Although the Carpathian Mts. area is considered as extremely prone to surface erosion which results in capacity loss of the dammed reservoirs, a lack of data to follow details of this process is perceivable. The research of the selected sediment fractions transport tracking was conducted using the capabilities of the digital platform—Macromodel DNS (Discharge-Nutrient-Sea) for the catchment with drinking water reservoir in the Polish part of Western Carpathian. The continuity of sediment transport simulation in two hydrologically different elements of the catchment—the river and the reservoir—was possible due to consolidation of two models in the platform—SWAT (Soil & Water Assessment Tool) and AdH/PTM (Adaptive Hydraulics Model/Particle Tracking Model). The result of those modules' integration was a database for tracking the individual sediment fractions delivered to the reservoir and deposited in specific reservoir zones. The implementation of climate and land use change scenarios allowed additionally to analyse the estimation of those processes in the future. The simulation outcomes consist of daily flows and monthly sediment loads at the reservoir inflow and the individual sediment particle fractions deposition location inside of the reservoir.