The paper discusses the main problems of modern cosmology, particularly those related to the very early universe.
The paper discusses the main problems of modern cosmology, particularly those related to the very early universe.
The paper reviews the various stages of stellar evolution and the final stages of this evolution. The nuclear evolution of massive stars, the dynamic stability and critical states of stars of various masses, supernova explosions and their mechanisms, particularly the magneto-rotational model, are considered. The connection between cosmic gamma-ray bursts and supernovae is discussed.
The basic principles of accretion onto a magnetized neutron star are considered: Alfvén surface, instability, hot spot, accretor and propeller, spin-up of stars during disk accretion, stationary period, shielding of magnetic fields, boundary layer, accretion onto a rapidly rotating star with a weak magnetic field.
The paper discusses the relation between the processes of the microworld and the macroworld. Constraints on the rest mass of neutrinos and on the number of low-mass weakly interacting particles are described.
The paper examines various background components of the universe, such as relic photons, neutrinos and gravitons, primordial black holes, gravitational waves, and cosmic rays.
The paper is a continuation of a review of accretion phenomena in systems with black holes. A Roche lobe, disk accretion onto a black hole, a standard solution for an accretion disk, optically thick and optically thin models, emission spectra of accretion disks, mechanisms of turbulence excitation, advective disks, the Blandford–Znajek process are considered.
Basic information is provided on observations of relativistic objects, including white dwarfs, radio pulsars, recycled pulsars, black holes in binary systems, microquasars, X-ray pulsars and X-ray bursters.
The paper is devoted to the early stages of the expansion of the universe. Baryogenesis, the change of epochs during the expansion of the universe, and nucleosynthesis in the expanding universe are described.
The paper discusses the nature of gravitational instability. The classical Jeans derivation, instability in an expanding universe, the nonlinear stage of perturbation growth, dark matter, and violent relaxation are considered.
The paper describes the main stages in development of relativistic astrophysics and also provides basic information on the stellar equilibrium and stability.