非同义的,取代了高度保守区域的氨基酸。计算机分析预测这两种突变都是“有害的”。除了核苷酸替换外,我们还发现了五种新的插入-删除突变;其中,g.150264_66delGCG仅在两名少弱异精子男性中发现。对不育男性的计算机分析表明,排他性突变可以改变/减少剪接因子的潜在结合位点,从而影响mRNA剪接和蛋白质翻译。我们的研究表明CAMK4突变可能导致精液参数异常。
{"title":"Novel mutations in calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV (CAMK4) gene in infertile men","authors":"A. Khattri,&nbsp;V. P. Reddy,&nbsp;R. K. Pandey,&nbsp;D. V. S. Sudhakar,&nbsp;N. J. Gupta,&nbsp;B. N. Chakravarty,&nbsp;M. Deenadayal,&nbsp;L. Singh,&nbsp;K. Thangaraj","doi":"10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01302.x","DOIUrl":"10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01302.x","url":null,"abstract":"<p>Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV (CAMK4) is a multifunctional serine/threonine protein kinase, which plays an important role in the spermatogenesis by phosphorylating protamines. It has been shown to be involved in the regulation of human sperm motility. Moreover, the <i>Camk4</i> knockout mice were infertile because of severely reduced sperm count and morphological abnormalities. As no study is available on the association of this gene with male infertility, we analysed all the exons of <i>CAMK4</i> gene in ethnically matched 283 infertile and 268 fertile Indian men. We identified twenty nucleotide substitutions, of which twelve were novel. Of these novel variants, eight were exclusively detected in infertile men. Moreover, two infertile men-specific mutations were non-synonymous replacing amino acids at the highly conserved region. <i>In silico</i> analysis predicted both of these mutations as ‘deleterious’. In addition to nucleotide substitutions, we identified five novel insertion–deletion mutations; of these, g.150264_66delGCG was exclusively found in two oligoasthenoteratozoospermic men. <i>In silico</i> analysis of infertile men exclusive mutations predicted that they can alter/diminish the potential binding sites of splicing factors, which may affect the mRNA splicing and protein translation. Our study suggests that the mutations in <i>CAMK4</i> may lead to abnormal semen parameters.</p>","PeriodicalId":13890,"journal":{"name":"International journal of andrology","volume":"35 6","pages":"810-818"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2012-08-17","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://sci-hub-pdf.com/10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01302.x","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"30838236","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 12
Variations in testosterone pathway genes and susceptibility to testicular cancer in Norwegian men 挪威男性睾丸激素通路基因变异与睾丸癌易感性
Pub Date : 2012-08-12 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01297.x
W. Kristiansen, E. L. Aschim, J. M. Andersen, O. Witczak, S. D. Fosså, T. B. Haugen

Imbalance between the oestrogen and androgen levels in utero is hypothesized to influence testicular cancer (TC) risk. Thus, variation in genes involved in the action of sex hormones may contribute to variability of an individual’s susceptibility to TC. Mutations in testosterone pathway genes may alter the level of testosterone in vivo and hypothetically the risk of developing TC. Luteinizing hormone receptor (LHR), 5α-reductase II (SRD5A2) and androgen receptor (AR) are key elements in androgen action. A case-control study comprising 651 TC cases and 313 controls in a Norwegian population was conducted for investigation of polymorphisms in the LHR, SRD5A and AR genes and their possible association with TC. A statistical significant difference was observed in patients being heterozygous for the LHR Asn312Ser polymorphism when comparing genotypes between all TC cases and controls (OR = 0.66, 95% CI = 0.48–0.89, padj = 0.049). No statistically significant difference between the histological subtypes seminoma and non-seminoma was observed. Our results may suggest a possible association between genetic variation in the LHR gene and the risk of developing TC.

子宫内雌激素和雄激素水平的不平衡可能影响睾丸癌(TC)的风险。因此,参与性激素作用的基因变异可能导致个体对TC易感性的差异。睾酮途径基因的突变可能改变体内睾酮水平,并可能改变发生TC的风险。黄体生成素受体(LHR)、5α-还原酶II (SRD5A2)和雄激素受体(AR)是雄激素作用的关键元件。在挪威人群中进行了一项病例对照研究,包括651例TC病例和313例对照,以调查LHR、SRD5A和AR基因的多态性及其与TC的可能关联。所有TC病例与对照组基因型比较,LHR Asn312Ser多态性杂合的患者差异有统计学意义(OR = 0.66, 95% CI = 0.48 ~ 0.89, padj = 0.049)。精原细胞瘤与非精原细胞瘤的组织学亚型差异无统计学意义。我们的结果可能提示LHR基因的遗传变异与发生TC的风险之间可能存在关联。
{"title":"Variations in testosterone pathway genes and susceptibility to testicular cancer in Norwegian men","authors":"W. Kristiansen,&nbsp;E. L. Aschim,&nbsp;J. M. Andersen,&nbsp;O. Witczak,&nbsp;S. D. Fosså,&nbsp;T. B. Haugen","doi":"10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01297.x","DOIUrl":"10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01297.x","url":null,"abstract":"<p>Imbalance between the oestrogen and androgen levels in utero is hypothesized to influence testicular cancer (TC) risk. Thus, variation in genes involved in the action of sex hormones may contribute to variability of an individual’s susceptibility to TC. Mutations in testosterone pathway genes may alter the level of testosterone in vivo and hypothetically the risk of developing TC. Luteinizing hormone receptor (LHR), 5α-reductase II (SRD5A2) and androgen receptor (AR) are key elements in androgen action. A case-control study comprising 651 TC cases and 313 controls in a Norwegian population was conducted for investigation of polymorphisms in the <i>LHR</i>, <i>SRD5A</i> and <i>AR</i> genes and their possible association with TC. A statistical significant difference was observed in patients being heterozygous for the <i>LHR Asn</i>312<i>Ser</i> polymorphism when comparing genotypes between all TC cases and controls (OR = 0.66, 95% CI = 0.48–0.89, <i>p</i><sub>adj</sub> = 0.049). No statistically significant difference between the histological subtypes seminoma and non-seminoma was observed. Our results may suggest a possible association between genetic variation in the <i>LHR</i> gene and the risk of developing TC.</p>","PeriodicalId":13890,"journal":{"name":"International journal of andrology","volume":"35 6","pages":"819-827"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2012-08-12","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://sci-hub-pdf.com/10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01297.x","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"30825521","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 16
Selective resection of dorsal nerves of penis for premature ejaculation 选择性阴茎背神经切除治疗早泄
Pub Date : 2012-08-12 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01296.x
G.-X. Zhang, L.-P. Yu, W.-J. Bai, X.-F. Wang

Premature ejaculation (PE) is one of the most prevalent male sexual dysfunctions. Selective resection of the dorsal nerve (SRDN) of penis has recently been used for the treatment of PE and has shown some efficacy. To further clarify the efficacy and safety of SRDN on PE, we performed a preliminary, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical observational study. Persons with the complaints of rapid ejaculation, asking for circumcision because of redundant foreskin, intravaginal ejaculation latency time (IELT) within 2 min, not responding to antidepressant medication or disliking oral medication were randomly enrolled in two groups. From April 2007 to August 2010, a total of 101 eligible persons were enrolled, 40 of them received SRDN which dorsal nerves of the penis were selectively resected, and those (n = 61) enrolled in the control group were circumcised only. IELT and the Brief Male Sexual Function Inventory (BMSFI) questionnaire were implemented pre- and post-operatively for the evaluation of the effect and safety of the surgery. There are no statistically significant differences in the baseline data including mean ages, mean IELTs, perceived control abilities and the BMSFI mean scores between the two groups. With regard to the post-operative data of the surgery, both IELTs and perceived control abilities were significantly increased after SRDN (1.1 ± 0.9 min vs. 3.8 ± 3.1 min for pre- and post-operative IELT, respectively, p < 0.01),whereas the post-operative results were not significantly improved for the control group (1.2 ± 0.7 min vs. 1.5 ± 1.1 min, p > 0.05). Also, there were no statistically significant differences both in BMSFI composite and subscale scores between the two groups after surgery. Hence, we conclude that SRDN is effective in delaying ejaculation and improving ejaculatory control, whereas erectile function is not affected. The results imply that SRDN may be an alternative method for the treatment of PE for some patients.

早泄(PE)是最常见的男性性功能障碍之一。选择性切除阴茎背神经(SRDN)最近被用于治疗PE,并显示出一定的疗效。为了进一步明确SRDN治疗PE的有效性和安全性,我们进行了一项初步的、随机的、安慰剂对照的临床观察性研究。有射精快速、包皮过多要求包皮环切、阴道内射精潜伏期(雅思)小于2分钟、抗抑郁药物无效或不喜欢口服药物的患者随机分为两组。2007年4月至2010年8月,共纳入101例符合条件的患者,其中40例接受SRDN,选择性切除阴茎背神经,对照组(n = 61)仅行包皮环切术。术前和术后分别进行雅思和简短男性性功能量表(BMSFI)问卷调查,以评估手术的效果和安全性。两组的基线数据包括平均年龄、平均雅思成绩、感知控制能力和BMSFI平均得分,差异无统计学意义。术后数据方面,SRDN后雅思和感知控制能力均显著提高(雅思术前1.1±0.9 min vs.雅思术后3.8±3.1 min, p < 0.01),而对照组术后成绩无显著改善(雅思术前1.2±0.7 min vs.雅思术后1.5±1.1 min, p < 0.05)。两组术后BMSFI综合评分及亚量表评分差异无统计学意义。因此,我们得出结论,SRDN在延迟射精和改善射精控制方面是有效的,而勃起功能不受影响。结果表明SRDN可能是一些PE患者治疗的一种替代方法。
{"title":"Selective resection of dorsal nerves of penis for premature ejaculation","authors":"G.-X. Zhang,&nbsp;L.-P. Yu,&nbsp;W.-J. Bai,&nbsp;X.-F. Wang","doi":"10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01296.x","DOIUrl":"10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01296.x","url":null,"abstract":"<p>Premature ejaculation (PE) is one of the most prevalent male sexual dysfunctions. Selective resection of the dorsal nerve (SRDN) of penis has recently been used for the treatment of PE and has shown some efficacy. To further clarify the efficacy and safety of SRDN on PE, we performed a preliminary, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical observational study. Persons with the complaints of rapid ejaculation, asking for circumcision because of redundant foreskin, intravaginal ejaculation latency time (IELT) within 2 min, not responding to antidepressant medication or disliking oral medication were randomly enrolled in two groups. From April 2007 to August 2010, a total of 101 eligible persons were enrolled, 40 of them received SRDN which dorsal nerves of the penis were selectively resected, and those (<i>n </i>= 61) enrolled in the control group were circumcised only. IELT and the Brief Male Sexual Function Inventory (BMSFI) questionnaire were implemented pre- and post-operatively for the evaluation of the effect and safety of the surgery. There are no statistically significant differences in the baseline data including mean ages, mean IELTs, perceived control abilities and the BMSFI mean scores between the two groups. With regard to the post-operative data of the surgery, both IELTs and perceived control abilities were significantly increased after SRDN (1.1 ± 0.9 min vs. 3.8 ± 3.1 min for pre- and post-operative IELT, respectively, <i>p </i>&lt; 0.01),whereas the post-operative results were not significantly improved for the control group (1.2 ± 0.7 min vs. 1.5 ± 1.1 min, <i>p </i>&gt; 0.05). Also, there were no statistically significant differences both in BMSFI composite and subscale scores between the two groups after surgery. Hence, we conclude that SRDN is effective in delaying ejaculation and improving ejaculatory control, whereas erectile function is not affected. The results imply that SRDN may be an alternative method for the treatment of PE for some patients.</p>","PeriodicalId":13890,"journal":{"name":"International journal of andrology","volume":"35 6","pages":"873-879"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2012-08-12","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://sci-hub-pdf.com/10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01296.x","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"30826090","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 32
Significant enrichment of Y-bearing chromosome human spermatozoa using a modified centrifugation technique 使用改进的离心技术显著富集携带y染色体的人精子
Pub Date : 2012-08-12 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01295.x
S. Koundouros, P. Verma

The effective separation of X- and Y-bearing chromosome spermatozoa has been a topic of major attraction to a number of scientific disciplines. Approaches have typically been based upon either the kinetic or the physical characteristics of spermatozoa. Much of the information available to date has either suggested conflicting evidence between different approaches or a lack of repeatability, while other robust and reproducible techniques require expensive equipment and are being questioned with relation to their safety in clinical applications. This study describes a safe and efficient method for the successful enrichment of the Y-bearing chromosome spermatozoa cells from their X counterparts in the human male using a simple approach based on centrifugation. Five donor candidates with normal semen profiles and proven fertility were recruited. In total, 20 semen specimens were processed using conventional swim-up. During each attempt, half of the swim-up product was subjected to the enrichment technique and the other half served as control. Parameters important for successfully skewing sex ratios included the relative centrifugal force, the duration of centrifugal separation and the number of centrifugation rounds. Assessment of samples following the separation technique was effected by a three-colour-labelled fluorescent in situ hybridization. More than 1000 spermatozoa for each donor specimen were assessed for the presence of an X or Y chromosome. The enrichment technique produced a significantly higher (p < 0.001) overall frequency of 85.5% for the Y-bearing chromosome spermatozoa in the experimental group (3606 X-bearing/21 209 Y-bearing) compared with a frequency of 50.1% in the control group (11 801 X-bearing/11 269 Y-bearing), where there was no statistically significant difference in the number of either X- or Y-chromosome-bearing spermatozoa. In conclusion, successful skewing of human Y-bearing chromosome spermatozoa can be reproducibly achieved by the use of simple swim-up followed by a meticulous centrifugation protocol.

携带X染色体和y染色体的精子的有效分离一直是许多科学学科的主要吸引力的主题。方法通常是基于精子的动力学或物理特性。迄今为止可获得的许多信息要么表明不同方法之间的证据相互矛盾,要么缺乏可重复性,而其他可靠和可重复的技术需要昂贵的设备,并且在临床应用中的安全性方面受到质疑。本研究描述了一种安全有效的方法,利用一种基于离心的简单方法,成功地从人类男性的X染色体精子细胞中富集y染色体精子细胞。招募了5名具有正常精液特征和证明生育能力的捐赠者候选人。共采集20份精液标本,采用常规游泳法处理。在每次尝试中,一半的游泳产物进行富集技术,另一半作为对照。成功扭曲性别比例的重要参数包括相对离心力、离心分离持续时间和离心轮数。通过三色标记荧光原位杂交对分离技术后的样品进行评估。每个供体样本的1000多个精子被评估是否存在X或Y染色体。实验组携带y染色体精子的总频率为85.5%(3606个X染色体/21 209个y染色体),而对照组携带X染色体精子的总频率为50.1%(11 801个X染色体/11 269个y染色体),其中携带X染色体和携带y染色体精子的数量无统计学差异(p < 0.001)。总之,人类y染色体精子的成功偏斜可以通过使用简单的游泳,然后是细致的离心方案来重复性地实现。
{"title":"Significant enrichment of Y-bearing chromosome human spermatozoa using a modified centrifugation technique","authors":"S. Koundouros,&nbsp;P. Verma","doi":"10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01295.x","DOIUrl":"10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01295.x","url":null,"abstract":"<p>The effective separation of X- and Y-bearing chromosome spermatozoa has been a topic of major attraction to a number of scientific disciplines. Approaches have typically been based upon either the kinetic or the physical characteristics of spermatozoa. Much of the information available to date has either suggested conflicting evidence between different approaches or a lack of repeatability, while other robust and reproducible techniques require expensive equipment and are being questioned with relation to their safety in clinical applications. This study describes a safe and efficient method for the successful enrichment of the Y-bearing chromosome spermatozoa cells from their X counterparts in the human male using a simple approach based on centrifugation. Five donor candidates with normal semen profiles and proven fertility were recruited. In total, 20 semen specimens were processed using conventional swim-up. During each attempt, half of the swim-up product was subjected to the enrichment technique and the other half served as control. Parameters important for successfully skewing sex ratios included the relative centrifugal force, the duration of centrifugal separation and the number of centrifugation rounds. Assessment of samples following the separation technique was effected by a three-colour-labelled fluorescent in situ hybridization. More than 1000 spermatozoa for each donor specimen were assessed for the presence of an X or Y chromosome. The enrichment technique produced a significantly higher (<i>p </i>&lt; 0.001) overall frequency of 85.5% for the Y-bearing chromosome spermatozoa in the experimental group (3606 X-bearing/21 209 Y-bearing) compared with a frequency of 50.1% in the control group (11 801 X-bearing/11 269 Y-bearing), where there was no statistically significant difference in the number of either X- or Y-chromosome-bearing spermatozoa. In conclusion, successful skewing of human Y-bearing chromosome spermatozoa can be reproducibly achieved by the use of simple swim-up followed by a meticulous centrifugation protocol.</p>","PeriodicalId":13890,"journal":{"name":"International journal of andrology","volume":"35 6","pages":"880-886"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2012-08-12","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://sci-hub-pdf.com/10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01295.x","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"30826385","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 7
Thyroid hormones and male sexual function 甲状腺激素和男性性功能
Pub Date : 2012-07-27 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01266.x
G. Corona, F. C. W. Wu, G. Forti, D. M. Lee, D. B. O’Connor, T. W. O’Neill, N. Pendleton, G. Bartfai, S. Boonen, F. F. Casanueva, J. D. Finn, A. Giwercman, T. S. Han, I. T. Huhtaniemi, K. Kula, M. E. J. Lean, M. Punab, D. Vanderschueren, E. A. Jannini, E. Mannucci, M. Maggi, the EMAS Study Group

The role of thyroid hormones in the control of erectile functioning has been only superficially investigated. The aim of the present study was to investigate the association between thyroid and erectile function in two different cohorts of subjects. The first one derives from the European Male Ageing Study (EMAS study), a multicentre survey performed on a sample of 3369 community-dwelling men aged 40–79 years (mean 60 ± 11 years). The second cohort is a consecutive series of 3203 heterosexual male patients (mean age 51.8 ± 13.0 years) attending our Andrology and Sexual Medicine Outpatient Clinic for sexual dysfunction at the University of Florence (UNIFI study). In the EMAS study all subjects were tested for thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and free thyroxine (FT4). Similarly, TSH levels were checked in all patients in the UNIFI study, while FT4 only when TSH resulted outside the reference range. Overt primary hyperthyroidism (reduced TSH and elevated FT4, according to the reference range) was found in 0.3 and 0.2% of EMAS and UNIFI study respectively. In both study cohorts, suppressed TSH levels were associated with erectile dysfunction (ED). Overt hyperthyroidism was associated with an increased risk of severe erectile dysfunction (ED, hazard ratio = 14 and 16 in the EMAS and UNIFI study, respectively; both p < 0.05), after adjusting for confounding factors. These associations were confirmed in nested case-control analyses, comparing subjects with overt hyperthyroidism to age, BMI, smoking status and testosterone-matched controls. Conversely, no association between primary hypothyroidism and ED was observed. In conclusion, erectile function should be evaluated in all individuals with hyperthyroidism. Conversely, assessment of thyroid function cannot be recommended as routine practice in all ED patients.

甲状腺激素在控制勃起功能中的作用仅被肤浅地研究过。本研究的目的是在两组不同的受试者中调查甲状腺和勃起功能之间的关系。第一个来自欧洲男性老龄化研究(EMAS研究),这是一项多中心调查,对3369名年龄在40-79岁(平均60±11岁)的社区男性进行了抽样调查。第二个队列是连续的3203名异性恋男性患者(平均年龄51.8±13.0岁),他们在佛罗伦萨大学男科和性医学门诊就诊,治疗性功能障碍(UNIFI研究)。在EMAS研究中,所有受试者都检测了促甲状腺激素(TSH)和游离甲状腺素(FT4)。同样,在UNIFI研究中,所有患者都检查了TSH水平,而FT4仅在TSH结果超出参考范围时检查。EMAS和UNIFI研究中分别有0.3%和0.2%的患者存在明显的原发性甲状腺功能亢进(根据参考范围,TSH降低和FT4升高)。在这两个研究队列中,抑制TSH水平与勃起功能障碍(ED)有关。明显的甲状腺功能亢进与严重勃起功能障碍的风险增加相关(在EMAS和UNIFI研究中,风险比分别为14和16;校正混杂因素后,p < 0.05)。这些关联在巢式病例对照分析中得到证实,该分析将明显甲状腺功能亢进的受试者与年龄、BMI、吸烟状况和睾酮匹配的对照组进行比较。相反,未观察到原发性甲状腺功能减退和ED之间的关联。总之,所有甲亢患者都应该评估勃起功能。相反,不能推荐将甲状腺功能评估作为所有ED患者的常规做法。
{"title":"Thyroid hormones and male sexual function","authors":"G. Corona,&nbsp;F. C. W. Wu,&nbsp;G. Forti,&nbsp;D. M. Lee,&nbsp;D. B. O’Connor,&nbsp;T. W. O’Neill,&nbsp;N. Pendleton,&nbsp;G. Bartfai,&nbsp;S. Boonen,&nbsp;F. F. Casanueva,&nbsp;J. D. Finn,&nbsp;A. Giwercman,&nbsp;T. S. Han,&nbsp;I. T. Huhtaniemi,&nbsp;K. Kula,&nbsp;M. E. J. Lean,&nbsp;M. Punab,&nbsp;D. Vanderschueren,&nbsp;E. A. Jannini,&nbsp;E. Mannucci,&nbsp;M. Maggi,&nbsp;the EMAS Study Group","doi":"10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01266.x","DOIUrl":"10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01266.x","url":null,"abstract":"<p>The role of thyroid hormones in the control of erectile functioning has been only superficially investigated. The aim of the present study was to investigate the association between thyroid and erectile function in two different cohorts of subjects. The first one derives from the European Male Ageing Study (EMAS study), a multicentre survey performed on a sample of 3369 community-dwelling men aged 40–79 years (mean 60 ± 11 years). The second cohort is a consecutive series of 3203 heterosexual male patients (mean age 51.8 ± 13.0 years) attending our Andrology and Sexual Medicine Outpatient Clinic for sexual dysfunction at the University of Florence (UNIFI study). In the EMAS study all subjects were tested for thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and free thyroxine (FT4). Similarly, TSH levels were checked in all patients in the UNIFI study, while FT4 only when TSH resulted outside the reference range. Overt primary hyperthyroidism (reduced TSH and elevated FT4, according to the reference range) was found in 0.3 and 0.2% of EMAS and UNIFI study respectively. In both study cohorts, suppressed TSH levels were associated with erectile dysfunction (ED). Overt hyperthyroidism was associated with an increased risk of severe erectile dysfunction (ED, hazard ratio = 14 and 16 in the EMAS and UNIFI study, respectively; both <i>p </i>&lt; 0.05), after adjusting for confounding factors. These associations were confirmed in nested case-control analyses, comparing subjects with overt hyperthyroidism to age, BMI, smoking status and testosterone-matched controls. Conversely, no association between primary hypothyroidism and ED was observed. In conclusion, erectile function should be evaluated in all individuals with hyperthyroidism. Conversely, assessment of thyroid function cannot be recommended as routine practice in all ED patients.</p>","PeriodicalId":13890,"journal":{"name":"International journal of andrology","volume":"35 5","pages":"668-679"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2012-07-27","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://sci-hub-pdf.com/10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01266.x","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"30791489","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 53
Differential concentration and time dependent effects of progesterone on kinase activity, hyperactivation and acrosome reaction in human spermatozoa 黄体酮对人精子中激酶活性、过度活化和顶体反应的差异浓度和时间依赖性影响
Pub Date : 2012-07-09 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01291.x
V. Sagare-Patil, M. Galvankar, M. Satiya, B. Bhandari, S. K. Gupta, D. Modi

Progesterone has been identified to be one of the physiological regulators of sperm hyperactivation and acrosome reaction. However, the high sensitivity of human spermatozoa to progesterone implies that many may undergo premature hyperactivation and acrosome reaction thereby compromising their ability to fertilize. We hypothesized that if a spermatozoon has to preclude the occurrence of these events prematurely, there should be differential dose- and time-dependent effects on motility and acrosome reaction. We observed that low concentrations of progesterone (10 and 100 nm) induce sperm motility and activate tyrosine kinase; higher concentrations (1–10 μm) are required to induce extracellular signal regulated kinases 1/2 (Erk1/2), p90 ribosomal S6 kinase (p90RSK), p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38MAPK), c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK1) and AKT phosphorylation, hyperactivation and acrosome reaction. The induction of acrosome reaction and tyrosine phosphorylation in response to higher concentration of progesterone is not absolutely dependent on activation of T-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channel or CatSper as Mibefradil did not completely abrogate progesterone-mediated effects. These results imply that although the spermatozoa are sensitive to low concentrations of progesterone, they only activate motility and tyrosine kinase activation; higher concentrations are required to induce hyperactivation and acrosome reaction probably by activating multiple kinase pathways including the MAPK and AKT.

孕酮是精子过度活化和顶体反应的生理调节剂之一。然而,人类精子对黄体酮的高度敏感性意味着许多精子可能会过早过度激活和顶体反应,从而影响其受精能力。我们假设,如果精子必须过早地阻止这些事件的发生,那么对运动性和顶体反应应该有不同的剂量和时间依赖性影响。我们观察到低浓度的黄体酮(10和100 nm)诱导精子运动并激活酪氨酸激酶;较高浓度(1-10 μm)可诱导细胞外信号调节激酶1/2 (Erk1/2)、p90核糖体S6激酶(p90RSK)、p38丝裂原活化蛋白激酶(p38MAPK)、c-Jun n末端激酶(JNK1)和AKT磷酸化、超活化和顶体反应。高浓度孕酮诱导顶体反应和酪氨酸磷酸化并不完全依赖于t型电压门控制Ca2+通道或CatSper的激活,因为米贝替拉并没有完全消除孕酮介导的作用。这些结果表明,尽管精子对低浓度的黄体酮敏感,但它们只激活运动和酪氨酸激酶的激活;可能通过激活包括MAPK和AKT在内的多种激酶途径,需要更高的浓度来诱导过度活化和顶体反应。
{"title":"Differential concentration and time dependent effects of progesterone on kinase activity, hyperactivation and acrosome reaction in human spermatozoa","authors":"V. Sagare-Patil,&nbsp;M. Galvankar,&nbsp;M. Satiya,&nbsp;B. Bhandari,&nbsp;S. K. Gupta,&nbsp;D. Modi","doi":"10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01291.x","DOIUrl":"10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01291.x","url":null,"abstract":"<p>Progesterone has been identified to be one of the physiological regulators of sperm hyperactivation and acrosome reaction. However, the high sensitivity of human spermatozoa to progesterone implies that many may undergo premature hyperactivation and acrosome reaction thereby compromising their ability to fertilize. We hypothesized that if a spermatozoon has to preclude the occurrence of these events prematurely, there should be differential dose- and time-dependent effects on motility and acrosome reaction. We observed that low concentrations of progesterone (10 and 100 n<span>m</span>) induce sperm motility and activate tyrosine kinase; higher concentrations (1–10 μ<span>m</span>) are required to induce extracellular signal regulated kinases 1/2 (Erk1/2), p90 ribosomal S6 kinase (p90RSK), p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38MAPK), c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK1) and AKT phosphorylation, hyperactivation and acrosome reaction. The induction of acrosome reaction and tyrosine phosphorylation in response to higher concentration of progesterone is not absolutely dependent on activation of T-type voltage-gated Ca<sup>2+</sup> channel or CatSper as Mibefradil did not completely abrogate progesterone-mediated effects. These results imply that although the spermatozoa are sensitive to low concentrations of progesterone, they only activate motility and tyrosine kinase activation; higher concentrations are required to induce hyperactivation and acrosome reaction probably by activating multiple kinase pathways including the MAPK and AKT.</p>","PeriodicalId":13890,"journal":{"name":"International journal of andrology","volume":"35 5","pages":"633-644"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2012-07-09","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://sci-hub-pdf.com/10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01291.x","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"30747675","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 66
Haemorrhoids are associated with erectile dysfunction: a population-based study 痔疮与勃起功能障碍有关:一项基于人群的研究
Pub Date : 2012-07-09 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01292.x
J. J. Keller, H.-C. Lin

Haemorrhoids are associated with regional vascular abnormalities and rectal pain, which are hypothesized to increase the risk of erectile dysfunction (ED); however, few studies have investigated the association between ED and haemorrhoids. This case-control study aimed to estimate the association between haemorrhoids and ED by using a population-based data in Taiwan. We identified 6 310 patients with ED as cases and randomly selected 31 550 controls. Conditional logistic regression was performed to compute the odds ratio (OR) for having been previously diagnosed with haemorrhoids between cases and controls. The results show that haemorrhoids were found to be present among 1 572 (24.9%) cases and 4 491 (14.20%) controls. The OR for prior haemorrhoids among cases was 1.90 (95% CI = 1.78–2.03) when compared with controls after adjusting for monthly income, geographical location, hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease, hyperlipidemia, obesity and alcohol abuse/alcohol dependence syndrome. Younger cases demonstrated a higher risk for prior haemorrhoids when compared with controls. In particular, the adjusted OR among cases <30 years old was 3.71 (95% CI = 2.74–5.02) when compared with controls. We concluded that there was an association between ED and a prior diagnosis of haemorrhoids.

痔疮与局部血管异常和直肠疼痛有关,这被认为会增加勃起功能障碍(ED)的风险;然而,很少有研究调查ED和痔疮之间的关系。本病例对照研究旨在评估痔疮与ED之间的关系,并以台湾的人口为基础的数据。我们将6 310例ED患者作为病例,并随机选择31 550例作为对照。使用条件逻辑回归来计算病例和对照组之间先前诊断为痔疮的比值比(OR)。结果:1 572例(24.9%)和对照组4 491例(14.20%)存在痔疮。在调整了月收入、地理位置、高血压、糖尿病、冠心病、高脂血症、肥胖和酒精滥用/酒精依赖综合征等因素后,与对照组相比,病例中既往痔疮的OR为1.90 (95% CI = 1.78-2.03)。与对照组相比,年轻的病例显示出先前患痔疮的风险更高。特别是,与对照组相比,30岁病例调整后的OR为3.71 (95% CI = 2.74-5.02)。我们的结论是ED与之前的痔疮诊断有关联。
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引用次数: 5
Associations between testosterone, bone mineral density, vitamin D and semen quality in fertile and infertile Chinese men 中国可育和不育男性睾酮、骨密度、维生素D和精液质量的关系
Pub Date : 2012-06-19 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01287.x
B. Yang, H. Sun, Y. Wan, H. Wang, W. Qin, L. Yang, H. Zhao, J. Yuan, B. Yao

Testosterone (T) and vitamin D (VD) interact in androgen deficient men, however, this interaction and subsequent semen quality and bone mineral density (BMD) status is not clear in infertile men. Our objective was to investigate T, VD, semen quality, BMD and their relationships in Chinese infertile men. We conducted a cross-sectional study of 559 men aged 20–40 years, including 195 fertile men, 9 infertile men with known risk factors for osteoporosis (WR) and 355 infertile men without known risk factors for osteoporosis (WOR). WOR infertile men constituted 314 oligo-, astheno-, teratospermic or normospermic infertile men (OATN men) and 41 non-obstructive azoospermic men (NOA men). Differences of parameters were assessed, and the relationships were adjusted by multiple linear regression. WOR infertile men had significantly lower T, lumbar spine and total hip BMD than fertile men (all p <0.05). Bioavailable T (Bio-T) and 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] were independent determinants of BMD in WOR infertile men (all p < 0.01) but not in fertile men. After stratifying Bio-T, WOR infertile men had lower BMD than fertile men (all p <0.05) in low Bio-T subgroups (Bio-T ≤ 11.6 nmol/L), but not high Bio-T subgroups (Bio-T > 11.6 nmol/L). 25(OH)D was an independent determinant of sperm motility and morphology in WOR OATN men (all p <0.05), with only borderline significance in fertile men(motility: p =0.047; morphology: p =0.056). T determined sperm concentration (square root) and morphology in WOR OATN men (all p <0.001). No correlations between T and 25(OH)D were found in all groups. We suggest that infertile men have lower T and BMD than fertile men. 25(OH)D and T were associated with low BMD and poor semen quality in infertile men.

睾酮(T)和维生素D (VD)在雄激素缺乏的男性中相互作用,然而,这种相互作用以及随后的精液质量和骨密度(BMD)状态在不育男性中尚不清楚。我们的目的是探讨中国不育男性的T、VD、精液质量、骨密度及其相互关系。我们对559名年龄在20-40岁的男性进行了横断面研究,其中包括195名有生育能力的男性,9名有已知骨质疏松危险因素的不育男性(WR)和355名没有已知骨质疏松危险因素的不育男性(WOR)。WOR不育男性包括314名少精、弱精、异精或正常精子不育男性(OATN男性)和41名非阻塞性无精子男性(NOA男性)。评估各参数的差异,并通过多元线性回归调整关系。WOR不育男性的T、腰椎和全髋关节骨密度明显低于生育男性(p < 0.05)。生物可利用T (Bio-T)和25-羟基维生素D [25(OH)D]是WOR不育男性骨密度的独立决定因素(p均为p < 0.01),而在可育男性中则不是。在Bio-T分层后,在低Bio-T亚组(Bio-T≤11.6 nmol/L)中,WOR不育男性的骨密度低于可育男性(p < 0.05),而在高Bio-T亚组(Bio-T > 11.6 nmol/L)中则没有。25(OH)D是WOR on男性精子活力和形态的独立决定因素(均p < 0.05),仅在有生育能力的男性中具有临界意义(活力:p = 0.047;形态学:p = 0.056)。T测定WOR OATN男性的精子浓度(平方根)和形态(均p < 0.001)。各组T与25(OH)D均无相关性。我们认为不育男性的睾酮和骨密度低于有生育能力的男性。在不育男性中,25(OH)D和T与低骨密度和精液质量差有关。
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引用次数: 89
International journal of andrology
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