One of the commonly abused drug substances in both rural and urban communities of the developing countries is tobacco. The slow poison is still present even though anti-tobacco laws has been implemented to eliminate this threat.
To measure the violation of Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act (COTPA), 2003 under sections 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 & 10 in Puducherry.
An observational cross-sectional survey was conducted over three months (June to August 2022) in 194 public places and 126 tobacco points-of-sale at Puducherry district. A multi-stage cluster sampling was employed. An observational checklist was used to record the violation of COTPA sections. The data were analyzed using SPSS-v16.
Section 4 and 5 violations were 67% and 47% respectively, while other sections (7,8,9,10) were compliant with the law in >85% of the parameters observed exception being display of “Warning” in specified font and colour (10%). The COTPA compliance rate was quite low in the observed public places. “No smoking area” and “Smoking Here Is an Offense” signage was seldom displayed in most public places.
Despite the fact that the law has been carefully drafted, it has been implemented to a limited extent. For guaranteeing adherence and rigorous implementation of the act's provisions, the concerned authorities shall perform timely and routine compliance assessments.