DNA-Protein cross-links (DPCs) are cytotoxic DNA lesions with a protein covalently bound to the DNA. Although much has been learned about the formation, repair, and biological consequences of DPCs in the nucleus, little is known regarding mitochondrial DPCs. This is due in part to the lack of robust and specific methods to measure mitochondrial DPCs. Herein, we reported an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)-based method for detecting mitochondrial DPCs formed between DNA and mitochondrial transcription factor A (TFAM) in cultured human cells. To optimize the purification and detection workflow, we prepared model TFAM-DPCs via Schiff base chemistry using recombinant human TFAM and a DNA substrate containing an abasic (AP) lesion. We optimized the isolation of TFAM-DPCs using commercial silica gel-based columns to achieve a high recovery yield for DPCs. We evaluated the microplate, DNA-coating solution, and HRP substrate for specific and sensitive detection of TFAM-DPCs. Additionally, we optimized the mtDNA isolation procedure to eliminate almost all nuclear DNA contaminants. For proof of concept, we detected the different levels of TFAM-DPCs in mtDNA from HEK293 cells under different biological conditions. The method is based on commercially available materials and can be amended to detect other types of DPCs in mitochondria.
Environmental, endogenous and therapeutic alkylating agents can react with internucleotide phosphate groups in DNA to yield alkyl phosphotriester (PTE) adducts. Alkyl-PTEs are induced at relatively high frequencies and are persistent in mammalian tissues; however, their biological consequences in mammalian cells have not been examined. Herein, we assessed how alkyl-PTEs with different alkyl group sizes and stereochemical configurations (S P and R P diastereomers of Me and nPr) affect the efficiency and fidelity of transcription in mammalian cells. We found that, while the R P diastereomer of Me- and nPr-PTEs constituted moderate and strong blockages to transcription, respectively, the S P diastereomer of the two lesions did not appreciably perturb transcription efficiency. In addition, none of the four alkyl-PTEs induced mutant transcripts. Furthermore, polymerase η assumed an important role in promoting transcription across the S P-Me-PTE, but not any of other three lesions. Loss of other translesion synthesis (TLS) polymerases tested, including Pol κ, Pol ι, Pol ξ and REV1, did not alter the transcription bypass efficiency or mutation frequency for any of the alkyl-PTE lesions. Together, our study provided important new knowledge about the impact of alkyl-PTE lesions on transcription and expanded the substrate pool of Pol η in transcriptional bypass.
In the course of its short history, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has made a long journey from obscurity to the forefront of research on major biological processes. mtDNA alterations have been found in all major disease groups, and their significance remains the subject of intense research. Despite remarkable progress, our understanding of the major aspects of mtDNA biology, such as its replication, damage, repair, transcription, maintenance, etc., is frustratingly limited. The path to better understanding mtDNA and its role in cells, however, remains torturous and not without errors, which sometimes leave a long trail of controversy behind them. This review aims to provide a brief summary of our current knowledge of mtDNA and highlight some of the controversies that require attention from the mitochondrial research community.
DNA replication stress is a constant threat that cells must manage to proliferate and maintain genome integrity. DNA replication stress responses, a subset of the broader DNA damage response (DDR), operate when the DNA replication machinery (replisome) is blocked or replication forks collapse during S phase. There are many sources of replication stress, such as DNA lesions caused by endogenous and exogenous agents including commonly used cancer therapeutics, and difficult-to-replicate DNA sequences comprising fragile sites, G-quadraplex DNA, hairpins at trinucleotide repeats, and telomeres. Replication stress is also a consequence of conflicts between opposing transcription and replication, and oncogenic stress which dysregulates replication origin firing and fork progression. Cells initially respond to replication stress by protecting blocked replisomes, but if the offending problem (e.g., DNA damage) is not bypassed or resolved in a timely manner, forks may be cleaved by nucleases, inducing a DNA double-strand break (DSB) and providing a means to accurately restart stalled forks via homologous recombination. However, DSBs pose their own risks to genome stability if left unrepaired or misrepaired. Here we focus on replication stress response systems, comprising DDR signaling, fork protection, and fork processing by nucleases that promote fork repair and restart. Replication stress nucleases include MUS81, EEPD1, Metnase, CtIP, MRE11, EXO1, DNA2-BLM, SLX1-SLX4, XPF-ERCC1-SLX4, Artemis, XPG, and FEN1. Replication stress factors are important in cancer etiology as suppressors of genome instability associated with oncogenic mutations, and as potential cancer therapy targets to enhance the efficacy of chemo- and radiotherapeutics.
DNA is central to the propagation and evolution of most living organisms due to the essential process of its self-replication. Yet it also encodes factors that permit epigenetic (not included in DNA sequence) flow of information from parents to their offspring and beyond. The known mechanisms of epigenetic inheritance include chemical modifications of DNA and chromatin, as well as regulatory RNAs. All these factors can modulate gene expression programs in the ensuing generations. The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is recognized as a pioneer organism in transgenerational epigenetic inheritance research. Recent advances in C. elegans epigenetics include the discoveries of control mechanisms that limit the duration of RNA-based epigenetic inheritance, periodic DNA motifs that counteract epigenetic silencing establishment, new mechanistic insights into epigenetic inheritance carried by sperm, and the tantalizing examples of inheritance of sensory experiences. This review aims to highlight new findings in epigenetics research in C. elegans with the main focus on transgenerational epigenetic phenomena dependent on small RNAs.