This study outlines the planning, emphases, and proposed implementation of a gravimetric control network for Israel. The establishment of a comprehensive and accurate gravimetric control network is crucial for various geodetic applications, including geoid determination, gravity field modelling, vertical datum establishment, and geophysical studies. This study aims to provide a framework for the development and implementation of such a network in Israel. The proposed network is divided into two orders. The first order, also known as the absolute order or zero order, comprises four stations situated in geologically stable and tranquil locations. The second order, referred to as the first order, is established through relative gravimetric measurements. This order will encompass 29 stations positioned in areas that are both stable and secure. The zero and first order stations will be evenly distributed throughout the country to ensure homogeneous coverage. The proposed gravimetric network is in conjunction with the requirements to improve the geoid undulation model of Israel. Through the establishment of a small gravimetric network and the implementation of relative gravimetric measurements, we were able to determine the optimal control point density and establish a well-structured methodology for measurement, analysis, and the adjustment process.