Against a background of significant changes in UK medical education at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSEd) established the Wade Programme in Surgical Anatomy in 2012, as a means of supporting the study of surgical anatomy throughout training. This article provides a 10-year review of the Wade Programme and its educational foundation.
A novel methodology, the ‘Wade Educational Approach’, was used in the design and development of a portfolio of professional courses at three training levels: Level 1 - RCSEd Affiliate, Level 2 - Early Years (MRCS) and Level 3 - Later Years (FRCS and CPD). The Wade Approach is founded on the principles of visualization (‘visualize’), conceptual understanding (‘conceptualize’) and the active application of anatomical knowledge to all aspects of surgical practice (‘apply’).
From 2012 to 2022, 105 courses were delivered to 1191 delegates across the globe, with a feedback form response rate of 95%. Feedback was uniformly excellent across the complete course portfolio, with the Wade Approach cited as a novel strategy for principle-based learning and teaching. The two-fold development of a novel educational approach and modular course design proved adaptable across a wide range of different courses, levels and specialties.
The Wade Programme was established to support the study of surgical anatomy throughout training, from undergraduate study to consultant practice. The Wade Approach should also be of help to all who are engaged in anatomy education and the training of the next generation of clinicians.