The pathogenesis of AD is complex and not yet fully understood. A number of factors, including amyloid plaques, NFTs, and inflammatory processes, are likely to contribute to development of the disease. Acetylcholine and glutamate are intimately involved in learning and memory. Hypotheses implicating defects within both neurotransmitter systems in AI) are recognized. This knowledge coupled with ongoing discoveries about the multiple pathophysiologic pathways involved in development and progression of AD has given rise to several plausible therapeutic targets. Therapies addressing some of these targets (ie, acetylcholine, glutamate) have already shown clinical efficacy in treating AD while other targets continue to be investigated.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was twofold: (a) to examine the effectiveness of two interactive online learning modules for advanced practice nurses (APNs) and (b) to examine the participants' demographic characteristics and their perceptions of the strengths and weaknesses of online learning.
Data sources: A purposive sample of 73 registered nurses and APNs enrolled in graduate study or continuing education completed an online learning course. These participants were pretested and post-tested using a knowledge test developed by the authors. Participants were also surveyed for demographic characteristics and perceptions toward online learning.
Conclusions: The findings of this study support case-based online learning as a successful method in the education of APNs. The evaluation of the online modules and the enthusiasm from students indicated success of this teaching/learning method. The majority of learners responded positively toward the online method of learning and included comments that indicated they enjoyed learning using this method, would like to have the site available at their practice locations for reference, and would like to have other courses designed and delivered in this manner. IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE AND EDUCATION: The effectiveness and quality of the online instruction ultimately matter most to student satisfaction in online courses. The future of online education is dependent on well-structured, interactive, and substantive programs. Educators are challenged to continually assess and evaluate the changing learning needs of APNs.
Purpose: The purpose of this article is to provide nurse practitioners with an understanding of the pathophysiology of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) disease, clinical manifestations, diagnostic evaluation, drug therapy, strategies for health promotion, and relevant care issues for patients and families.
Data sources: Selected clinical and research articles, as well as current government guidelines.
Conclusions: Symptoms expressed are more apparent as PAH disease progresses, leaving fewer treatment options in advanced disease stages. New drugs are currently being tested for the treatment of PAH; however, the costs of many of the currently approved treatments may be prohibitive.
Implications for practice: Earlier recognition of disease symptoms leads to prompt initiation of diagnostic evaluation and referral to specializing medical centers. Upon referral, specialty centers may begin appropriate treatment regimens earlier in the disease process, which could improve clinical outcomes and quality of life.