Purpose: Despite highly effective asthma treatments, the prevalence of asthma is increasing in children and adolescents. Despite easy access to asthma control, sufficient control and management are not achieved. Asthma management is crucial to prevent the development of asthma symptoms and attacks, reduce repeated hospitalizations, and prevent a decrease in the quality of life for both the child and caregivers. This case study aims to increase the utilization of theories, models, and classification systems by evaluating a child diagnosed with asthma for 6 years and their caregivers based on Pender's health promotion model (PHPM). Furthermore, the study aims to establish a connection with NANDA, Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC), and Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC), thereby formulating a nursing care plan.
Methods: This case study evaluated a child diagnosed with asthma for 6 years and their caregivers based on PHPM. A nursing care plan was developed by establishing connections with NANDA, NIC, and NOC and based on Pender's health promotion.
Findings: By establishing connections with NANDA, NIC, and NOC, a nursing care plan of a total of six included nursing diagnoses has been created as five based on the PHPM.
Conclusion: The care plan implemented improved S.B.K.'s clinical condition. Furthermore, the mother's social support increased, and her confidence in managing asthma improved. As a result of implementing the model, the mother reached the potential to develop healthy behaviors for S.B.K. and make future-oriented plans.
Implications for nursing practice: It is recommended that NANDA-I, NIC, and NOC, along with PHPM, be used in clinical nursing care and scientific research to enhance the presentation of quality care and the individual's future health potential.