The article focuses on assisted dying, its legislation process and why it might be a political priority for UK lawmakers at this time. The author also raises questions about what the implications of this bill for nurses, particularly community nurses. The article mentions places outside the UK where assisted dying is already a feature of healthcare. 'Bill' or 'bills' should be taken to mean the draft legislation at the time of writing this article; these are subject to revision or even rejection in each jurisdiction either in the short or long term. It is important for nurses to think about the issue in general terms now, as it returns to the political agenda every few years. Nurses need to be able to discuss it professionally as professional standards, training and regulation will change. The questions presented give rise to polarised and strongly held views. It is important to examine any bill from a theoretical standpoint, to provide valid reasons for the position that professional nurses take, for or against these concepts in principle. There are questions of conscience and religious faith, which are challenging, but it is vital to look at the issue in an unemotional manner.