Inspired by an example of Guéritaud and Kassel (Geom Topol 21(2):693–840, 2017), we construct a family of infinitely generated discontinuous groups (Gamma ) for the 3-dimensional anti-de Sitter space (textrm{AdS}^{3}). These groups are not necessarily sharp (a kind of “strong” proper discontinuity condition introduced by Kassel and Kobayashi (Adv Math 287:123–236, 2016), and we give its criterion. Moreover, we find upper and lower bounds of the counting (N_{Gamma }(R)) of a (Gamma )-orbit contained in a pseudo-ball B(R) as the radius R tends to infinity. We then find a non-sharp discontinuous group (Gamma ) for which there exist infinitely many (L^2)-eigenvalues of the Laplacian on the noncompact anti-de Sitter manifold (Gamma backslash textrm{AdS}^{3}), by applying the method established by Kassel–Kobayashi. We also prove that for any increasing function f, there exists a discontinuous group (Gamma ) for (textrm{AdS}^{3}) such that the counting (N_{Gamma }(R)) of a (Gamma )-orbit is larger than f(R) for a sufficiently large R.