The knowledge of the usefulness of plant species by the local population, is an important factor for their conservation. Ceratonia siliqua L; The carob tree, or El Kharoub in Arabic, is a Mediterranean tree with many virtues.
In Order to list the ethnobotanical knowledge, and the socio-economic importance, of Ceratonia siliqua L. (Fabaceae family); in the province of Setif (North-East of Algeria), individual ethnobotanical surveys, were organized, among the local population, using 180 questionnaire forms; the surveys collected sociodemographic data (age, gender, education level) and traditional knowledge on Certaonia siliqua L. (part used, mode of use, category of use, traditional recipe…)
The results, collected throughout the structured interview, were analyzed using quantitative indices, in terms of: Use values (UV); Relative Citation Frequencies (RCF): Diversity indice (ID) and Equitability indice (IE) of the respondent; and the Consensus Value of Use Type (Cs). In total, more than five categories of use of Ceratonia siliqua L. were identified by the different groups of respondents; of which the most cited are the food category (92.5%) and the medicinal category (85.5%); where nearly 15 diseases and symptoms are cured mainly by the fruit of Ceratonia siliqua. L.
In terms of economic importance, the sale of the fruits of Ceratonia siliqua L. (carob) is a potential source of income for the local population; it can provide up to 100,000 D.A per year.
The highest Use Value, are obtained among adults (UV = 5.82), men (UV = 5.74) and among the educated of average level (UV = 5.15). For the whole, the total diversity value, as well as the equitability value, are respectively 4.82 and 0.89, these values indicate a diversity and a homogeneity, of the knowledge of the populations, on the uses of the species. The results obtained, constitute a very valuable source of information, for the development of conservation strategies, and sustainable use of the target species, in the study area, and its products; and a database for future research in the field and for Ceratonia siliqua L.