When using an introcoronal precision attachment in a combined Fixed and Removable Prosthodontic case, the retention and appearance can be greatly improved. When taking into consideration these advantages one must not forget the disadvantages and possible violation of the biological principles of tooth preparation. Because in order to obtain a restoration with adequate contours it is necessary to reduce a significant amount of tooth structure. In this case the attachment is used in a catelever pontic avoiding any excessive tooth reduction. In metal-ceramic restorations it is important that a glazed surface be achieved upon completion because it enhances material strength and reduces plaque retention. This clinical report presents a step-by-step procedure using an intra-pontic attachment as a retainer for a removable partial denture. The procedural sequence assures optimal marginal integrity and glazed porcelain surfaces upon completion. A post-solder technique is recommended to assemble multi-abutment metal ceramic fixed partial dentures.