Old age is characterized by reflection and a retrospective examination of the multiple meanings of various life experiences, including lifelong abuse. Forgiveness is found to have a salutary effect, especially for older adults. To understand the place and role of forgiveness in the reflective process during aging, we performed a secondary analysis of in-depth, semi-structured interviews (N = 78) with older women survivors of abuse. Inductive thematic analysis was based on concepts developed deductively from the literature review. The findings include three main themes: (1) The dimensions of forgiving: The victim as subject; (2) Being forgiven: Between lost forgiveness and hope; and (3) Self-forgiveness and the aging self. Despite the known salutary effect of forgiveness, we must consider that this is not a universally desirable process. We included the dimension of forgiveness in the study of abuse throughout the older person's life course and identified further complexities in addition to the "forgiveness"/"unforgiveness."
Adult child to parent violence is a growing international social problem that needs to be better understood to develop clinical interventions. An exploratory study on the antecedents of early life adversity on adult child to parent violence/elder mistreatment was carried out using secondary analysis. Directed content analysis was used based on life course theory with a data set of older mothers all > 57 years old (J. R. Smith 2021, 2022). Measurement of instances of child abuse, domestic violence, and birth trauma among abused older mothers was conducted. All the older women had reported being negatively affected by their adult children's problems and 56% reported being physically attacked. A case example is presented to illustrate how repeated incidents of abuse or neglect in early life might explain an older woman's inability to take actions for her own safety.
The objectives of this study were: 1) to estimate the prevalence of child abuse (CA), intimate partner violence (IPV), and elder abuse (EA) in a representative sample of older Mexican women by status, type, and cause of disability; and 2) to examine the associations of EA with CA, IPV, and disability status. We conducted a secondary data analysis of 21,718 women aged 60 years and older. Older women with disabilities had higher prevalences of CA, IPV, and EA than those with some difficulties or without disabilities. In older women whose disability was acquired at birth or due to aggression, this prevalence was especially high. Older women with disabilities and a history of CA and IPV were twice as likely to suffer EA. Policymakers and government leaders should incorporate the matter of violence against women with disabilities into their public agendas. This should be done while considering the women's various disabilities and causes of disability.
This study addresses the retrospective experiences of older Arab Israeli women after a lifetime of living in the shadow of intimate partner violence. Qualitative research was conducted, using in-depth, semi-structured interviews of 15 Arab Israeli older women. Underlying this study is a feminist perspective and a life course perspective. Two main themes emerged: (1) socially endorsed violence against Arab Israeli women. This took several forms: men's dominant position and women's dependence, sources of violence used against women before and after marriage, and the social education of women to accept their fate. (2) The construction of a multifaceted survival identity throughout Arab Israeli women's life and old age. This identity has a variety of dimensions, including: a submissive victim identity, a rehabilitative identity of respect in old age, and a form of split identity that combines both the rehabilitative social identity and the marginal identity still experienced within the home.
Due to the rise in scams perpetrated against older adults, Adult Protective Service workers are more frequently involved in investigating these matters. One significant aspect of scam involvement is the assessment of informed financial decision-making. This study examined 175 consecutive scam cases APS workers investigated using a 10-item financial-decision making tool. Two-thirds of the sample displayed deficits in decision-making. The decision-making tool was effective in differentiating those rated as having deficits from those without deficits. Analysis of each scored item found differences between groups on six of the seven items. A review of the item responses illustrates the types of deficits in understanding and appreciation of the scam and its impact on the older person and their family.
Abuse of older adults is a public health problem. The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS) is a nationally-representative, telephone survey for non-institutionalized adults in the United States. To determine the prevalence and factors of intimate partner psychological aggression and physical violence and sexual violence by any perpetrator against older adults, we analyzed NISVS 2016/2017 data (n = 10,171, aged ≥ 60 years). Past 12-month prevalence of psychological aggression, physical violence, and sexual violence was 2.1%, 0.8%, and 1.7%, respectively. Odds of psychological aggression were significantly higher among those with hearing or vision impairment, and lower among those aged ≥70 years. Odds of physical violence were significantly higher for males and for those with hearing or vision impairment. Odds of sexual violence were significantly higher for unpartnered individuals and those with cognitive impairment; and lower for those aged ≥ 70 years. Epidemiologic studies of violence against older adults can inform population-specific prevention strategies.
This study examined the experiences and the perceptions of elder mistreatment (EM), as well as help-seeking knowledge and behaviors, particularly about Adult Protective Services (APS), among community samples of Asian American older adults, including Koreans, Chinese, and others (N = 288). Approximately 27% of the study participants experienced at least one EM incident in the past year. Between 27% and 38% of the participants reported that they were likely to seek help from APS for different types of EM. Significant differences were found across the three Asian groups in their perceptions toward EM and intention to seek help from APS in the event of EM. However, many Asian American older adults in the study did not know about APS prior to participating in the study (75.5%) and other formal sources of help (66.3%). Implications for helping professionals, particularly APS and community-based organizations serving Asian Americans, are discussed.