Purpose: Most research on the structural determinants of substance use and mental health has centered around widely studied factors such as alcohol taxes, tobacco control policies, essential/precursor chemical regulations, neighborhood/city characteristics, and immigration policies. Other structural determinants exist, however, many of which are being identified in the emerging fields of structural stigma, structural racism, and structural sexism. This narrative review surveys the measures and designs used in substance use and mental health studies from these three fields.
Search methods: The PubMed, PsycINFO, and Scopus databases were searched on May 11, 2023. A focused search approach used terminology for structural racism, stigma, or sexism combined with terminology for substance use or mental health. Peer-reviewed studies were included if they were written in English and assessed associations between objective structural measures and substance use and mental health outcomes.
Search results: Of 2,536 studies identified, 2,487 were excluded. Forty-nine studies (30 related to stigma, 16 related to racism, and three related to sexism) met the inclusion criteria. Information was abstracted about the structural measures, outcome measures, research design, sample, and findings of each study.
Discussion and conclusions: The structural determinant measures used in the studies reviewed were diverse. They addressed, for example, community opinions, the gender of legislators, economic vulnerability, financial loan discrimination, college policies, law enforcement, historical trauma, and legislative protections for sexual and gender minorities and for reproductive rights. Most of the structural determinant measures were constructed by combining multiple indicators into indexes or by merging indexes into composite indexes, although some studies relied on single indicators alone. The substance use and mental health outcome measures most frequently examined were related to alcohol and depression, respectively. The studies were conducted in numerous nations and drew samples from an array of groups, including, for example, patients who experienced overdoses from substance use, sexual and gender minorities, racial and ethnic minority groups, women, youth, migrants, and patients subject to involuntary psychiatric hospitalization. Most of the studies used passive-observational (correlational) research designs and, as a result, did not assess whether their structural determinant variables were causally related to substance use and mental health. Nevertheless, the studies reviewed can be used by public health proponents to foster awareness that a wide range of structural determinants correlate with the substance use and mental health of many groups within and across nations.
Purpose: By 2040, 21.6% of Americans will be over age 65, and the population of those older than age 85 is estimated to reach 14.4 million. Although not causative, older age is a risk factor for dementia: every 5 years beyond age 65, the risk doubles; approximately one-third of those older than age 85 are diagnosed with dementia. As current alcohol consumption among older adults is significantly higher compared to previous generations, a pressing question is whether drinking alcohol increases the risk for Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia.
Search methods: Databases explored included PubMed, Web of Science, and ScienceDirect. To accomplish this narrative review on the effects of alcohol consumption on dementia risk, the literature covered included clinical diagnoses, epidemiology, neuropsychology, postmortem pathology, neuroimaging and other biomarkers, and translational studies. Searches conducted between January 12 and August 1, 2023, included the following terms and combinations: "aging," "alcoholism," "alcohol use disorder (AUD)," "brain," "CNS," "dementia," "Wernicke," "Korsakoff," "Alzheimer," "vascular," "frontotemporal," "Lewy body," "clinical," "diagnosis," "epidemiology," "pathology," "autopsy," "postmortem," "histology," "cognitive," "motor," "neuropsychological," "magnetic resonance," "imaging," "PET," "ligand," "degeneration," "atrophy," "translational," "rodent," "rat," "mouse," "model," "amyloid," "neurofibrillary tangles," "α-synuclein," or "presenilin." When relevant, "species" (i.e., "humans" or "other animals") was selected as an additional filter. Review articles were avoided when possible.
Search results: The two terms "alcoholism" and "aging" retrieved about 1,350 papers; adding phrases-for example, "postmortem" or "magnetic resonance"-limited the number to fewer than 100 papers. Using the traditional term, "alcoholism" with "dementia" resulted in 876 citations, but using the currently accepted term "alcohol use disorder (AUD)" with "dementia" produced only 87 papers. Similarly, whereas the terms "Alzheimer's" and "alcoholism" yielded 318 results, "Alzheimer's" and "alcohol use disorder (AUD)" returned only 40 citations. As pertinent postmortem pathology papers were published in the 1950s and recent animal models of Alzheimer's disease were created in the early 2000s, articles referenced span the years 1957 to 2024. In total, more than 5,000 articles were considered; about 400 are herein referenced.
Discussion and conclusions: Chronic alcohol misuse accelerates brain aging and contributes to cognitive impairments, including those in the mnemonic domain. The consensus among studies from multiple disciplines, however, is that alcohol misuse can increase the risk for dementia, but not necessarily Alzheimer's disease. Key issues to consider include the reversibility of brain damage following abstinence from chronic alcohol misuse
Purpose: Growing evidence supports sleep and circadian rhythms as influencing alcohol use and the course of alcohol use disorder (AUD). Studying sleep/circadian-alcohol associations during adolescence and young adulthood may be valuable for identifying sleep/circadian-related approaches to preventing and/or treating AUD. This paper reviews current evidence for prospective associations between sleep/circadian factors and alcohol involvement during adolescence and young adulthood with an emphasis on the effects of sleep/circadian factors on alcohol use.
Search methods: The authors conducted a literature search in PsycInfo, PubMed, and Web of Science using the search terms "sleep" and "alcohol" paired with "adolescent" or "adolescence" or "young adult" or "emerging adult," focusing on the title/abstract fields, and restricting to English-language articles. Next, the search was narrowed to articles with a prospective/longitudinal or experimental design, a sleep-related measure as a predictor, an alcohol-related measure as an outcome, and confirming a primarily adolescent and/or young adult sample. This step was completed by a joint review of candidate article abstracts by two of the authors.
Search results: The initial search resulted in 720 articles. After review of the abstracts, the list was narrowed to 27 articles reporting on observational longitudinal studies and three articles reporting on intervention trials. Noted for potential inclusion were 35 additional articles that reported on studies with alcohol-related predictors and sleep-related outcomes, and/or reported on candidate moderators or mediators of sleep-alcohol associations. Additional articles were identified via review of relevant article reference lists and prior exposure based on the authors' previous work in this area.
Discussion and conclusions: Overall, the review supports a range of sleep/circadian characteristics during adolescence and young adulthood predicting the development of alcohol use and/or alcohol-related problems. Although sleep treatment studies in adolescents and young adults engaging in regular and/or heavy drinking show that sleep can be improved in those individuals, as well as potentially reducing alcohol craving and alcohol-related consequences, no studies in any age group have yet demonstrated that improving sleep reduces drinking behavior. Notable limitations include relatively few longitudinal studies and only two experimental studies, insufficient consideration of different assessment timescales (e.g., day-to-day vs. years), insufficient consideration of the multidimensional nature of sleep, a paucity of objective measures of sleep and circadian rhythms, and insufficient consideration of how demographic variables may influence sleep/circadian-alcohol associations. Examining such moderators, particularly those related to minoritized identities, as well as further inves
Purpose: Chronic alcohol use is a major cause of liver damage and death. In the United States, multiple factors have led to low utilization of pharmacotherapy for alcohol use disorder (AUD), including lack of provider knowledge and comfort in prescribing medications for AUD. Alcohol consumption has direct effects on the gut microbiota, altering the diversity of bacteria and leading to bacterial overgrowth. Growing evidence suggests that alcohol's effects on the gut microbiome may contribute to increased alcohol consumption and progression of alcohol-associated liver disease (ALD). This article reviews human and preclinical studies investigating the role of fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) in ameliorating alcohol-associated alterations to the liver, gut, and brain resulting in altered behavior; it also discusses the therapeutic potential of FMT.
Search methods: For this narrative review, a literature search was conducted in September 2022 of PubMed, Web of Science Core Collection, and Google Scholar to identify studies published between January 2012 and September 2022. Search terms used included "fecal microbiota transplantation" and "alcohol."
Search results: Most results of the literature search were review articles or articles on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease; these were excluded. Of the remaining empirical manuscripts, very few described clinical or preclinical studies that were directly investigating the effects of FMT on alcohol drinking or related behaviors. Ultimately, 16 studies were included in the review.
Discussion and conclusions: The literature search identified only a few studies that were directly investigating the effect of FMT on ALD or alcohol drinking and related behaviors. Largely proof-of-concept studies, these findings demonstrate that alcohol can alter the gut microbiome and that the microbiome can be transferred between humans and rodents to alter affective behaviors frequently associated with increased alcohol use. Other studies have shown promise of FMT or other probiotic supplementation in alleviating some of the symptoms associated with ALD and drinking. These results show that the implementation of FMT as a therapeutic approach is still in the investigatory stages.