[This corrects the article DOI: 10.2196/58878.].
Background: Frailty is associated with postoperative morbidity and mortality. Preoperative screening and management of persons with frailty improves postoperative outcomes. The Clinical Risk Analysis Index (RAI-C) is a validated provider-based screening tool for assessing frailty in presurgical populations. Patient self-screening for frailty may provide an alternative to provider-based screening if resources are limited; however, the agreement between these 2 methods has not been previously explored.
Objective: The objective of our study was to examine provider-completed versus patient-completed RAI-C assessments to identify areas of disagreement between the 2 methods and inform best practices for RAI-C screening implementation.
Methods: Orthopedic physicians and physician assistants completed the RAI-C assessment on veterans aged 65 years and older undergoing elective total joint arthroplasty (eg, total hip or knee arthroplasty) and documented scores into the electronic health record during their preoperative clinic evaluation. Participants were then mailed the same RAI-C form after preoperative evaluation and returned responses to study coordinators. Agreement between provider-completed and patient-completed RAI-C assessments and differences within individual domains were compared.
Results: A total of 49 participants aged 65 years and older presenting for total joint arthroplasty underwent RAI-C assessment between November 2022 and August 2023. In total, 41% (20/49) of participants completed and returned an independent postvisit RAI-C assessment before surgery and within 180 days of their initial evaluation. There was a moderate but statistically significant correlation between provider-completed and patient-completed RAI-C assessments (r=0.62; 95% CI 0.25-0.83; P=.003). Provider-completed and patient-completed RAI-C assessments resulted in the same frailty classification in 60% (12/20) of participants, but 40% (8/20) of participants were reclassified to a more frail category based on patient-completed assessment. Agreement was the lowest between provider-completed and patient-completed screening questions regarding memory and activities of daily living.
Conclusions: RAI-C had moderate agreement when completed by providers versus the participants themselves, with more than a third of patient-completed screens resulting in a higher frailty classification. Future studies will need to explore the differences between and accuracy of RAI-C screening approaches to inform best practices for preoperative RAI-C assessment implementation.
Background: Day surgery is being increasingly implemented across Europe, driven in part by capacity problems. Patients recovering at home could benefit from tools tailored to their new care setting to effectively manage their convalescence. The mHealth application ikHerstel is one such tool, but although it administers its functions in the home, its implementation hinges on health care professionals within the hospital.
Objective: We conducted a feasibility study of an additional patient-oriented implementation strategy for ikHerstel. This strategy aimed to empower patients to access and use ikHerstel independently, in contrast to implementation as usual, which hinges on the health care professional acting as gatekeeper. Our research question was "How well are patients able to use ikHerstel independently of their health care professional?"
Methods: We investigated the implementation strategy in terms of its recruitment, reach, dose delivered, dose received, and fidelity. Patients with a recent or prospective elective surgery were recruited using a wide array of materials to simulate patient-oriented dissemination of ikHerstel. Data were collected through web-based surveys. Descriptive analysis and open coding were used to analyze the data.
Results: Recruitment yielded 213 registrations, with 55 patients ultimately included in the study. The sample was characterized by patients undergoing abdominal surgery, with high literacy and above average digital health literacy, and included an overrepresentation of women (48/55, 87%). The implementation strategy had a reach of 81% (63/78), with 87% (55/67) of patients creating a recovery plan. Patients were satisfied with their independent use of ikHerstel, rating it an average 7.0 (SD 1.9) of 10, and 54% (29/54) of patients explicitly reported no difficulties in using it. A major concern of the implementation strategy was conflicts in recommendations between ikHerstel and the health care professionals, as well as the resulting feelings of insecurity experienced by patients.
Conclusions: In this small feasibility study, most patients were satisfied with the patient-oriented implementation strategy. However, the lack of involvement of health care professionals due to the strategy contributed to patient concerns regarding conflicting recommendations between ikHerstel and health care professionals.
Background: Postoperative delirium (POD) is a common complication after major surgery and is associated with poor outcomes in older adults. Early identification of patients at high risk of POD can enable targeted prevention efforts. However, existing POD prediction models require inpatient data collected during the hospital stay, which delays predictions and limits scalability.
Objective: This study aimed to develop and externally validate a machine learning-based prediction model for POD using routine electronic health record (EHR) data.
Methods: We identified all surgical encounters from 2014 to 2021 for patients aged 50 years and older who underwent an operation requiring general anesthesia, with a length of stay of at least 1 day at 3 Indiana hospitals. Patients with preexisting dementia or mild cognitive impairment were excluded. POD was identified using Confusion Assessment Method records and delirium International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes. Controls without delirium or nurse-documented confusion were matched to cases by age, sex, race, and year of admission. We trained logistic regression, random forest, extreme gradient boosting (XGB), and neural network models to predict POD using 143 features derived from routine EHR data available at the time of hospital admission. Separate models were developed for each hospital using surveillance periods of 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year before admission. Model performance was evaluated using the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC). Each model was internally validated using holdout data and externally validated using data from the other 2 hospitals. Calibration was assessed using calibration curves.
Results: The study cohort included 7167 delirium cases and 7167 matched controls. XGB outperformed all other classifiers. AUROCs were highest for XGB models trained on 12 months of preadmission data. The best-performing XGB model achieved a mean AUROC of 0.79 (SD 0.01) on the holdout set, which decreased to 0.69-0.74 (SD 0.02) when externally validated on data from other hospitals.
Conclusions: Our routine EHR-based POD prediction models demonstrated good predictive ability using a limited set of preadmission and surgical variables, though their generalizability was limited. The proposed models could be used as a scalable, automated screening tool to identify patients at high risk of POD at the time of hospital admission.
Background: In Canada, the health care system has been estimated to generate 33 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions annually. Health care systems, specifically operating rooms (ORs), are significant contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, using 3 to 6 times more energy than the hospital's average unit.
Objective: This quality improvement study aimed to investigate the knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of staff members and patients on sustainability in the OR, as well as identify opportunities for initiatives and barriers to implementation.
Methods: A total of 2 surveys were developed, consisting of 27 questions for staff members and 22 questions for patients and caregivers. Topics included demographics, knowledge and attitudes regarding environmental sustainability, opportunities for initiatives, and perceived barriers. Multiple-choice, Likert-scale, and open-ended questions were used.
Results: A total of 174 staff members and 37 patients participated. The majority (152/174, 88%) of staff members had received no and minimal training on sustainability, while 93% (162/174) cited practicing sustainability at work as moderately to extremely important. Among patients and caregivers, 54% (20/37) often or always noticed when a hospital is being eco-friendly. Both staff members and patients agreed that improving sustainability would boost satisfaction (125/174, 71.8% and 22/37, 59.4%, respectively) and hospital reputation (22/37, 59.4% and 25/37, 69.5%, respectively). The staff members' highest-rated environmental initiatives included transitioning to reusables, education, and improved energy consumption, while patients prioritized increased nature, improved food sourcing, and education. Perceived barriers to these initiatives included cost, lack of education, and lack of incentives.
Conclusions: Staff members and patients and caregivers in a large academic health care center acknowledge the significance of environmental sustainability in the OR. While they do not perceive a direct impact on patient care, they anticipate positive effects on satisfaction and hospital reputation. Aligning initiatives with staff members and patient and caregiver preferences can help drive meaningful change within the OR and beyond.
Background: At present, parents lack objective methods to evaluate their child's postoperative recovery following discharge from the hospital. As a result, clinicians are dependent upon a parent's subjective assessment of the child's health status and the child's ability to communicate their symptoms. This subjective nature of home monitoring contributes to unnecessary emergency department (ED) use as well as delays in treatment. However, the integration of data remotely collected using a consumer wearable device has the potential to provide clinicians with objective metrics for postoperative patients to facilitate informed longitudinal, remote assessment.
Objective: This multi-institutional study aimed to evaluate the impact of adding actual and simulated objective recovery data that were collected remotely using a consumer wearable device to simulated postoperative telephone encounters on clinicians' management.
Methods: In total, 3 simulated telephone scenarios of patients after an appendectomy were presented to clinicians at 5 children's hospitals. Each scenario was then supplemented with wearable data concerning or reassuring against a postoperative complication. Clinicians rated their likelihood of ED referral before and after the addition of wearable data to evaluate if it changed their recommendation. Clinicians reported confidence in their decision-making.
Results: In total, 34 clinicians participated. Compared with the scenario alone, the addition of reassuring wearable data resulted in a decreased likelihood of ED referral for all 3 scenarios (P<.01). When presented with concerning wearable data, there was an increased likelihood of ED referral for 1 of 3 scenarios (P=.72, P=.17, and P<.001). At the institutional level, there was no difference between the 5 institutions in how the wearable data changed the likelihood of ED referral for all 3 scenarios. With the addition of wearable data, 76% (19/25) to 88% (21/24 and 22/25) of clinicians reported increased confidence in their recommendations.
Conclusions: The addition of wearable data to simulated telephone scenarios for postdischarge patients who underwent pediatric surgery impacted clinicians' remote patient management at 5 pediatric institutions and increased clinician confidence. Wearable devices are capable of providing real-time measures of recovery, which can be used as a postoperative monitoring tool to reduce delays in care and avoidable health care use.