[This corrects the article DOI: 10.1093/conphys/coab073.].
[This corrects the article DOI: 10.1093/conphys/coab073.].
Storage temperature is one of the most important factors determining seed longevity in the genebank. This study aimed to investigate the effect of storage temperature on the seed viability and physiological integrity after a 20-year storage period of Pinus densiflora, a tree species of ecological and economic significance in South Korea. To this end, seeds were collected and stored dry for 20 years at -18°C, 4°C and 25°C. Germination tests were conducted to assess seed viability and vigour, electrolyte leakage analysis was performed to assess cell membrane integrity, and carbohydrate analysis was conducted to assess metabolic integrity during germination. The results revealed that over 20 years, seeds stored at -18°C maintained a high germination percentage (GP; 89%), comparable to initial GP (91%), whilst those stored at 4°C exhibited a decline in GP (44%) along with a decrease in vigour. Seeds stored at 25°C lost their viability entirely. Electrical conductivity of the leachate and leakage of inorganic compounds and soluble sugars were higher with elevated storage temperature, indicating increased imbibition damage. Additionally, changes in carbohydrate content during germination revealed that the loss of viability according to storage temperature is associated with reduced storage reserve utilization and altered carbohydrate metabolism during germination. These results enhance our understanding of the effect of seed storage temperature on longevity and physiological changes of aging in the genebank, serving as a reference for establishing conservation strategies for Pinus densiflora.
Warming of aquatic ecosystems is transforming the distribution, phenology and growth of the organisms dependent upon these ecosystems. Aquatic insects such as stoneflies are especially vulnerable to warming because the aquatic nymph stage of their life cycle depends on cool, well-oxygenated, flowing water habitat. We tracked thermal effects on available aerobic capacity of the aquatic nymph stage of an iconic and vulnerable stonefly species, the giant salmonfly (Pteronarcys californica), to compare habitat thermal regime measurements for two salmonfly populations from habitats separated by a gradient in summer weekly maximum temperatures. Contrary to expectations, the thermal optima range of the warmer habitat population was cooler than for the cooler habitat population. We posit that this unexpected interpopulation variation in thermal response is more strongly driven by diel and seasonal thermal variability than by the highest summer temperatures experienced within respective habitats. Additionally, we show that summer daily maximum temperatures could result in periodic limits in available aerobic capacity to support work of the warmer habitat nymphs and may be the mechanism underlying reduced abundance relative to the upstream cooler habitat population. Our findings provide insight into potential thermal and metabolic mechanisms that could regulate the success of ecological and culturally important aquatic insect species experiencing global change. We conclude that thermal regimes and thermal variation, not just mean and maximum temperatures, are critical drivers of aquatic insect responses to water temperatures.
In the age of global climate change, extreme climatic events are expected to increase in frequency and severity. Animals will be forced to cope with these novel stressors in their environment. Glucocorticoids (i.e. 'stress' hormones) facilitate an animal's ability to cope with their environment. To date, most studies involving glucocorticoids focus on the immediate physiological effects of an environmental stressor on an individual, few studies have investigated the long-term physiological impacts of such stressors. Here, we tested the hypothesis that previous exposure to an environmental stressor will impart lasting consequences to an individual's glucocorticoid levels. In semi-arid environments, variable rainfall drives forage availability for herbivores. Reduced seasonal precipitation can present an extreme environmental stressor potentially imparting long-term impacts on an individual's glucocorticoid levels. We examined the effects of rainfall and environmental characteristics (i.e. soil and vegetation attributes) during fawn-rearing (i.e. summer) on subsequent glucocorticoid levels of female white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in autumn. We captured 124 adult (≥2.5-year-old) female deer via aerial net-gunning during autumn of 2015, 2016 and 2021 across four populations spanning a gradient of environmental characteristics and rainfall in the semi-arid environment of South Texas, USA. We found for every 1 cm decrease in summer rainfall, faecal glucocorticoid levels in autumn increased 6.9%, but only in lactating females. Glucocorticoid levels in non-lactating, female deer were relatively insensitive to environmental conditions. Our study demonstrates the long-lasting effects of environmental stressors on an individual's glucocorticoid levels. A better understanding of the long-term effects stressors impart on an individual's glucocorticoid levels will help to evaluate the totality of the cost of a stressor to an individual's welfare and predict the consequences of future climate scenarios.
Catch-and-release angling exposes fish to challenges that may result in sub-lethal effects or mortality. Lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) undergo high rates of release because of size-based harvest regulations or voluntary angler behaviour. Here, we examine short-term impairment in lake trout angled during the summer (n = 74) and fall spawning period (n = 33) to inform best practices for angling. Immediately following capture or 0.5 h post-capture, fish underwent reflex and barotrauma assessments, and a small blood sample was collected. Fish were also fitted with an externally mounted biologger equipped with depth, temperature and tri-axial acceleration sensors, that was tethered to allow retrieval of the logger after 14 min. In the summer, reflex impairment and barotrauma at 0 and 0.5 h were significantly correlated. Loss of orientation and bloating were the most observed indicators. Larger fish and those captured at increased depth had higher barotrauma scores, while prolonged fight times decreased the barotrauma score regardless of sampling time. Plasma cortisol, lactate and glucose increased 0.5 h after capture, and extracellular and intracellular pH decreased, all signs that angling was inducing a metabolic response. However, no relationships were found between blood indices and mortality (18.9%). The time required to reach maximum depth after release was longer for fish with increased air exposure but shorter for those with longer fight times. During the fall, fish displayed no mortality or reflex impairment. Anal prolapse was the most observed indicator of barotrauma but only observed in females. Blood indices were most altered 0.5 h after capture, with increased cortisol values for fish that were female, particularly large or captured at deeper depth. Locomotor activity was highest for males and increased with depth. Together, our findings suggest that the effects of catch-and-release angling may be dependent on several factors, including sex, season and angling depth.
Concerted conservation efforts have brought the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) back from the brink of extinction, but pandas continue to face anthropogenic threats in the wild and breeding success in captivity remains low. Because stress can have detrimental impacts on reproduction, monitoring stress- and sex-steroid levels would help assess the effectiveness of conservation mitigation measures in panda populations as well as monitor the welfare and reproductive health of captive animals. In this proof-of-concept study, we used faecal sex steroid and cortisol concentrations (n = 867 samples collected from five males and five females at Beijing Zoo every 4 days over the course of 12 months) as a reference to investigate if testosterone, estradiol, progesterone and cortisol can be meaningfully measured in panda hair (n = 10) using radio-immuno-assays. Additionally, we calculated the ratio of testosterone to cortisol (T:C ratio) for each male, which can provide a biomarker of stress and physical performance. Our findings revealed distinct monthly variations in faecal sex-steroid and cortisol concentrations, reflecting reproductive seasonality and visitor-related stress among individual pandas. Notably, the oldest male had a significantly lower T:C ratio than other males. Our results confirm that the level of sex steroids and cortisol can be assayed by panda hair, and the hair cortisol concentrations correlate significantly with that in faeces with one month lag behind (r = 0.68, P = 0.03). However, the concentrations of hormones detected in saliva are lower than those in faeces by two orders of magnitude, making it difficult to ensure accuracy. By assessing the applicability of hair, faecal and salivary sampling, we can infer their utility in monitoring the reproductive status and acute and chronic stress levels of giant pandas, thereby providing a means to gauge the success of ongoing habitat restoration efforts and to discuss the feasibility of sample collection from wild populations.
Forest fragmentation and edge effects are two major threats to primate populations. Primates inhabiting fragmented landscapes must survive in a more degraded environment, often with lower food availability compared to continuous forests. Such conditions can have deleterious effects on animal physiological health, yet some primates thrive in these habitats. Here, we assessed how forest fragmentation and associated edge effects impact three different components of physiological health in a nocturnal primate community in the Sahamalaza-Iles Radama National Park, northwest Madagascar. Over two periods, 6 March 2019-30 October 2019 and 10 January 2022-17 May 2022, we collected data on body condition, fur condition scores and ectoparasite prevalence for 125 Mirza zaza, 51 Lepilemur sahamalaza, 27 Cheirogaleus medius and 22 Microcebus sambiranensis individuals, and we compared these metrics between core and edge areas of continuous forest and fragmented forest. Body condition scores for all species varied between areas, with a positive response to fragmentation and edge effects observed for M. zaza and L. sahamalaza and a negative response for C. medius and M. sambiranensis. Fur condition scores and ectoparasite prevalence were less variable, although M. zaza and L. sahamalaza had a significantly negative response to fragmentation and edge effects for these two variables. Interestingly, the impacts of fragmentation and edge effects on physiological health were variable-specific. Our results suggest that lemur physiological responses to fragmentation and edge effects are species-specific, and body condition, fur condition and ectoparasite prevalence are impacted in different ways between species. As other ecological factors, including food availability and inter/intraspecific competition, likely also influence physiological health, additional work is required to determine why certain aspects of lemur physiology are affected by environmental stressors while others remain unaffected. Although many nocturnal lemurs demonstrate resilience to fragmented and degraded habitats, urgent conservation action is needed to safeguard the survival of their forest habitats.
The Chinese pangolin (Manis pentadactyla) is a critically endangered species. However, there is a paucity of research on the male reproductive gamete biology of this species. The present study was the first to systematically analyse the sperm characterization of the Chinese pangolin, including semen collection, sperm morphometry and ultrastructure. The semen of five male Chinese pangolins was successfully collected using the electroejaculation method. CASA (computer-assisted sperm analysis) was used to assess semen quality and take images for sperm morphometric analysis. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used for sperm ultrastructure observation. The results showed that the semen of the Chinese pangolin was yellow to pale yellow in colour, viscous, with a fishy odour, and a slightly alkaline pH of between 7.7 and 7.9. The head defects were the main sperm defects; there were 13 kinds of head defects counted in this study. The total sperm length, head length, head width and tail length were 67.62 ± 0.21 μm, 10.47 ± 0.06 μm, 1.33 ± 0.006 μm and 57.16 ± 0.20 μm, respectively. SEM observed that the spermatozoa had a rod-shaped head with a distinct apical ridge, which was different from most mammals and similar to that in avians and reptiles. Interestingly, TEM found that the acrosome membrane of the Chinese pangolin had a double membrane structure rather than a multiple bi-lamellar membrane structure as reported by the previous study. Collectively, this study contributes to the development of artificial breeding efforts and assisted reproductive techniques for the Chinese pangolin, as well as providing technical support for research on germplasm conservation of this species.
The passive dissolution of anthropogenically produced CO2 into the ocean system is reducing ocean pH and changing a suite of chemical equilibria, with negative consequences for some marine organisms, in particular those that bear calcium carbonate shells. Although our monitoring of these chemical changes has improved, we have not developed effective tools to translate observations, which are typically of the pH and carbonate saturation state, into ecologically relevant predictions of biological risks. One potential solution is to develop bioindicators: biological variables with a clear relationship to environmental risk factors that can be used for assessment and management. Thecosomatous pteropods are a group of pelagic shelled marine gastropods, whose biological responses to CO2 have been suggested as potential bioindicators of ocean acidification owing to their sensitivity to acidification in both the laboratory and the natural environment. Using five CO2 exposure experiments, occurring across four seasons and running for up to 15 days, we describe a consistent relationship between saturation state, shell transparency and duration of exposure, as well as identify a suite of genes that could be used for biological monitoring with further study. We clarify variations in thecosome responses due to seasonality, resolving prior uncertainties and demonstrating the range of their phenotypic plasticity. These biomarkers of acidification stress can be implemented into ecosystem models and monitoring programmes in regions where pteropods are found, whilst the approach will serve as an example for other regions on how to bridge the gap between point-based chemical monitoring and biologically relevant assessments of ecosystem health.