Introduction/objective: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) influences adverse maternal and fetal outcomes. Nutritional therapy and exercise are the first steps to maintain normal glucose levels. During pregnancy, metabolic status influences placental development.
Methods: This systematic review focused only on the morphology of the placenta and its microscopic changes in GMD under dietary therapy. A systematic search was performed on the main databases from inception to September 2024 (PROSPERO ID: CRD42024581621). Only original articles on GDM in diet and exercise treatment that reported at least one outcome of interest (microscopic features and macroscopic morphology of the placenta) were included.
Results: A total of 716 studies were identified, and nine met the inclusion criteria. The analysis confirmed that despite dietary control, some morphological changes in the placenta, including villus immaturity, chorangiosis, and fibrinoid necrosis, occurred at a different rate. In addition, the included studies reported an increase in placental weight in the diet-controlled GDM group.
Conclusion: Therefore, the results of the present qualitative analysis show that pregnant women with diet-controlled GDM, despite adequate glycemic control, abnormal placental development may persist. Our findings remark on the importance of the correct diet-managed GDM pregnancy monitoring due to the placental morphology abnormalities related to GMD.