As noted in a parent newsletter, the inclusion of children and young adults with disabilities with other students in our schools will result in "an ever widening circle of people who believe that disabilities are a part of life, that people with disabilities are a part of [our] natural environment who should not be isolated, and that people with disabilities can have a positive effect on non-disabled people and the general community". All students can benefit from regular class activities even though the individual goals for some may be quite different. Such efforts are not always easy to implement, and depend on adequate support for both students and school personnel--but the benefits for all students are substantial. As one regular education teacher noted: "Above all, we want our kids to show concern for others, now and in their future days. Typical kids in integrated classrooms benefit because these goals are as much a part of their daily classroom experience as the 'academics'. In reality, I believe the academics are enhanced because of these goals." And this teacher observed: "I believe that all kids have a right to be in inclusive classrooms--to be educated with their peers. When everybody in a class is considered equal, some very great things will happen."