Introduction: Football is the most popular sport and is widely played around the globe, with approximately 400 million players in 208 countries. Lower extremity injuries showed the highest incidence, with ankle injuries being the most prevalent after hip and knee injuries. The purpose of this study was to describe the characteristics of the players who reported previous ankle injuries during pre-competition medical assessment (PCMA) during the 2022 seasons of the Malaysian professional club. In addition, the study also investigated the effect of previous injuries on current ankle function.
Materials and methods: This was a retrospective cross-sectional study using secondary data from the preseason PCMA data from a professional club that competed in Malaysia. The ankle range of motion, anterior drawer test, and functional ankle assessments including the Biodex athlete single leg stability test and ankle joint muscle strength were performed during the PCMA.
Results: A total of 45 footballers reported previous history of ankle injuries to the left (n=9), right (n=20), or both ankles (n=16). Footballers with prior ankle injuries exhibited significantly less ankle inversion (p = 0.008) and a larger proportion of positive ADT tests in the injured ankle (x2(1, N=90) =7.76, p=0.005) compared to the non-injured side. there was no significant difference in other ankle range of motion, ankle stability index, or ankle muscular strength between previously injured and uninjured ankles.
Conclusions: During preseason screening, half of the footballers in this study reported previous history of ankle injury, putting them at risk of having future ankle injuries. Aside from inversion and the anterior drawer test, no significant differences in range of motion, stability index, or muscle strength were discovered. However, as injury causation is multifactorial, preventive measures should be taken to reduce the risk of injury.