Here we reply to the comment by Alessandretti and Warren, (2021) on the paper “Devonian to Permian post-orogenic denudation of the Brasília Belt of West Gondwana: insights from apatite fission track thermochronology” by Fonseca et al. (2020). We have the impression that many of the remarks, at least to some extent stem from a misunderstanding of our manuscript, also considering that they did not propose any alternative hypothesis for interpretation of our results presented in the aforementioned paper. We, thus, reiterate our interpretations from our low-temperature thermochronology data. The basement of the Brasilia Belt was subject to a significant exhumation during the Devonian to the Permian through erosion, and was likely a source area for detrital sediments deposited in parts of the northeastern Paraná Basin at that time. Apatite fission-track data show that Meso-Cenozoic events had limited effect on post-orogenic exhumation of the Brasília Belt, in contrast to e.g. the Araçuaí Belt.
The character of arcs varies over time with significant temporal fluctuations in the quantity and spatiotemporal patterns of magmatism. However, the driving mechanisms for this episodic behavior of arcs need more constraints. This paper analyzed the published data along with our new zircon U-Pb dating and Hf isotopic and whole-rock geochemical data of plutonic rocks in the Gangdese belt in southern Tibet to explore the features, potential drivers, and tectonic implications of episodic arc activity in the Gangdese arc. A comprehensive compilation of U-Pb ages and Lu-Hf isotopic analyses of zircon grains from igneous rocks in the Gangdese belt, sedimentary rocks in trench fill sequences, forearc basins and foreland basins, and sands from modern river reveals that: 1) Gangdese arc activity was episodic during Late Cretaceous to Middle Eocene, displaying two magmatic flare-ups (ca. 100–80 and 65–45 Ma) and one magmatic lull (ca. 80–65 Ma), and 2) both flare-up magmas show relatively positive εHf(t) values (+5 ~ +15) indicative of juvenile sources suggesting these magmas are dominated by contributions from the depleted mantle. In contrast, the magmatic lull between these two magmatic flare-ups could be caused by flat subduction of the Neotethyan slab beneath the southern margin of the Lhasa terrane. These flare-ups likely contributed greatly to the crustal thickening of the Gangdese belt. Constraints from paleo-elevation and geochemical proxies for crustal thickness showed that the ~100–80 Ma flare-up was accompanied by the formation of a thick arc root while the ~65–45 Ma flare-up likely developed in a thinner crust without an arc root.
The geodynamic events of continental breakup and origin of northwest Indian Ocean led to the development of passive continental margin, off western India. However, causal mechanisms and relative chronology of these geodynamic events are not clearly known because of complex regional-scale ridges-basin physiography, multi-stage rifting in a short-time span and thick sediment cover. The Laxmi and adjacent Gop basins constitute key tectonic elements and geophysical investigations on them have come up with sharply divergent explanations of continental rifting and ocean spreading. We present geochemical results of the Laxmi Basin (LB) basement, recovered by the International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition-355 and interpreted in light of existing geophysical results. The basement is identified as continental rift basalt, different from the Deccan/Madagascan basalts. We suggest the basement eruption at ~75 Ma causing igneous underplating which triggered the extension/rifting in Laxmi and Gop basins. The rifting translated into ocean spreading only in the Gop Basin and not in the Laxmi Basin. The geodynamic events echoed soon with similar relative chronology in western India with Reunion plume impact and the Deccan eruption followed by second extension/rifting that culminated in India-Seychelles breakup.
This study is based on a careful analysis of high-quality reflection seismic sections located at the tip of the NW South China Sea V-shaped rift basin. Using the CGN-1 section, a seismic line imaging the complete sedimentary and magmatic architecture of conjugate rifted margins, we: (1) provide a detailed description of the crustal architecture; (2) define extensional domains, which we relate to specific deformation phases; and (3) determine the tectono-stratigraphic evolution linked to rifting. Based on these, we propose a kinematic restoration and quantify the amounts of extension and associated strain rates. We discuss the link between the kinematic evolution and the sedimentary and magmatic record and illustrate it in a Wheeler Diagram. Relying on the identification and characterization of distinct stratal patterns and crustal architectures, we propose qualitative and quantitative criteria to interpret two critical rift events that are necking and hyperextension. These two events are linked to the individualization and subsequent dismembering of a so-called keystone, here referred to as H-block. It is the first time such an approach is used to decipher the tectono-stratigraphic evolution of a complete syn-rift mega-sequence across present-day conjugate rifted margins. This study differs from previous interpretations of correlative surfaces in the distinction between: (1) different types of top basement; and (2) syn- and post-tectonic packages within the syn-rift record. It leads to new interpretations of the tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the NW South China Sea and has the potential to be used as a new approach to analyze, quantify and correlate events recorded in seismic sections across rifted margins.
The Neoproterozoic Jiangnan accretionary orogenic belt recorded the accretion and collision of the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks to form a stablized South China Block, but related geometry and kinematics is poorly constrained, leading to largely varied tectonic models. Here, we present detailed field investigation and kinematic analysis of the plutonic-metamorphic complexes in the Yuanbaoshan and Sanfang areas of the west Jiangnan orogenic belt, which enables identification of extensional granite-cored domes. In the dome margins, down-dipping lineations display a radial pattern and dome dominated foliations are extensively developed. The shearing structures within the plutonic-metamorphic complexes display extensional shearing surrounding the Yuanbaoshan and Sanfang granitic dome cores. Gneissic granites and massive ones from both the Yuanbaoshan and Sanfang plutons yield comparable crystallization ages of ca. 835–823 Ma that are within age errors of each other, as are the sheared recrystallized asymmetric quartz veins and mylonites dated at 831 Ma. Overall ages of the deformed Sibao Group and the undeformed overlying Danzhou Group, along with those of the granite plutons and mylonites, suggest formation of the granite-cored domes at ca. 835–823 Ma, coeval to the timing of emplacement of the granitic plutons. Locally, top-to-the-E thrusting structures are also observed in the west Yuanbaoshan and Sanfang areas and are inferred as at ca. 860–835 Ma, coinciding well with E- or SE- directed structures developed elsewhere in the Jiangnan orogenic belt, but in contrast with doming extensional shearing structures. Therefore, overall geometry and kinematics in the west Jiangnan belt indicate development of granitic dome related extensional ductile shearing deformation dated at ca. 835–823 Ma and a possible top-to-the-E compressional ductile thrusting deformation within 860–835 Ma. Given the previously inferred regional geology observations, along with age and chemical data across the Jiangnan orogenic belt, the dominant extensional shearing deformation in the region argue for a slab roll-back event within an accretionary belt, typical of domes-and-basins structures formed in accretionary convergent continental margin. The top-to-the-E thrusting is here interpreted as corresponding to compressional regime generated by the west directed subduction of oceanic crust beneath the northern Guangxi continental margin arc in the west Jiangnan orogenic belt.
Total Electron Content (TEC) derived from satellite-based measurements has been widely used for the detection of ionospheric perturbations associated with earthquakes. In this paper, we analyze Pre-Earthquake Ionospheric Anomalies (PEIAs) with TEC data from Global Positioning System (GPS) stations in two Pakistani regions, Islamabad (33.74°N, 73.16°E) and Multan (30.26°N, 71.50°E). These stations operate within seismogenic zones of three earthquakes in Pakistan and Tajikistan. We implement a statistical technique on daily TEC for the detection of PEIA. The results show that PEIAs appear in the form of enhancement during 08:00–12:00 UT (LT = UT+5 h) within 5–10 days before the mainshock. Global Ionospheric Maps (GIMs) over the epicentre are examined on abnormal TEC days. Dense electron enhancements occur during 08:00−12:00 UT, i.e. before three Mw> 5.0 earthquakes. Diurnal mean TEC deviates on the suspected days. It supports the anomalous signatures observed in the temporal and spatial distributions during the particular days. The geomagnetic and solar indices show no activity. These results endorse the existence of Lithosphere Atmosphere Ionospheric Coupling (LAIC) mechanism within the earthquake preparation period associated with the Pakistan and Tajikistan earthquakes.
In this study, we retrieved the finite source characteristics of the October 23, 2011 Van earthquake (Mw 7.1) using the teleseismic waveforms to focus on the source location. The outstanding off-fault aftershock sequence of the Van mainshock was readily explained by calculating the Coulomb stress changes imparted to the surrounding crust. This may be accomplished through finite source modelling to examine the stress interaction between the fault, ruptured by the Van mainshock, and the surrounding fault(s) triggered by the same mainshock. In addition, to provide further support for the Coulomb failure stress changes in the off-fault area, centroid moment tensor (CMT) inversion of the off-fault aftershocks was performed and stress tensors were derived from their focal solutions. This identified the dominant fault slip, the constraints of the crustal stress fields and illuminated the crustal nature of the stress interaction. The off-fault aftershocks showed a strike-slip stress regime in rotational (to NW) and non-rotational (to N) stress fields of the upper and lower crusts, respectively. However, this was inconsistent with a horizontal compressional stress direction striking to the north. This suggests that a local source and/or rotation of lateral variation in stress magnitudes in crustal and sub-crustal structures strongly perturbed the regional stress field. It was also evident that these strike-slip aftershocks increased the intensity of stress in an off-fault area, NE of the source rupture. This revealed a uniquely triggered strike-slip motion, activated and rooted in the weak lower crust. We conclude that the Van mainshock rupture source area, associated with the stress changes imparted to the surrounding crust, had undergone anomalous modifications to generate distinctive off-fault aftershock responses in the entire crust, and also triggered and loaded the weak lower crust. We hypothesize that the strike-slip motion, the so called “transfer fault”, as a distinctly triggered slip event, was generated or selectively activated by subcrustal ductile processes in the absence of mantle lid beneath the study area. However, local slab fragmentation, tearing and cold mantle beneath the study area lead to paradigm changes in interpreting the strike-slip motion and subcrustal deformation. The presence of a small piece of oceanic lithosphere, consistent with fragmented, torn slab and cold mantle, may be an alternative hypothesis that remains to be tested. The Van earthquake, combined with careful examination of associated off-fault aftershocks, revealed new information about stress field constraints on subcrustal deformation. This investigation also provided insights into an important role of stress interaction, with a newly discovered transfer fault within the off-fault area, which extends through the entire crust beneath Lakes Van and Erçek areas.
The only Late Cretaceous-Paleocene intraplate magmatic unit of southern Patagonia, known as the Las Mercedes basalt, is petrogenetically studied in its geodynamic context. The outcrops of this unit are thin ridges located in a narrow 50 km wide latitudinal strip (∼48 °S) of the central region of the Deseado Massif, generated by pahoeoe-type lava flows that probably covered large ancient streams and rivers. Compositionally the rocks are metaluminous basanites and alkaline and subalkaline basalts uninfluenced by slab-derived components with Mg# ranging from 53.9–65. The origin of this intraplate igneous manifestation would have been related to the opening of a Late Cretaceous-Paleocene trench-perpendicular slab tear of the Aluk subducting plate. This event induced the decompression melting of the sub-slab silica-deficient garnet pyroxenite asthenosphere causing the extrusion of a discrete volume of basalts. The slab anisotropy was generated by the slab-dip change in a transition region from a flattened sector (north of ∼48 °S) related to a large flat-slab (Nalé flat-slab) to one with steeper subduction angle (south of ∼48 °S). Also, this slab tearing would be responsible for the anomalous occurrence of intraplate magmatism located in the same latitudinal strip of the Las Mercedes basalt but in the Andean magmatic arc region, which together represent the only Late Cretaceous igneous activity unrelated to the magmatic arc in central-southern Patagonia and southern Andean region.
In Fennoscandia, tectonics, Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA), and climatic changes cause ongoing crustal deformation of some millimetres per year, both vertically and horizontally. These displacements of the Earth can be measured to a high degree of precision using a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). Since about three decades, this is the major goal of the Baseline Inferences for Fennoscandian Rebound, Sea-level, and Tectonics (BIFROST) project.
We present a new velocity field for an extended BIFROST GNSS network in the ITRF2008 reference frame making use of the GNSS processing package GPS Analysis Software of MIT (GAMIT). Compared to earlier publications, we have almost doubled the number of stations in our analysis and increased the observation time span, thereby avoiding the early years of the network with many instrument changes. We also provide modelled vertical deformation rates from contributing processes, i.e. elastic deformation due to global atmospheric and non-tidal ocean loading, ice mass and hydrological changes as well as GIA. These values for the vertical component can be used for removal of these contributions so that the residual uplift signal can be further analysed, e.g., in the context of local or regional deformation processes or large-scale but low-magnitude geodynamics.
The velocity field has an uplift maximum of 10.3 mm/yr in northern Sweden west of the Gulf of Bothnia and subsidence exceeding 1 mm/yr in northern Central Europe. The horizontal velocity field is dominated by plate motion of more than 20.0 mm/yr from south-west to north-east. The elastic uplift signal sums up to 0.7–0.8 mm/yr for most stations in Northern Europe. Hence, the maximum uplift related to the past glaciation is ca. 9.6 mm/yr. The residual uplift signal after removal of the elastic and GIA contribution may point to possible improvements of the GIA model, but may also indicate regional tectonic and erosional processes as well as local deformation effects. We show an example of such residual signal discussing potential areas of interest for further studies.