The late replication pattern of the short arms of the X chromosomes of Microtus agrestis was studied in female cells and in cells with 2 X chromosomes of male origin by means of the BUdR-Giemsa technique and of 3H-thymidine labelling. The light absorption of Giemsa stained chromosome sections which were unifilarly substituted with BUdR (labelled), was found to be 59.2% of that of unlabelled chromosomes. In female cells, asynchrony of DNA replication of both X chromosomes indicated the presence of facultative heterochromatin in the X2 and euchromatin in the X1. In the male cells only euchromatic X chromosomes were observed in diploid XX and XO cells as well as in triploid XXY, XX and XO cells. The results show that inactivation of an X chromosone in vitro, in cells with more than one originally active X chromosome does not occur even after a culture duration of several years.