Let ${Fgn}$ be the moduli space of $n$-pointed $K3$ surfaces of genus $g$ with at worst rational double points. We establish an isomorphism between the ring of pluricanonical forms on ${Fgn}$ and the ring of certain orthogonal modular forms, and give applications to the birational type of ${Fgn}$. We prove that the Kodaira dimension of ${Fgn}$ stabilizes to $19$ when $n$ is sufficiently large. Then we use explicit Borcherds products to find a lower bound of $n$ where ${Fgn}$ has nonnegative Kodaira dimension, and compare this with an upper bound where ${Fgn}$ is unirational or uniruled using Mukai models of $K3$ surfaces in $gleq 20$. This reveals the exact transition point of Kodaira dimension in some~$g$.