The clinical manifestations of renal tuberculosis under the present conditions were studied. Seventy one patients with active renal tuberculosis treated at the Moscow Research Institute of Phthisiopulmonology and at the Pediatric Department, Yekaterinburg Research- and Production Association Phthisiology were followed up. The morbidity rate of urinary tuberculosis was found to directly depends on whether early detection of the disease is organized. Urinary tuberculosis afflicts children and adolescents in all age groups. However, its higher rates are detected in the first decade of life. Renal tuberculosis is accompanied by manifestations of the urinary syndrome in 70.4% of cases and by the presence of Mycobacteria tuberculosis in 100%. A limited renal tuberculous process was detected in 80% of cases in the period of primary infection or in the following 2 years. A generalized renal tuberculous process involving other systems in a child was accompanied by few clinical urinary symptoms and it did not depend on the duration of infection.