Background: The efficiency of in vitro fertilization is improved by growth hormone (GH) during ovarian stimulation. Additionally, patients with diabetes experience impaired insulin resistance and compromised glucose tolerance, which further exacerbate their condition. Due to these side effects, in this study, the duration of GH treatment was compared in IVF/ICSI cycles among poor ovarian responders.
Methods: In this study, POSEIDON criteria were used to choose patients. Subcutaneous administration of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonist was done beginning on the sixth day of the cycle and continuing through the day of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) injection. In one group, GH was administered 4 units/day from the 2nd day of the cycle until hCG injection, and in another group, the first dose was administered on the 6th day of the cycle. Following the administration of hCG, which lasted from 24 to 36 hr, oocytes were retrieved with the support of B-mode sonography.
Results: In our analysis, no significant differences were observed between the two groups in terms of the number of retrieved oocytes, metaphase II oocytes, and quality of grade A and B embryos. The results show that the treatment or conditions did not have a significant impact on the outcomes among the studied groups.
Conclusion: Our findings indicate that a shorter duration of GH administration can yield similar outcomes compared to a longer duration in IVF/ICSI cycles involving poor ovarian responders. This result holds the potential for a more cost-effective and patient-friendly approach in managing assisted reproductive technology procedures. It may lead to reduced side effects and improved adherence to medication regimens in patients.