Some district health boards are embracing ENs in their skill mix but others remain resistant. Is the EN workforce at a tipping point and is the lack of workforce planning to blame?
Some district health boards are embracing ENs in their skill mix but others remain resistant. Is the EN workforce at a tipping point and is the lack of workforce planning to blame?
The level 5 diploma is a huge milestone in enrolled nursing's journey. The future of enrolled nursing depends on the health sector committing to employing diploma graduates as ENs.
In a stressful working environment, nurses need tools to help them develop healthy relationships and good communication.
The inaugural director of the Safe Staffing Healthy Workplaces Unit warns of becoming complacent about 'normalisation' of short staffing and onerous workloads in the health system here.
Health funding, as a proportion of gross domestic product, has been shrinking for several years. The impact of that shrinkage is taking a severe tolL on those working in the health system.
NZNU members are tinding workpLace pressures and quaLity pa. tient care increasingly difficult to reconcile. Here, in their own words, and in the words of NZNO staff who support them, are taLes from the frontline.
Representing a widely diverse membership, NZNO neither endorses nor opposes assisted dying. Its main aim is to protect nurses' practice.