The COVID-19 pandemic caused significant disruption to sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) globally but there is little published evidence on the COVID-19 response of SRHR programmes, or lessons learned through their adaptations. To document the COVID-19 response of a global SRHR programme (the Women's Integrated Sexual Health programme), in-depth interviews were conducted between April and July 2021 with 22 key informants from implementing partners in Sierra Leone, Ethiopia and central or regional offices, the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and the third-party monitoring partner. Framework analysis methods were used. Several rapid COVID-19 adaptations were identified: the development of crisis management and communication teams; increased partnership and engagement with government; reduced contact and risk in service delivery; reformulated community mobilisation; flexible performance management and remote methods of quality assurance; and sharing of learnings alongside the development of new guidance and tools. Throughout the pandemic, the programme was able to continue high-quality service delivery, though equity goals proved more difficult to reach. Challenges included the continually changing environment, competing pressures on governments, burdensome reporting, and staff burnout. The pandemic response was facilitated by prior experience of health emergencies, strong government relationships, a supportive workforce and some pre-existing approaches, tools, and systems. This study has identified important lessons that can inform programming in future crises, including the need for immediate recognition of SRHR as essential, sustained support for staff, use of multiple mechanisms to reach marginalised groups, adequate funding for equity goals, and a better balance between the burden of reporting and accountability needs.
Adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) services are key to improving the health of adolescents. This study aimed to establish the effectiveness of an intervention that combined activities in health facilities and communities in Kenya to increase utilisation of ASRH services. A quasi-experimental evaluation design was used to assess the effectiveness of the intervention. Using a stratified cluster sampling approach, two cross-sectional household surveys targeting girls aged 15-19 were conducted at baseline (September 2019) and endline (December 2020) in intervention and comparison. We combined the difference-in-difference approach to analyse the net change in outcomes between intervention and comparison arms of the study at baseline and endline and coarsened exact matching for variables that were significantly different to address the imbalance. There were a total of 1011 participants in the intervention arm and 880 in the comparison arm. Descriptive results showed a net increase of 12.7% in intervention sites in the knowledge of misconceptions about sex, pregnancy, and contraception, compared to 10.4% in the control site. In the multivariate regression analysis, two outcomes remained significant: decreases in adolescents' discomfort when seeking ASRH services because of either fear of parents (aPR = 0.58, 95% CI = 0.42-0.79, P = 0.001) or a lack of support from their partner (aPR = 0.25, 95% CI = 0.08-0.82, P = 0.023). The intervention combining a facility and community approach was not effective in increasing the use of ASRH information and services. Possible reasons for this are explored.
Globally, more than 12 million girls under the age of 18 are forced to marry every year. Progress on ending child marriage in the Arab region is slowing, and risks being reversed, due to an increase in conflict-affected populations and widespread economic crisis. The aim of this paper is to consider the research priorities across the region to inform effective and accelerated child marriage prevention and response programming within the Arab region. Seventy-three specialists supporting child marriage prevention and response programming in the Arab region engaged with up to three phases of an online Delphi consultation process on research gaps and the research environment between July 2019 and December 2021. Proposals of research gaps were elicited, reviewed, and rated by participants to confirm a shared learning agenda. Participants identified 50 different research gaps across 7 main areas, reaching a high level of consensus support for 23 of 50 statements. Clear consensus was reached in relation to an increased need to produce and use evidence to support programme development, and further research on specific drivers and consequences of child marriage. The least consensus was found in relation to how research can inform prevention and response efforts within the law and legal system. The results provide the foundation of a child marriage research agenda for the Arab region which takes into account regional distinctiveness and builds on the global momentum for child marriage research. Mechanisms are in place to do this through the Regional Action Forum, and other networks across the region.
In Africa, the rights of adolescent girls and young women in terms of sexual and reproductive health are strongly influenced by social norms. This article delves into the pivotal role these norms play in the abortion decisions and experiences of young women aged 15-24 in Benin. An ethnographic approach was adopted for data collection among young women who have undergone abortion, their confidants, and other community members. The findings reveal that these young women face a threefold normative burden in their social environment. They juggle contradictory norms that simultaneously stigmatise early pregnancies, hinder proper sexual education, and strongly condemn abortion. These normative pressures often drive their resort to abortions, typically carried out under unsafe conditions. The study also highlights the significant role parents play in the abortion decisions and processes of teenagers under 20. When men are involved in seeking care for abortion, adolescents and young women usually access safer procedures. However, their access to aftercare and contraception following an abortion is hindered by the social norms of healthcare professionals. In addition to broadening the conditions of access to abortion in Benin in October 2021, it is imperative to implement interventions centred on value clarification, raising awareness of adolescents' rights, combating obstetric violence, and social stigmatisation. These measures are crucial to alleviate the weight of social norms bearing down on these young women. DOI: 10.1080/26410397.2023.2294793.
RésuméLes avortements à risque constituent une problématique majeure de santé publique, responsable de la mortalité et de la morbidité maternelles et absorbant les ressources des systèmes de santé publique à l'échelle mondiale. Malgré l'ampleur très probable du problème de l'avortement non sécurisé au Maroc, peu de données sont accessibles sur cette question. Cette recherche vise à analyser la situation de l'avortement du point de vue des femmes et des professionnels de santé dans la préfecture d'Agadir Idaoutanane au Sud du Maroc. Nous avons conduit une étude transversale mixte. De janvier à septembre 2018, 266 femmes ont été recrutées pour répondre à un questionnaire, et 45 entretiens avec les femmes et les professionnels de la santé impliqués dans la santé sexuelle et reproductive (SSR) ont été menés. Nous avons procédé à une analyse descriptive des données quantitatives et à une analyse de contenu thématique des données recueillies par les entretiens individuels. Les résultats de l'étude révèlent que les avortements sont la conjugaison de plusieurs facteurs multidimensionnels. Le manque d'informations en SSR et l'échec de la contraception sont les facteurs majeurs de grossesses non désirées. L'avortement provoqué est un sujet tabou, fortement stigmatisant, portant à l'image sociale de la personne. L'accessibilité aux services d'avortement est marquée de grandes disparités et de trajectoires différentes. Cette étude apporte une contribution à l'analyse du phénomène de l'avortement au Maroc et appelle à une action politique urgente sur plusieurs niveaux: l'accès aux programmes d'éducation sexuelle et à la contraception appropriée, l'élargissement des indications d'avortement préconisées dans le projet de loi, la mise en place des stratégies de lutte contre la stigmatisation de l'avortement par les professionnels de santé et l'accès à des soins post-avortement de haute qualité.
RésuméLa pratique contraceptive moderne augmente lentement parmi les jeunes générations au Bénin. La présente étude analyse les tendances, les déterminants du recours aux contraceptifs et leurs mécanismes d'actions chez les adolescentes. Les approches socio-écologique et intersectionnelle ont été adoptées, avec une méthode d'étude mixte portant sur les adolescentes de 15 à 19 ans sexuellement actives et non enceintes. Le volet quantitatif recourt aux données des cinq enquêtes démographiques et de santé du Bénin entre 1996 et 2017-18, avec une analyse descriptive et une régression logistique binaire pas à pas. Les données qualitatives collectées par des observations, discussions de groupe et entretiens individuels auprès de différents acteurs nationaux, ont fait l'objet d'analyse de contenu. Les résultats révèlent une prévalence contraceptive moderne basse, passant de 4,6% en 1996 à 13,3% en 2017-18, avec le préservatif comme principale méthode utilisée (8,2%). En 2017-18, la probabilité d'utiliser les contraceptifs était plus élevée chez les adolescentes des ménages riches (OR = 2,3), les scolarisées (OR = 2,3), les célibataires (OR = 2,1), celles fréquentant les services de planification familiale (PF) (OR = 1,8), connaissant le cycle menstruel (OR = 1,6), et économiquement actives (OR = 1,5). Cependant, être Yoruba réduit les chances d'utiliser les contraceptifs (OR = 0,5). Les données qualitatives confirment ces résultats et les complètent en mettant en avant l'effet du cadre juridique favorable à la pratique contraceptive, la stigmatisation sociale des utilisatrices, et les infox véhiculées en communauté. Nous recommandons des efforts pour le maintien des filles à l'école, la généralisation des services de PF pour les adolescents, la communication communautaire, et la subvention des contraceptifs.