Let M be a complete Riemannian manifold satisfying a weighted Poincaré inequality, and let be a Hermitian vector bundle over M equipped with a metric covariant derivative ∇. We consider the operator , where is the formal adjoint of ∇ with respect to the inner product in the space of square-integrable sections of , X is a smooth (real) vector field on M, and V is a fiberwise self-adjoint, smooth section of the endomorphism bundle . We give a sufficient condition for the triviality of the -kernel of . As a corollary, putting and working in the setting of a Clifford module equipped with a Clifford connection ∇, we obtain the triviality of the -kernel of , where D is the Dirac operator corresponding to ∇. In particular, when and is the Hodge–deRham Laplacian on (complex-valued) k-forms, we recover some recent vanishing results for -harmonic (complex-valued) k-forms.
In this paper, we investigate the Sasakian statistical structures of constant ϕ-sectional curvature based on Sasakian space forms. We obtain the classification of this kind of Sasakian statistical structures. Our classification results show that the Sasakian statistical structures of constant ϕ-sectional curvature on a Sasakian space form with dimension higher than 3 must be almost-trivial; on a 3-dimensional Sasakian space form, in addition to the almost-trivial Sasakian statistical structure, there exist other Sasakian statistical structures which satisfy the constant ϕ-sectional curvature condition. We also point out that a rigidity result for cosymplectic statistical structures of constant ϕ-sectional curvature on 3-dimensional cosymplectic space forms in [11] can be improved to the corresponding classification result.
We study the -structure induced on an oriented hypersurface of a 7-dimensional manifold with a nearly parallel -structure. Such -structures are called nearly half-flat. We characterise the left invariant nearly half-flat structures on . This characterisation then helps us to systematically analyse nearly parallel -structures on an interval times .
Let M be a smooth manifold and a Morse-Bott foliation with a compact critical manifold . Denote by the group of diffeomorphisms of M leaving invariant each leaf of . Under certain assumptions on it is shown that the computation of the homotopy type of reduces to three rather independent groups: the group of diffeomorphisms of Σ, the group of vector bundle automorphisms of some regular neighborhood of Σ, and the subgroup of consisting of diffeomorphisms fixed near Σ. Examples of computations of homotopy types of groups for such foliations are also presented.