Purpose: Dialogic reading (DR) is an evidence-based method for reading with young children that is associated with improvements in children's oral language skills. There is, however, a lack of consensus on (a) how to train educators to deliver the intervention and (b) methods for assessing implementation fidelity. We designed this study to provide preliminary data about the viability of online video modules as an initial training option within a future tiered training model.
Method: We employed a within-subject repeated-measures group design to evaluate educators' (N = 20) implementation of DR after viewing training videos. Educators filmed themselves reading three storybooks with a child "as they would typically" to establish pretest reading behaviors. After being given access to a series of DR training videos, the educators recorded themselves reading three storybooks with the child using DR strategies as a posttest measure.
Results: Educators improved their use of individual strategies included in the DR instructional sequence at posttest; however, most participants did not consistently follow the entire instructional sequence as designed. Only one educator delivered the complete DR instructional sequence in > 80% of opportunities at posttest.
Conclusion: Modifications to video training modules and additional coaching support may be warranted for many educators to achieve the level of implementation fidelity needed to improve the child's oral language skills from the intervention.
Supplemental material: https://doi.org/10.23641/asha.25749387.