Mediation analysis refers to the process of making inferences on effects of third variables that intervene in the relationship between an exposure and response variable. The relationships among variables can be modelled by generalized linear models (GLM). However, GLM are not sufficient to describe relationships among variables when there are nonlinear relationships and potential interaction effects. A general mediation analysis method was developed using not only GLMs, but also multiple additive regression trees and smoothing splines by Yu and Li (2017). The method is implemented in the R package, mma. In this paper, we developed SAS macros so that functions in the mma package can be called and the mediation analysis performed in the SAS environment.
This manuscript introduces a user-friendly, point and click open source and platform-independent software tool that aids the graphical representation of experimental studies. A graphical summary can give a high-level view of a study and represent in one illustration the important features of the data. Examples include sample collections, the time of each data collection, perturbations, and analysis performed. Graphical summaries can be useful in clarifying and documenting the complex relationships within an experiment by breaking down the component parts and expressing them visually. Commonly used cases for this tool include generating summary figures for presentation and publications. This tool was used either alone or in conjunction with other tools to generate schematic diagrams for talks and publications on several different on-going research projects.
SnappySonic provides an ultrasound acquisition replay simulator designed for public engagement and training. It provides a simple interface to allow users to experience ultrasound acquisition without the need for specialist hardware or acoustically compatible phantoms. The software is implemented in Python, built on top of a set of open source Python modules targeted at surgical innovation. The library has high potential for reuse, most obviously for those who want to simulate ultrasound acquisition, but it could also be used as a user interface for displaying high dimensional images or video data.