Human Rights: Steel and others v UK (ECHR lays down limits to legitimate protest in environmental cases); Civil Liability: Baxter v Camden London Borough Council (ruling on noise); Ind v Plant Hire Co.(Stroud)Ltd (compensation for waste nuisance); Health and Safety: R v F Howe & Son (Engineers) Ltd (Court of Appeal criticises fines in health & safety cases as too low and sets new guidelines); Highways: Ramblers Association v Hoogstraten ; IPC/LAAPC: Compton and Gath Drums (important appeal decisions by the DETR on the content and procedure of authorisations); William Blythe & Co.(can low fines elsewhere be used as proportionality argument to reduce other fines?); Agency v Petrus Oils (case against a company collapses - Agency penalised in costs); Oakley v Birmingham City Council (profound implications of location of sanitary facilities); Forthcoming prosecution: HSE v Monsanto (Monsanto to be prosecuted for alleged breaches of rules relating to trials of genetically modified crops); Waste: Mayer Parry Recycling Ltd v The Environmental Agency (extended meaning given to the notion of 'waste' in the context of scrap metal); Customs and Excise v ICI Chemicals and Polymers (restricted meaning given to the notion of 'waste'in the context of certain site engineering activities); Customs and Excise v Taylor Woodrow (important exemption gained for removal of contaminated material).