We have determined the mass-per-length (MPL) and the width of unstained freeze-dried reconstituted human epidermal keratin filaments by scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). Filaments were reassembled from keratins extracted from four different sources: cultured human epidermal cells (CHEC), human callus (CAL), and the living layers (LL) and stratum corneum (SC) of normal human epidermis. MPL histograms of all four keratin filament types could be fitted by a superposition of two or three Gaussians, with their respective major peaks located between 17 and 20 kDa/nm. We interpreted the multiple MPL peaks to represent different polymorphic forms of the reconstituted filaments. The number of subunits per filament cross section calculated from MPL peak positions, average subunit molecular weight, and an axial repeat of the subunits within the filament of 46.5 nm revealed an average difference between polymorphic variants of 7.5 ± 0.9 subunits. These data suggest that reconstituted human epidermal keratin filaments are made of two to four 8-stranded “protofibrils” (i.e., made of two laterally aggregated 4-stranded protofilaments), in agreement with earlier observations. The average widths of unstained freeze-dried keratin filaments were larger than those of negatively stained filaments: 12.6 nm (9.6 nm) for CHEC, 12.3 nm (9.7 nm) for CAL, 11.6 nm (8.3 nm) for LL, and 11.3 nm (7.9 nm) for SC keratin filaments, with the values in brackets corresponding to negatively stained samples. Assuming the MPL to be proportional to the square of the filament width, there is a good correlation between the MPL and width measurements both for filaments within a given type as well as among those reconstituted from different types of keratin extracts.