Big data in paediatric anaesthesia allows the evaluation of morbidity and mortality of anaesthesia in a large population, but also the identification of rare critical events and of their causes. This is a major step to focus education and design clinical guidelines. Moreover, they can help trying to determine normative data in a population with a wide range of ages and body weights. The example of blood pressure under anaesthesia will be detailed. Big data studies should encourage every department of anaesthesia to collect its own data and to benchmark its performance by comparison with published data. The data collection processes are also an opportunity to build collaborative research networks and help researchers to complete multicentric studies. Up to recently, big data studies were only performed in well developed countries. Fortunately, big data collections have started in some low and middle income countries and truly international studies are ongoing.
Nowadays, widespread antenatal ultrasound screenings detect congenital anomalies earlier and more frequently. This has sparked research into foetal surgery, offering treatment options for various conditions. These surgeries aim to correct anomalies or halt disease progression until after birth. Minimally invasive procedures can be conducted under local anaesthesia (with/without maternal sedation), while open mid-gestational procedures necessitate general anaesthesia. Anaesthesia serves to prevent maternal and foetal pain, to provide immobilization, and to optimize surgical conditions by ensuring uterine relaxation. As early as 12 weeks after conception, the foetus may experience pain. Thus, in procedures involving innervated foetal tissue or requiring foetal immobilization, anaesthetic drugs can be administered directly to the foetus (intramuscular or intravenous) or indirectly (transplacental) to the mother. However, animal studies have indicated that exposure to prenatal anaesthesia might impact foetal brain development, translating these findings to the clinical setting remains difficult.
The field of pediatric neuroanesthesia has evolved with concurrent changes in pediatric neurosurgical practice. Ongoing pediatric neuroanesthesia investigations provide novel insights into developmental cerebrovascular physiology, neurosurgical technology, and clinical outcomes. Minimally invasive neurosurgical procedures appear to be associated with lower complication rates and length of stay. This review will discuss blood sparing techniques, regional anesthesia, and postoperative disposition. Collectively, these innovations appear to be safe in pediatric neurosurgical patients with potential benefits, but more data is needed for more definitive long-term outcomes.
Adequate fluid management in the perioperative period in paediatric patients is essential for restoring and maintaining homeostasis and ensuring adequate tissue perfusion. A well-designed infusion regimen is crucial for preventing severe complications such as hyponatraemic encephalopathies. The composition of perioperative fluid solutions is now guided by an understanding of extracellular fluid physiology. Various crystalloid and colloidal products are available for use, but a comprehensive approach requires careful consideration of their drawbacks and limitations. Additionally, the unique characteristics of different patient groups must be taken into account. This review will provide the reader with physiological considerations for perioperative fluids and describe indications for perioperative intravenous fluid therapy in paediatric patients. The current evidence on perioperative fluid therapy is finally summarised in practical recommendations.
This review discusses the evolution of preoperative fasting guidelines and examines the incidence of pulmonary aspiration of gastric contents and suggested treatments.
Nine guidelines developed by professional societies and published in peer-reviewed journals since 1994 were identified. The recommendations on preoperative fasting for various categories have undergone only small adaptations in the following three decades in pediatric anesthesia.
We found twelve published studies of the incidence of pulmonary aspiration, which ranges from 0.6 to 12 in 10,000 anesthetics in children. However, this variation reflects differences in the definition of aspiration as well as differences in study design. The main risk factors identified are emergency surgery, ASA physical status, and patient age. Several additional risk factors have been suggested, including non-compliance to fasting guidelines.
The duration of clear fluid fasting is not associated with an increased risk of pulmonary aspiration which may be reflected in future guideline updates in pediatric anesthesia.