In the Nordic countries, Finland leads the sterilization statistics, but the proportion of men is smaller than in the other countries. In 1995, a project was started where men are offered vasectomy as an option of contraception. Vasectomy is a short, typical outpatient, easy-to-do operation. Only topical anaesthesia and a short sick leave are needed. Vasectomy is an efficient and cheap contraceptive method. After the operation, the sexual functions remain unchanged. Since there is hidden need for increasing vasectomy, what we need is more publicity and information. Neither clients nor professionals have enough knowledge about this method.
In the article, the Open Door for the Young, activity of the Finnish Population and Family Welfare Federation is introduced. The writer emphasizes the importance of cooperation and right timing in providing sexual advice to young people.
Despite of the many possibilities there are some situations where no method of contraception seems to be suitable. The reasons for this may be medical and clear such as rise of blood pressure, which is an obstacle to using combination pills. Sometimes a question arises, whether the feelings are really caused by the contraceptive method, or does the woman possibly blame contraception for some other reason.
With a decision of the Finnish Department of Health and Social Welfare the HIV-screenings have been extended from the beginning of the year. The most important reason for this is the development of the medical treatment. With the present treatment, the transmitting of the HIV-infection from mother to child can be prevented in most cases.
Is there any other positive reason for using a condom, from a man's point of view, than contraception and prophylaxy? There are no studies on the effects of using a condom on the sensation. The writer started a study on the topic.
In the article, a method developed by John Billings is introduced, based on the presumption that a woman will learn to know her fertile days and the day of ovulation by observing the consistency of the cervical mucus. The method has many uses. The woman gets to know her body and its functions. The woman can avoid becoming pregnant without long periods of continence and she can get pregnant when she wants it herself. The method can also provide help in various problems of childlessness.