Simple radiography is the most frequently and widely available technology to examine bone pathologies. Computed tomography (CT) can evaluate pathologies more accurately in multiple planes and three dimensions; however, radiation exposure is much higher than with simple radiography. In addition, diagnostic ability is decreased for both technologies when metal devices are present. Tomosynthesis is a radiographic technology used to evaluate tissues quasi-three-dimensionally with less radiation exposure. Tomosynthesis technology was recently upgraded to reduce the effects of metal artifacts. This case report compares examination time, medical expense, image resolution, and radiation exposure for upgraded tomosynthesis, simple radiography, CT, and standard tomosynthesis in three patients with metal devices in the affected knees. Examination times were similar for the imaging technologies. Diagnostic performance was better for upgraded tomosynthesis than for simple radiography and standard tomosynthesis, and similar to that for CT. Moreover, radiation exposure and expense were higher for tomosynthesis than for simple radiography but lower than for CT. These findings suggest that upgraded tomosynthesis is the best method for evaluating bone pathology when metal devices are present and radiation exposure must be limited.