Chinese family caregivers of people with dementia (PWD) can suffer from physical and psychological burden. This study aimed to examine the effects of logotherapy-based interventions on Chinese family caregivers of older adults with dementia to decrease caregiver burden. This mixed-methods study used a pre-experimental design with pre-posttests and semi-structured interviews. A purposive sample of 13 family caregivers from a suburban district in Shanghai was enrolled with (1) caregiver burden and (2) access and capability to use smart devices. Participants received eight online group logotherapy sessions with a focus on hope and meaning construction. Participants completed the Zarit Burden Interview, a 22-item measure of caregiver burden, before and after the intervention, and a 30-min semi-structured interview post-intervention. From the quantitative data, dementia caregivers reported severe caregiving burdens at the baseline (M = 54.77, SD = 9.33). Caregiver burden significantly decreased after the logotherapy-based intervention (M = 52.15, SD = 8.80, p < .001). Two themes pertaining to participants' experiences in intervention emerged from the qualitative data: (1) improved attitudes toward suffering, and (2) enhanced sense of meaning in life and hope. The cultural relevance of logotherapy to Chinese familism and Confucianism may further enhance its feasibility in the Chinese context.