Multiparty interactions are common place in today's distributed systems. An agent usually communicates, in a single session, with other agents to accomplish a given task. Take for instance an online transaction including the vendor, the client, the credit card system and the bank. When specifying this kind of system, we probably observe a single transaction including several (binary) communications leading to changes in the state of all the involved agents. Multiway synchronization process calculi, that move from a binary to a multiparty synchronization discipline, have been proposed to formally study the behavior of those systems. However, adopting models such as Bodei, Brodo, and Bruni's Core Network Algebra (CNA), where the number of participants in an interaction is not fixed a priori, leads to an exponential blow-up in the number of states/behaviors that can be observed from the system. In this paper we explore mechanisms to tackle this problem. We extend CNA with constraints that declaratively allow the modeler to restrict the interaction that should actually happen. Our extended process algebra, called CCNA, finds application in balancing the interactions in a concurrent system, leading to a simple, deadlock-free and fair solution for the Dinning Philosopher problem. Our definition of constraints is general enough and it offers the possibility of accumulating costs in a multiparty negotiation. Hence, only computations respecting the thresholds imposed by the modeler are observed. We use this machinery to neatly model a Service Level Agreement protocol. We develop the theory of CCNA including its operational semantics and a behavioral equivalence that we prove to be a congruence. We also propose a prototypical implementation that allows us to verify, automatically, some of the systems explored in the paper.