This study was made on the origin, ramifications and distribution features of the submental artery in 50 adult cats utilizing acryl plastic injection method, with discussion about the comparative angiology of the maxillo-facial region. The submental artery of the cat arose from the facial artery at the posterolateral margin of the mylohyoideus muscle in an aspect of a course continuation of the facial artery. But the submental artery in one case arose directly from the external carotid artery at the same portion as the usual origin of the facial artery. The submental artery passed anteroinferomedially between the insertion of the digastricus and the origin of the mylohyoideus muscle with the mylohyoid nerve up to the anterolateral end of the mylohyoideus muscle, where it gave rise to the sublingual artery. The submental artery continued towards the inferoposterior end of the intermandibular synchondrosis beneath the genioglossus muscle originating from the inferior border of the mandible, where it became the median branch by anastomosing with the opposite fellow at the median region. Principal ramifications were observed as follows: the sublingual artery, the premasseteric, the digastric, the mylohyoid, the cutaneous, the genioglossal and the median branches. The general angiological aspect of the submental artery in the cat was similar to that in the dog, except its peripheral ramifications. Lingual gingivae of the lower incisors of the cat were supplied by the median branch of the submental artery, but those of the dog by the sublingual artery. Anastomoses between the bilateral submental arteries were found in many cases of the cat, while unilaterally between the submental and the sublingual arteries in the dog.