Seismicity associated with hydrothermal systems (e.g., submarine volcanoes, mid-oceanic ridges, oceanic transform faults, etc.) share a complex relationship with the tidal forcing and induced fluid flow process under different tectonic settings. The hydrothermal circulation drives the deformation at the brittle-ductile transition zone within a permeable brittle crust. Although the tidal loading amplitudes are too small to generate a brittle deformation, the incremental pressure exerted by the tidal loading can modulate the flow of hydrothermal fluid circulation and trigger the critically stressed faults or fracture zones. We present a compelling case of tidal modulation in seismicity along the Blanco Ridge Transform Fault Zone (BRTFZ), in the northeast Pacific. The strong diurnal and fortnightly periodicity has been observed in the deeper seismic swarm (7–15 km), whereas the shallow seismic swarm (0–7 km) does not exhibit any such tidal periodicity. The dominance of diurnal and fortnightly periodicity in the deeper seismic swarm is explained by the high amplitude tidal cycles providing additional stress on the fluid circulation at the crust-mantle boundary. Moreover, our robust statistical correlation of seismicity with tidal stress and resonance destabilization model under rate-and-state friction formalism suggests that the fault segments are conditionally unstable and more sensitive to periodic tidal stress perturbation.
The Xuefeng Orogenic Belt (XFOB), located in the central part of the South China Block, is a typical Mesozoic intracontinental orogen in the central Jiangnan Orogenic Belt. By collecting magnetotelluric (MT) data across the XFOB, we obtained the resistivity structure of the lithosphere, which sheds light on the Mesozoic intracontinental orogenic processes in the XFOB. The resistivity structure reveals a low-resistivity body (<10 Ω∙m), beneath the XFOB, dipping southeast wards from a depth of 10 km to the bottom of the crust. This conductor is interpreted as a relic of the lower detachment zone, which coincides with low-density areas obtained from joint inversion of seismic models. It is believed to result from mineral fluids migrating along the thrust fault and squeezing sulfides into folds. Four low-resistivity bodies were identified at three extensional locations along the Jiangshan-Shaoxing Fault and at the Cili-Baojing Fault. The low-resistivity body (<10 Ω∙m) at the junction of the Shaoyang and the Hengyang Basin is located at the point where the Moho depth thins. The variation trend of the terrestrial heat flow values, with this low-resistivity body as the plate boundary, is consistent with the average variation of the terrestrial heat flow values within the block. We propose that the low-resistivity body under the Qidong-Yongzhou-Guilin fault conforms to the characteristics of the suture zone in the resistivity structure. Its existence indicates that the missing location of the Jiangshan-Shaoxing suture zone of the Yangtze and Cathaysia Block in the middle-southwest section of the South China Block is the Qidong-Yongzhou-Guilin fault. The Yangtze Block and the Hengyang Basin show high resistivity, the depth of which reaches 100 km and 40 km, respectively. Based on the resistivity model and geological data, the XFOB experienced Triassic compression, leading to basement decollement, thrusting, and nappe structures due to low-angle Paleo-Pacific Plate subduction. This compression also led to the uplift of the orogenic belt. Moreover, under the tension caused by the high-angle retreat of the Paleo-Pacific Plate, the Cretaceous extensional tectonics led to detachment along the thrust faults, forming half-graben and basin structures along the margins.
The central-western part of the Indian subcontinent exhibits significant geological diversity and possesses a rich record of different tectonothermal events in the earth's evolutionary history, spanning from the Archean to the present. Precambrian geology in the region is mostly obscured by Cretaceous-Tertiary/Paleocene volcanic eruptions and Proterozoic to Quaternary/recent sedimentary cover. Magnetotelluric (MT) impedance and tipper responses from 146 stations, covering central-western India in a grid fashion with a spacing of ∼55 km, were analyzed to evaluate the subsurface structural trends, dimensionalities, and qualitative characteristics of the electric lithosphere in the region. An advanced Complex Apparent Resistivity Tensor (CART) approach, along with the popular Phase Tensor (PT) approach and induction arrows are utilized to achieve the above goals. The analysis revealed a high degree of 3D induction effects in the data at almost every station and period. The directionality information retrieved from the tensor properties showed that the structural trends in the deep crust and upper mantle of the major geologic domains correlate with the known surface tectonic trend of the respective geologic domain. This study provides vital evidence to support the suspected bifurcation of the Precambrian Aravalli-Delhi Mobile Belt (ADMB) tectonic trend and its extensions into neighboring Kutch, Saurashtra, and Central Indian Tectonic Zone (CITZ) domains. The analysis results indicate a lithospheric scale enhanced conductivity beneath the Malwa plateau, which marks the first major phase of the Reunion mantle plume eruption in India. A critical finding of this study is that the Resistivity Phase Tensor better defines the subsurface resistivity structure and provides much clearer structural information than the conventional Phase Tensor.
There have been many earthquakes in the Xinfengjiang Reservoir (XFJR) in the past 60 years since the M6.1 earthquake that occurred in 1961. In the XFJR, seismicity has migrated from southeast to northwest; however, the mechanisms for this migration have not yet been fully investigated. In this study, we used six years of data from both permanent and temporary seismic networks in the XFJR to detect >23,500 earthquake events using the EQTransformer. The minimum magnitude of completeness of the earthquake catalog decreased to −0.1, and the spatial distribution of the microearthquakes showed clear high-angle faults in the area, which included a new fault within the reservoir. The focal mechanism inversion results showed that earthquakes in the northwestern cluster changed from strike-slip to dip-slip faults with time whereas those in the southeastern cluster remained a mixture of strike-slip and dip-slip faults. Further analysis showed that spatiotemporal variation in the northwestern reservoir was due to earthquake migration along different faults. Overall, we concluded that earthquake in the whole XFJR area were affected by water infiltration along fault zone; Coulomb stress transfer may also contribute to the migration of earthquakes from southeast to northwest direction.
We analyze seismicity from 2013 to 2023 near Bushkan village in the Fars arc of the Zagros folded belt, colocated with the Dalan natural gas field. A previous study suggested unusual seismic behavior in the 2014–15 cluster, linking larger events to shallow depths (∼5 km) on steep reverse faults within the Dalan anticline. Nevertheless, ongoing debates persist regarding the potential correlation of seismicity with activities in the Dalan field. Our study investigates seismic activities using relocation, moment tensor inversion, stress inversion, and remote sensing techniques. We relocated 35 events above magnitude 3 and reconstructed source parameters for 12 events (M 4+) with uncertainties. Focal mechanisms were inverted, and morphology remote sensing was employed to ascertain the active stress state. Besides the 2014–15 cluster, we found a separate strike-slip cluster in 2018 at shallower depths (3–4 km), unusual for Zagros earthquakes. We suggest that pore pressure variations influence seismic sequences in the Dalan gas field area. However, distinguishing between human-induced and natural earthquakes in regions like Zagros with naturally elevated seismicity is challenging.
The role that subducted carbonates play in sourcing and storing carbon in the deep Earth's interior is uncertain, primarily due to poor constraints on the stability of carbonate minerals when interacting with mantle phases. Magnesite () is the most prominent carbonate phase to be present at all mantle pressure-temperature conditions. In this study, we combined multi-anvil apparatus and laser-heated diamond anvil cell experiments to investigate the stability of magnesite in contact with iron-bearing bridgmanite. We examined the presence of melt, decarbonation, and diamond formation at shallow to mid-lower mantle conditions (25 to 68 GPa; 1350 to 2000 K). Our main observation indicates that magnesite is not stable at shallow lower mantle conditions. At 25 GPa and under oxidizing conditions, melting of magnesite is observed in multi-anvil experiments at temperatures corresponding to all geotherms except the coldest ones. Whereas, at higher pressures and under reducing conditions, in our laser-heated diamond-anvil cell experiments, diamond nucleation is observed as a sub-solidus process even at temperatures relevant to the coldest slab geotherms. Our results indicate that magnesite was reduced and formed diamonds when in contact with the ambient peridotite mantle at depths corresponding to the shallowest lower mantle (33 GPa). Thus, we establish that solid magnesite decomposes at depths of ∼700 km as it contacts the ambient mantle. Consequently, the recycling of carbonates will hinder their transport deeper into the lower mantle.
In geomagnetic data assimilation (DA), information on the Earth's core magnetic field is combined with numerical dynamo models to estimate the dynamic state of the deep interior and produce forecasts of future magnetic field variations. We present a series of numerical experiments exploring the use of localization and inflation schemes in an Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) based geomagnetic DA system. Localization and inflation schemes are (often necessary) modifications to ensemble-based DA systems, which can improve performance, particularly when computational expense limits ensemble size (the number of simultaneous model runs). We find that the studied localization and inflation schemes enable small ensembles to not only match, but exceed the performance of a larger ensemble. Detailed analysis of the results show that, without localization and inflation, even the larger ensembles make adjustments during assimilation which are either too strong or too weak, and lead to poorer estimates of the dynamo state and forecast uncertainties. The use of localization and inflation allows one to better control the impact of assimilation on elements of the dynamo state, thus mitigating some of these issues.
Elastic and plastic properties of Fe-light element alloys and compounds are needed to determine the compositions and dynamics of planetary cores. Elastic strength and plastic deformation mechanisms and their relationship to electronic properties of ε-Fe7N3 and γ'-Fe4N mixture were investigated by x-ray diffraction and x-ray emission spectroscopy in the diamond anvil cell from 1 bar up to 60 GPa. X-ray diffraction shows that ε-Fe7N3 reaches a pressure of 15–20 GPa before undergoing bulk plasticity at a differential stress of 4.4–10.4 GPa. ε-Fe7N3 is stronger than γ'-Fe4N and hcp-Fe which achieve a flow stress of 1.5–3.6 GPa at 10–15 GPa and 2–3 GPa at ∼20 GPa, respectively. X-ray emission spectroscopy shows that a decrease in electronic spin moment begins before and completes after plastic flow onset for each nitride, suggesting that pressure-driven changes in electronic arrangement do not trigger a plastic response although they may modify the strength and plastic behavior of Fe-N compounds. Plastic deformation in ε-Fe7N3 and hcp-Fe results in a preferred orientation of (0001) normal to maximum compression, while γ'-Fe4N develops a maximum in the (110). These observations may be combined with measurements of elasticity to model seismic properties of cores of small planetary bodies such as Mars, Mercury, and the Moon.
A data collection of 80 local earthquakes (1.8 < ML < 3.5) recorded by several seismic stations beneath South India from February 2009 to October 2012 was studied to estimate the source parameter characteristics. The result shows that the seismic moments () vary from 8.95to 6.56 Nm, while source radii (r) are between 120 and 150 m. The source radius seems to be independent of magnitude and smaller within a major part of the region. This can be due to local earthquakes that may originate in the region from either the brittle shear-failure mechanism on faults or the presence of weakened zones in this region. The estimated stress drops values range from 0.20 to 3 MPa for most of the events and shows an increasing trend with the seismic moment, indicating a wide range of strength of crustal rocks. Few lower crustal event exhibits slightly elevated stress drop (4–10 MPa) values, and these cannot be solely attributed to a single model; instead, it appears that the potential contributing factors vary area wise. The corner () and high cut () frequency values are bit scattered with the seismic moment, and the possible explanation would be either a complex rupture process or the involvement of a long period spectrum in the component. Both and show a decreasing trend against seismic moments, indicating that both are caused by a source process and independent of epicentral distances and focal depths. However, source displacement (0.006 and 0.04 m) and radiated seismic energy () increases linearly with the seismic moment and is an indication of the size dependency feature. We established various empirical relationships between source parameters, including MW - ML and log(M0) - ML and proposed the ML- MW relationship for the study region, which is MW 0.62ML. Overall, the present study indicates that most source parameters tend to vary with the size of the earthquake and generally follow the global model of small magnitude earthquakes. The information, we gained through this study provides insight into earthquake size, source physics, and that can help the scientific community significantly, to better understand, mitigate, and respond to the seismic hazards posed by earthquakes in the studied area.