The collaboration between educators of early childhood education and care (ECEC) and parents has a significant positive impact on children's development, particularly for young immigrant children. However, research in multilingual and multicultural contexts is scarce. Therefore, the aim of the present study conducted in multilingual ECEC context in Luxembourg was twofold: (1) to identify the significant predictors that influence goal-oriented communication between parents and educators, and (2) to showcase a dynamic interplay between these factors in practice through observations and interviews. To address the first aim, we conducted two regression analyses, one involving parents (N = 323) and the other educators (N = 289). The analysis with parents showed that the most significant factor that influenced goal-oriented communication was parent satisfaction, while for educators it was educators’ professional attitudes towards parents and parent involvement. Furthermore, the results from interviews and observations of parent involvement in literacy activities in two multilingual centres showed that these factors are closely linked. When educators have positive attitudes, they will communicate more frequently and purposefully, and offer opportunities for parents to be involved, which will then lead to parent satisfaction. This study has important implications for policymakers, practitioners, and parents especially in multilingual contexts.
This article examines the relationship between graduates' academic performance and the financial returns of their university education in Chile. By Analyzing data from 784 students who graduated from 10 selected Chilean universities between 2010 and 2016, this study utilizes linear and quantile regression to estimate returns. The results indicate that returns range from 4.9% to 15.0%, depending on the specifications and estimation methods employed. While linear regression suggests no significant association between academic performance and returns, quantile regression reveals a positive impact for lower and medium salary ranges, reducing the income gap with higher earners. The results of this study can be helpful in achieving a better understanding of the factors that influence returns to education.
The objective of this study is to evaluate the internal performance of education systems in sub-Saharan Africa. The choice of the academic performance of student work in reading and mathematics (defined as the ratio between the score obtained in a subject and the investment in learning that subject) as the approach to internal performance constitutes the originality of this research. Based on 2019 data from the Confemen Programme for the Analysis of Educational Systems (PASEC) covering 14 countries in sub-Saharan Africa, the choice of bivariate modelling allows the hierarchical structure of the data to be taken into account and the performance of schoolwork in reading and mathematics to be treated simultaneously. The results show that the influence of learner and school characteristics on performance in reading and mathematics converges. Nevertheless, certain personal attributes of the pupils or certain aspects specific to the school attended generate differentiated impacts depending on the subject considered. Sensitivity and robustness analyses confirm the stability of the results, offering avenues for understanding and improving students' academic performance.
This study investigates the impact of studying two degree programs on students’ identity formation and experiences within the evolving landscape of higher education, characterized by massification and managerial trends in the context of a weak economy. I use a narrative analysis of interviews with 14 Colombian students enrolled in joint-degree programs at an elite private university. I found that students tend to focus their identity development within a single program of study, contrary to the promise of broader identity multiplicity envisioned by the university's joint degree policy: 8 students ended up building their professional identities primarily within one program of study, three students had not developed any, and only one student developed two professional identities. Second, the intensive demands of these programs appear to prioritize the identity of a joint degree student, relegating alternative social and ego identities due to limited socialization opportunities. Third, the conflicted process of identity formation is frequently laden with frustration from unmet expectations, feelings of overload or under-stimulation, and isolation from peers. In conclusion, universities’ promises to enhance career paths and professional identities through joint degree programs may be decoupled from students who do not double their professional identities and horizons. This finding has implications for the theorization of professional identification. As students mature, they often prioritize career opportunities within a program over dual or multiple professional identities. Building multiple professional identities at the university is often unrealistic, and when it does occur, it may be at the expense of subordinating other social and ego identities. Finally, universities offering joint degrees could use these theoretical reflections and empirical findings on identity formation and student experiences that are consistent with our knowledge of the complexity of professional identity formation and the plausibility that this complexity is amplified by the addition of another program of study.
The importance of professionalism in teaching practices for achieving high-quality education has been acknowledged. Becoming a professional teacher is a long-term commitment but it is essential to promote high standards of professionalism from the beginning of teacher candidate formation. In addition, as professionalism in teaching is closely linked to the concept of “teacher as a researcher”, formative research seems to be a potent strategy for engaging future teachers in developing research abilities, essential for understanding and analyzing their educational practices. In this sense, the objective of this work is to explore the influence of a formative research approach on the development of research competencies by applying an action-research approach with a longitudinal cut. Thus, an intervention based on a ubiquitous strategy of formative research was implemented during the final three years of education of a teacher's training institution in Uruguay. The teacher candidate development of research competencies was assessed along the process. The obtained results demonstrated the effectiveness of implementing formative research to enhance the research skills of teacher candidates. The assessment of overall research competencies exhibited a statistically significant and substantial positive change (Cohen's d = 0.92). The impact was most pronounced among teacher candidates with the least developed initial research competencies, particularly for those in the early stages of their careers. This suggests that candidates engaged in the formative research strategy throughout their studies might achieve even higher levels of research competencies. Disaggregating the results by gender and for most of the specific subjects showed similar effects. In addition, within the framework of ubiquitous learning, the emphasis on the use of digital tools during the intervention led to an increase in the development of the research skills related to these tools for the studied sample. This is the first example of a quantitative approach that leads to concrete conclusions related to the effect of a research formative strategy for teacher candidates in Uruguay.