The chromatinisation of DNA by nucleoid-associated proteins (NAPs) in archaea 'formats' the genome structure in profound ways, revealing both striking differences and analogies to eukaryotic chromatin. However, the extent to which archaeal NAPs actively regulate gene expression remains poorly understood. The dawn of quantitative chromatin mapping techniques and first NAP-specific occupancy profiles in different archaea promise a more accurate view. A picture emerges where in diverse archaea with very different NAP repertoires chromatin maintains access to regulatory motifs including the gene promoter independently of transcription activity. Our re-analysis of genome-wide occupancy data of the crenarchaeal NAP Cren7 shows that these chromatin-free regions are flanked by increased Cren7 binding across the transcription start site. While bacterial NAPs often form heterochromatin-like regions across islands with xenogeneic genes that are transcriptionally silenced, there is little evidence for similar structures in archaea and data from Haloferax show that the promoters of xenogeneic genes remain accessible. Local changes in chromatinisation causing wide-ranging effects on transcription restricted to one chromosomal interaction domain (CID) in Saccharolobus islandicus hint at a higher-order level of organisation between chromatin and transcription. The emerging challenge is to integrate results obtained at microscale and macroscale, reconciling molecular structure and function with dynamic genome-wide chromatin landscapes.
Polyphosphate (polyP), broadly defined, consists of a chain of orthophosphate units connected by phosphoanhydride bonds. PolyP is the only universal inorganic biopolymer known to date and is present in all three domains of life. At a first approximation polyP appears to be a simple, featureless, and flexible polyanion. A growing body of evidence suggests that polyP is not as featureless as originally thought: it can form a wide variety of complexes and condensates through association with proteins, nucleic acids, and inorganic ions. It is becoming apparent that the emergent properties of the condensate superstructures it forms are both complex and dynamic. Importantly, growing evidence suggests that polyP can affect bacterial chromatin, both directly and by mediating interactions between DNA and proteins. In an increasing number of contexts, it is becoming apparent that polyP profoundly impacts both chromosomal structure and gene regulation in bacteria, thus serving as a rarely considered, but highly important, component in bacterial nucleoid biology.
In bacteria, faithful DNA segregation of chromosomes and plasmids is mainly mediated by ParABS systems. These systems, consisting of a ParA ATPase, a DNA binding ParB CTPase, and centromere sites parS, orchestrate the separation of newly replicated DNA copies and their intracellular positioning. Accurate segregation relies on the assembly of a high-molecular-weight complex, comprising a few hundreds of ParB dimers nucleated from parS sites. This complex assembles in a multi-step process and exhibits dynamic liquid-droplet properties. Despite various proposed models, the complete mechanism for partition complex assembly remains elusive. This study investigates the impact of DNA supercoiling on ParB DNA binding profiles in vivo, using the ParABS system of the plasmid F. We found that variations in DNA supercoiling does not significantly affect any steps in the assembly of the partition complex. Furthermore, physical modeling, leveraging ChIP-seq data from linear plasmids F, suggests that ParB sliding is restricted to approximately 2 Kbp from parS, highlighting the necessity for additional mechanisms beyond ParB sliding over DNA for concentrating ParB into condensates nucleated at parS. Finally, explicit simulations of a polymer coated with bound ParB suggest a dominant role for ParB-ParB interactions in DNA compaction within ParB condensates.
Common throughout life is the need to compact and organize the genome. Possible mechanisms involved in this process include supercoiling, phase separation, charge neutralization, macromolecular crowding, and nucleoid-associated proteins (NAPs). NAPs are special in that they can organize the genome at multiple length scales, and thus are often considered as the architects of the genome. NAPs shape the genome by either bending DNA, wrapping DNA, bridging DNA, or forming nucleoprotein filaments on the DNA. In this mini-review, we discuss recent advancements of unique NAPs with differing architectural properties across the tree of life, including NAPs from bacteria, archaea, and viruses. To help the characterization of NAPs from the ever-increasing number of metagenomes, we recommend a set of cheap and simple in vitro biochemical assays that give unambiguous insights into the architectural properties of NAPs. Finally, we highlight and showcase the usefulness of AlphaFold in the characterization of novel NAPs.