A new drug can have its origin in either pharma, biotech or academia. In general, discovery scientists working in pharma and biotech are advantaged over their academic counterparts and the relative advantages and disadvantages associated are discussed in depth. Against all odds, an increasing number of important drugs have had their origins in academia. This article reports three case studies from the Liotta Research Group (LRG), which explores the special circumstances that allowed these drug development campaigns to be successful. The first involves the antiretroviral agent, emtricitabine. In this case efficient synthetic methodology, developed in the LRG, coupled with some key university and commercial sector partnerships, enabled a group of academic collaborators to discover and develop a highly effective HIV reverse transcriptase inhibitor. The second case study involves the discovery and development of the breakthrough hepatitis C drug, sofosbuvir. Based on key input from Professors Schinazi and Liotta at Emory University, scientists at the Emory startup, Pharmasset, identified the nucleoside core of the drug that would become sofosbuvir. Subsequent analysis of its phosphorylation profile by Pharmasset scientists suggested that converting it to its corresponding monophosphate prodrug would circumvent a kinase block and enable it to be an effective hepatitis C polymerase inhibitor. The third case study describes the formation of DRIVE (Drug Innovation Ventures at Emory)/EIDD (Emory Institute for Drug Development), which were created to circumvent unintended impediments for carrying out academic drug discovery and development. Although DRIVE/EIDD is a wholly-owned, not-for-profit subsidiary of Emory University, it contains many attributes that enables it to operate much more nimbly than a typical academic laboratory. With an experienced drug development team and no shareholders to distract them, DRIVE/EIDD was able to focus its attention of the development of drugs to address viral diseases of global concern. In particular, their strategy to identify and develop an antiviral agent active against multiple single-stranded RNA viruses led to molnupiravir, a broadly active, oral drug that received Emergency Use Authorization for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infections (i.e., COVID-19).